When you know what's happening in your store you easily plan your sales, marketing and purchase strategies. In 2014, worldwide retail sales were $22 trillion and e-commerce was only $1.3 trillion of that. Even though brick-and-mortar retail accounted for 94% of the market, e-commerce has been the avenue grabbing all the attention over the last 10-15 years. We all know that omnichannel retailing is
key to retail success, which is why the retail industry is looking at innovative ways to revitalize the shopping experience at brick-and-mortar stores while, at the same time, giving brand owners the same consumer insights that e-commerce provides. These include real-time knowledge of how a consumer interacts with different products on the web, the time he/she spends interacting with a product and how many products are clicked on. The market is waiting to also get this kind of information from stores – and this is exactly what we provide. With our intelligent software tool BATmet™ our cutomers get ahead.