We are Industry Leader in the design and installation of LAN, WLAN networks and TELECOMMUNICATION systems, PLM (Product Life-cycle Management), Mobile security solutions.......
We nurture this mission by truly understanding our customer needs. We provide detail design, optimum solutions and quality implementation by our highly qualified and certified engineering teams. Our Management team prime
focus is to provide solutions and services with maximum performance, productivity and trained IT staff resources with optimize cost. Our quality and integrity are majors factors in winning the most critical projects. Long-term relationships with clients rely on a long legacy of delivering projects ahead of schedule and within budget. Overview:
We thrive in our Technology solutions through Leadership, Center of Excellence, Flexibility, Agility and Quality Culture. Our Delivery Methodologies are comprehensive to meet specific customer business needs. Projects progress from initial discovery phase to complete implementation based on Effective Communications, Project Reporting and Quality controls. We have built a solid reputation as the successful solutions provider through our extensive knowledge, expert workforce and our continued strategic alliances that have spanned over the years. Partners and Re-sellers:
PTC (CAD, CAM, PLM) re-seller and partner
Zenprise (Mobile Softwares) Re-seller & Partner
Cisco System Advanced Services Partner. Goal:
Our corporate goals are to provide the highest quality service, on time, within budget and focus on meeting and exceeding the customer's expectations. These goals are accomplished by using a system of quality control, developed by working closely with each individual customer. Using all forms of communication, we balance immediate results and long term benefits, define customer requirements utilizing minimal management and technical risk, develop a master plan, identify implementation steps, designate supervision and inspection teams and continually encourage feedback to our customers. The company is with a clear vision for the future that embraces our corporate philosophies as the backbone of our business.