Official Language:
Arabic is the official language in Qatar, and English is widely spoken. Currency:
The official currency is the Qatari Riyals (QR). The exchange rate is set at USD 1 = QR 3.6. Public holidays:
National Day: 18 December
Eid Al-Fitr Holiday: celebrates the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan in the Islamic calendar. As the Islamic calendar moves on the lunar cycle
, the holiday dates change from year-to-year. In the current cycle, Ramadan falls in the summer months. Eid Al AdhaHoliday: Celebrates the "festival of sacrifice" in the Islamic religion. In the current cycle, and usually falls 2 months and 10 days after Eid Al Fitr, Eid Al Adha falls in the autumn months. National Sports Day: 2nd Tuesday of every February
Work Hours:
Government Offices typically are open from 6am or 7 am until 2 pm or 3pm. Private sector establishments vary, but many work on a standard 9am to 6pm Western timeframe. In either case, Friday and Saturday are the weekend holidays. Local time:
Greenwich Mean Time + 3 hours (GTM+3). Important information for expats moving to Qatar
It is common practice for tenants to transfer utilities into their name upon signing a rental contract with their landlord, and utility payment is typically the tenant's responsibility. In some cases and when advertised, the landlord may (especially as part of a marketing promotion for the unit) offer to cover certain or all of the utilities. Maid service
Maid service is more regularly available in Qatar than is typical in Western countries, and usually at a fraction of the cost. Maid service through agencies is available daily, weekly, or on set days per week,
depending on the tenant preference.