Rukmu village Grom #Kalashvalleykpk
Bauk lake in the #Meadow of Rukmu kalash valleys.
Our Kalash valley
Discover kalash with us #Kakashsafarname
Our"Chawmos" festival
Kalash Valleys, also known as Kalasha Valleys, are home to three different valleys named Rumbur, Bumburet, and Birir. Situated in one of the remotest regions on earth, at the foothills of the Hindukush mountain range, these scenic valleys are home to one of the liveliest yet unexplored communities in the country, the “Kalashas”. The culture and festivities of the people living here are in stark contrast to the ruggedness and barrenness of the mighty mountains surrounding the valleys. Kalashas celebrate three major festivals: Chilam Joshi, Uchaw, and Chawmos to mark the seasonal changes. Since it’s the season of Chawmos, which is also known as the Kalash Winter Festival, let’s get to know what this amazing cultural event is all about.
the Pinnacle
The Pinnacle is local high point on the Blue Mountain ridge of the Appalachian Mountains. Due to its location on the Appalachian Trail, and its reputation as one of the best views in Pennsylvania, the Pinnacle is heavily used by hikers
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