
FreeGallop The finest Polish adventure Imagine the horse astride which you are sat falling into gallop and the views becoming a high speed blur.

The wind sweeps over your face and you feel you could do anything in the world. You and the horse are as one, his muscles are yours, your breath is his; you're both fond of the speed and the freedom that comes with it. Neither one of you want to, but at last you must pause for breath. So you pick a hill upon which to stop and take the saddle of your 4-leg partner's back. You let him enjoy the soft

ness of the grass as he rolls his tiredness away. A low rumble sounds, and you are reminded where your stomach is, just as a hot dinner rides onto the table. Once you're so full with delicious food and ready to sleep, the guide makes a bonfire where stories and laughter circle around long into the night. You close your eyes which brings you back to the memories of the past day. Mysterious trails, fabulous forests, immense meadows, murmuring steams, equestrian adventures in Poland that will stay in your mind for the rest of your life.


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