Casa de Colina

Casa de Colina A recently renovated barn which once housed a large olive press, Casa de Colina lies in quiet, peaceful countryside.

There is a comfortable double bedroom upstairs with a sofa bed and chair in the living area. A completely up-to-date kitchen leads out to a patio area with its barbecue and furniture. The living area is complete with a satellite t.v., cd & dvd players, plus plenty of games and books to lose yourself in. The surroundings are rural and very peaceful, for those wishing to get to know the locals, ther

e are plenty of Festas (festivals) during the months of June, July and August. Walking and bicycle riding is common, and for those wanting to travel further afield, the city of Lisbon is approximately two hours drive and Porto one and three quarter hours away, however, the town of Ansiao which is five minutes away has all the amenities you could wish for, including a swimming pool, supermarket, accident and emergency department plus many bars, cafes and small shops. Locally there are many historic sites including the world famous Roman town of Conimbriga which is situated just south of Coimbra and only a short drive away from us. We have two bicycles available for anybody feeling energetic. A common feature of this part of Portugal is the river beach, and we have two within half and hours drive, the river beach is the Portuguese way of visiting the seaside without travelling too far!! It is simply a widened river with added sand, usually accompanied by a cafe and a bar. There is a parking area at the front of the house. Linen and towels are supplied as well as a small welcome pack. The owners live next door and will help out in any way they can.


John and Karen have left Casa de Colina, we will be re-opening a new, 2 bed place as soon as we can. Information will follow ASAP


The weather is still in the early 30's here in Ansiao. Ideal time to come and enjoy this beautiful part of the country.


It's 24 degrees C this afternoon, at last, it's started to warm up!!


20 degrees C today, such a relief from. All those storms we've had so far this year.


17 degrees C here today and the strawberries are going down lovely!!!


41.5 degree C at 3 pm this afternoon, Portugal, for one week only, is having a heat wave!! All the English are either in their pools or inside, the Portuguese are keeping to the shade.


Its 30 degres today, looks like being a long hot summer, we still have few weeks available in June and October.

If you would like to get away, get in contact with us and we will see what we can do. Email us on [email protected]


27oC Wednesday, 28oC Thursday, perfect weather for that long weekend or the few days in the sun that you have been promising yourselves!!


Happy and prosperous New Year to all of our clients, to those appreciated and to those yet to be met.


17 degrees in Leiria car park today, almost ashamed to have the turkey cooked on the BBQ.


29oC at 2pm yesterday afternoon, still great weather for exploring this Mediterranean country. Forget the heavy coat and brolly!!


It's 43 degree C in our back garden this afternoon


GPS 39.944156


It's 33 degrees C at the moment, pool, beer weather, it's meant to be 35 today and tomorrow


Medieval Market in Miranda do Corvo 30th April to 1st May 2016. Well worth the visit.


8th - 10th April - Medieval Market at Pombal Castle


Now a fully licensed establishment.


Feira dos Pinhões - Pine Nut Fair. Ansiao town centre
23rd + 24th January


Temperature still in the mid 20's, just right for putting your feet up and relaxing, or better still visiting some of the lovely local attractions and sampling the local food and wine.


Still 32oC outside and it's 6/9/15


GPS co-ordinates Latitude 40.7127837

Longitude -74.00594130000002

Get Address


The weather outside this afternoon is 37oC


Please note: you should have been told to leave this casa clean and tidy, this also includes the BBQ


Just worked it out, my round cost me £3.60.


Lovely meal at a local restaurant - Soup for starter, Mixed Grill for 2, Lamb chops (six in total) and grilled Perch, plenty of veg and potatoes, puddings all round, a few beers, some local wine and good company - 58 Euros, might be back next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Down the local bar with friends yesterday _ 2 White Wines, 2 Pints of the local draft beer and a 7UP, 4 Euros and 80 Cents!!!!!!!!!!!


Decided to spend the day on the sun lounger, large beer to my right and music from the local Festa filling the air. The ideal spot to relax.


37.5 oC in the back garden this afternoon, even though the weather report for Ansiao says only a height of 36 today.


Sat outside yesterday evening and watched as a large Eagle soared overhead looking for food - hid the kittens!!


Weather in the high 20's to middle 30's from now on, just shows that this is the ideal place to be at the moment. Lots of things to see and do now the 'Festa' season has started and a day at the beach is a very good idea. Just think, all those superb restaurants selling lots of fish, freshly caught that day and not forgetting, the incredible Italian ice-cream parlour at Nazare. If some of these ideas appeal to you, just visit the web site for more details on how to book, go on, do yourself a favour, have a well-earned break for a few days in the sun during the next couple of months.



Either ask us for pick up from either Porto or Lisbon airport or hire a car and make time to see the local sites

Informação geral

A renovated Olive Press to suit roughly 3 guests. 1 double bed upstairs and 1 double sofa bed downstairs. Placed in a quiet countryside road with excellent scenery. Plenty of countryside walks available and also one of the main old Roman Ruins, which is very impressive, containing numerous mosaics is only 15 minutes drive away



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