Service Description
HQZ is a full service agency and sells standard travel agency goods and services, including airfare and travel packages. Additional services include assistance with passports, providing access to top-of-the-line equipment and supplies, and a superior offering that includes access to better than average terrain and activities, accommodations, and entertainment. The value added o
f HQZ offering is its knowledge and expertise, competitive rates, and specialty focus on adventure travel, which translates into increased satisfaction for the customer. Adventure travel is divided into two categories, hard and soft adventure. Both hard and soft adventures involve active and athletic activities. Hard adventure activities, as the name suggests, generally consist of activities that involve risk and athletic competence. Soft adventure activities are less physically demanding and more passive than their hard adventure counterparts. Economic indicators suggest that an increased demand for adventure travel services exists.HQZ can position itself as a niche service provider within the travel and tourism market and offer high quality travel packages for various sporting trips. HQZ will serve the adventure travel market as a top quality, full service provider. All suppliers with whom HQZ will deal will be top-notch professionals with accomplished backgrounds. If suppliers fail, at any time, to meet our rigid standards of quality, they will not be used. Competitive Comparison
The travel agency market is competitive, and technology, namely the Internet and Computerized Reservation Systems (CRS), has changed the way travel agencies operate. The Internet gives agencies and individuals the ability to perform travel related research. Discount air fare brokers have taken advantage of the Internet by offering tickets on line at discounted rates. This has increased price competition. Computerized Reservation Systems have increased the speed and efficiency of the agency to customer transaction. They have also increased the start-up costs for travel agencies who wish to be competitive. Moreover, industry competition and the increased number of travel options available have made it necessary for smaller travel agencies to establish themselves as specialists in one or more types of travel.HQZ has done this by positioning itself as an adventure travel specialist. HQZ has not identified a direct competitor in the greater Woodville area. However, a travel agency does not have to be an adventure travel specialist to book an adventure travel trip. Therefore, HQZ will compete with other Woodville area travel agencies as they offer alternatives to adventure travel, have the ability to arrange adventure travel themselves, and have the advantage of established relationships with clients. Sales Literature
Brochures for travel locations, rental car companies, entertainment, etc. are obtained from the wholesale houses and service providers with whom HQZ deals. Brochures for HQZ are handled by a local graphic arts company and are mailed to potential customers upon request. Additional literature such as direct mail, print ads, and sales promotion materials will be utilized as needed. HQZ will maintain a database from which customer/contact information will be drawn.