India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times

India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from India Herbs - Ancient Remedies for Modern Times, 239A Joo Chiat Road #02/00, Singapore.

India Herbs offers the highest quality natural medicine based upon 5,000 Year Old Ayurveda Medicine and formulated by a team of doctors with extensive clinical experience.

The tiniest tycoon: Boy, 8, is his own boss after starting internet business... selling marbles

Most 9-year-old boys would be playing in the playground, running around with toy spaceships making “Whoooosh!” noises, or glued to a television screen all day long.

Not Harli Jordean!

After the marble-crazy kid became disappointed over the lack of variety of marbles, he decided that he would sell his own. With help from his mother, Harli set up his very own website dedicated to selling marbles of all shapes, sizes, and colors. From tubs of marbles to £599 limited edition Duke of York solitaire tables, is a site for children and adults alike!

Harli holds the world record for being the youngest CEO in the world, at age 8!

Read on to discover how a boy’s simple passion turned into something HUGE.

Love marbles too? Check out Marble King! Visit

Know more about Harli here

Harli Jordean, from London, has been running the thriving website for two years. Now the company is turning over thousands of pounds a year.

Nerdy and Different: What X-Men Taught Me About Life

The world today is very different from the way it was before. I don’t mean advancements in technology nor economy; I mean the PEOPLE.

More and more often, we encounter individuals with medical disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, and Obsessive Compulsion Disorder (OCD).

For those of you that do suffer from these disorders, this isn't a dead-end. You are capable or more things than you can imagine!

Read on to learn how Amy Clover overcomes her OCD with, surprisingly, the X-Men. So all fans of Wolverine, listen up!

This is a guest post from Amy Clover, a good friend who has an amazing story to tell, and is about to start a fantastic adventure. "Will it be used for the greater good? Or will it be used for personal or for destructive ends? Now this is a question we must all ask ourselves.…

10 truths my children taught me | Life Well Shared

A child is the apple of every parent’s eye. Watching our children grow and develop is part of this rollercoaster ride called life.

Any good parent would teach their children moral values, right from wrong, and other essentials.

But sometimes, the mere innocence of youth teaches the parent even more valuable lessons.

Read this article to find out the 10 truths this parent was taught by her kids!

Here are some ways in which being a parent has helped me to become a better human being.

Richard Branson TED interview

Virgin Group's founder and chairman, Richard Branson's life had never been easy. Being dyslexic resulted in poor academic results. After transferring schools twice, Branson eventually dropped out completely. The struggling 16 year old then started a magazine called "The Student", which he ran from the crypt of a church.

So how did a man with no direction in life become the owner of over 400 companies of the Virgin Group... and the 4th richest man in the UK?

Check out this video!

Richard Branson talks to TED's Chris Anderson about the ups and the downs of his career, from his multibillionaire success to his multiple near-death experiences -- and reveals some of his (very surprising) motivations.

The Best Medicine | Reader's Digest Asia

Piper has never known a home beyond hospital walls.

Everytime Reagan and Jake Breinholt want to see their daughter, they have to travel for 30 minutes to get to her.

Piper has cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome (CCMS), a rare genetic disorder that affects the ribs, jaw and many other parts the of the body. As a result, Piper cannot breathe without breathing tubes attached to her neck.

Her survival is miraculous.

Reagan and Jake may not be able to give their "Pip-squeak" the life they imagined, but they are determined to grant her a loving and happy one.

Here's their story.

The Best Medicine | Reader's Digest Asia

The Generous Vegetable Seller | 2010 Asian of the Year | Reader's Digest Asia

Chen Shu-Chu has donated $321, 550 to charity, been featured in Forbes magazine, is a recipient of the TIME award in New York…… and is a meager vegetable seller.

Yes, you heard me right!

Chen’s frugality and determination to help the poor has allowed her to donate staggering amounts of money to various schools, orphanages, and monasteries. To her, all she needs is food on the table and a roof over her head. Everything else is a luxury.

Read her story and discover the will of a generous vegetable seller!

chen;vegetable stall;vegetable;vegetable seller;Vegetable Market heroine;Generous Vegetable Seller;stall;occasional afternoon customer;WINNER CHEN;stall owners;

Moving Windmills: The William Kamkwamba story

After dropping out of school because his parents could no longer afford the fees, William Kamkwamba of Malawi started to think of ways to harness the wind for something useful. After coming across a book about windmills, William built his first windmill at age 14. The other villagers thought William was crazy but he didn’t let that bring him down!

Watch this video for his Will’s windmill discovery!

William Kamkwamba's new book "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind," written with Bryan Mealer was released September 29th in the US.

The boy who sees without eyes - Extraordinary People

Ben Underwood loves to skate, play video games, cycle around the neighborhood, and have pillow fights with his siblings. Seems pretty normal, but Ben isn’t your typical teenager: He’s blind. Ben had both of his eyes removed at age 3 due to a very rare form of retinal cancer that occurs in infants.

But how did he accomplish feats that a blind person can only dream of? Ben mastered human echolocation. He detected the location of objects by making frequent noises with his tongue, just like dolphins!
Sadly, Ben died on January 19 2009 at age 16 from the same cancer that took his vision, but his legacy lives on.

Watch the rest of the story here and share with your friends and family.

The boy who sees without eyes - Extraordinary People A documentary about Ben Underwood, a boy who has taught himself to use echo location to navigate around ...

A Supermum with a lot of love to give | Reader's Digest 2011 ASIAN of the year winner

After taking on a teaching job in the northernmost province of Thailand, Suthasinee Noi-in discovered the immense suffering of HIV/AIDS-afflicted orphans.

Driven by compassion, Mae Tiew (as she is better known by) founded the Home Hug Orphanage and is dedicated to helping these children.

But that’s not it, Mae Tiew isn’t well and has been suffering from intestinal cancer for many years.

Here’s her story.

Even with a fatal cancer eating away at her little by little, this strong-willed woman will not give up on saving the lives of hundreds of HIV/AIDS orphans

Why New Years Resolution’s Suck (And How to Fix Them)

I went for my yoga class last Sunday, and my jaw dropped when I saw how almost every single yoga mat in the room was filled up. For most part of the year, the yoga center is pretty quiet. Then it hit me: “Oh, New Year’s Resolutions…”

At the start of the New Year, many of us spontaneously produce a lengthy list of resolutions. By the end of January, most of those resolutions are promptly forgotten. It has only been a week but how well are you keeping up with your resolutions?

They aren't the easiest to maintain. Experts recommend setting simple goals that makes it REAL easy to accomplish. This is key when building habits! So simple, that you have absolutely ZERO excuses to even skip them!

Read this light-hearted article by personal trainer Steve Kamp and find out how you can make those fitness resolutions last!

Did you go to the gym in the last week? If so, you probably noticed every single cardio and weight machine taken up by eager beavers working hard on their New Year's resolutions to "work out more!" and "get healthy!" Who knows, maybe even the buried-in-the-back free weight section is busier than us...

Boy, 14, Starts Charity To Change World With $2

“Together, we are the lever. You are the lever. It’s time to move the Earth.”

Call him a dreamer, but this 14-year-old truly believes that he can change the world with only $2! Oregon teen Julien Leitner founded the Archimedes Alliance, a charity that asks 1 million people to donate just $2 each for a worthy cause. What started as a goal to raise $2 million has already resulted in almost $19,000 as of 3rd Jan 2013.

Hard to believe?

Check out here for full story and check out Julien’s promotional video too!
If you want to know more or make a donation, visit’s his official site at

Have a wonderful week everyone!

According to 14-year-old Julien Leitner, $2 can change the world. Last year the Oregon teen created a charity designed to do just that.

Soichiro Honda Biography: A Great History of Japanese Car Manufacturer

Ridicule, War, and Poverty are some of the many portholes that dotted Soichiro Honda’s road to success. Soichiro fell into every one of them but as quickly as he fell, he pulled himself back up. He never showed fear in the face of failure. Though many saw him as a laughing stock, he continued to experiment and he wasn’t afraid to be challenged.

Now, it would probably impossible to find a person that hasn’t heard Honda Motor Company, Ltd.

Read on, and have a great weekend! Stay Healthy!

In this article we will share a story about Soichiro Honda biography. It was the man who changed a usual view on traditions of running business.

9 Daily Habits That Will Make You Happier

These days, people seem to associate “happiness” with material gain. iPhone? Delighted. Penthouse? Awesome. Ferrari? Over the moon!

Such items may provide some pleasure, but do they grant genuine happiness? By “genuine happiness”, I mean BOTH physical and mental happiness.

Funnily enough, it’s the simplest of things that allow you to achieve genuine happiness. Smiling at a random person, or waking up with positive expectations are some ways.

Read and adopt these 9 simple habits that will make you happier! When was the last time you were really happy?

These minor changes in your daily routine will make a major difference in your life and career.

Keep your dream | Moral Stories

I envision life as a tank of crabs. Everytime a crab tries to crawl out of the tank, two or three others pull it back down. It’s the same as our hopes and dreams being stomped on by mean individuals.

But no matter how many crabs there are in the tank, I refuse to remain trapped. I will fight to complete my dream, and you should too! Don’t let others tell you what you can do and what you can’t. It’s YOUR life, not theirs!

Read on to learn Monty’s story of how he held fast to his dream, in spite of his horrible school teacher. Live the dream!

I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at

12 Amazing Success Stories of Unlikely Entrepreneurs

It’s amazing. Yet another year has flown by, and everyone’s counting down the hours to the next one. 2012 has been a great year for some and a bleak one for others, but it is time to wipe the slate clean. We are going to look at 2013 in a positive light and tackle anything that comes our way. Let’s start this year right with some inspiration!

Coming up, we have not one but 2 terrific articles for you! Both are about some of the most unlikely people whose “crazy” ideas went on to take over the world. Read on to unravel how Ben and Jerry’s, Juicy Couture, Google, and Ford made their names!

Have an awesome year, and thank you to everyone for supporting us at India Herbs!

This is a guest post by Merrin Muxlow from Resource Nation. One of my favorite Business Pundit posts of all time profiles 25 visionary entrepreneurs who

Blind Painter (Texas Country Reporter)

John Bramblitt lost his eyesight to epilepsy when he was an undergraduate in Creative Writing. Although he felt angry and dejected at first, he decided to remain optimistic and aspire even more to teach Creative Writing and Classical Literature. Soon, John will be graduating from the University of North Texas.

Losing his eyesight has also sparked his interest for painting. Such a talented painter, he is!

Enjoy this video and marvel over this boy’s “blind ambition”. Have a great weekend everyone and stay healthy!

University of North Texas (UNT) student John Bramblitt paints beautiful works of art in vivid colors, despite the fact that he's been blind for years.

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

Everyone loves Apple. Without Apple, personal computers and the whole range of iPhones, iPads, and iPods might have been non-existent!

True, we all know about Apple. But what many of us don’t know are the trials and tribulations that Apple’s co-founder, the late Steve Jobs, had to undergo to push Apple all the way to the top.

Watch this video and remember: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish #!

Here we see Steve Jobs delivering his commencement speech to the graduates of Stanford University in 2005. In it he talks about getting fired from Apple in 1...

Asian of the Year 2012 - Honourable Mention | Reader's Digest Asia

Despite his youth, 16-year-old Ali Shahbaz is passionate about “going green”. The young Pakistani knows exactly what his country needs to develop on environmental issues.

From the moment Ali found out the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) was to take place that June, he began an unyielding crusade to convince that his generation needed to be represented.

Read on to track this young environmental activist’s rise to victory, all the way to winning the Asian of the Year Award - Honorable Mention!

Asian of the Year 2012 - Honourable Mention | Reader's Digest Asia

How to Start Over: 3 Inspiring Real-Life Stories - Goodlife Zen

When life throws you lemons, make lemonade! Many of us have dug ourselves into holea without any clue as to how to crawl out.

Read on to discover three amazing women who defy the odds to get they're lives back on track!

Here are three inspiring stories by Goodlife ZEN readers. Each one them had to start over and struggle through a new beginning.

God Made Me Blind -- Big Deal | Inspire 21

"I mean, God made me blind and didn't give me the ability to walk. I mean, big deal."

Patrick Henry Hughes plays the piano and trumpet, attends the University of Louisville and is part of its marching band. But Patrick isn't your average 18-year-old; He was born blind and a cripple. Believe it or not, Patrick feels that he is not missing out a thing in spite of his condition!

Read on to discover a boy who overcomes his disabilities through his love for music.

Blind, Wheelchair-Bound Student, Patrick Henry Hughes, plays the Piano, is a Member of the Band and Doesn't See His Physical Shortcomings


Is your glass half empty, or half full?

We all go through those times where no light seems to shine through all the doom and gloom. But with positive thinking, we can create new openings.

Have you ever considered whether optimism could actually save your life? Incredulous as it seems, check out this link for a wonderful story that illustrates just that. Enjoy!


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We are offering free medical consultation to help you figure out the way to a healthier you. Get your personalized advice based on Ayurveda now.


I first heard of Nick Vujicic last year and I have been a huge fan ever since! Here’s my favorite video of his.

Spare some time today and watch this. It’s DEFINITELY life-changing!

Nick was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. Now, he spreads his unconditional love and message of hope all around the world. In this video, good-humored Nick talks about being true to oneself and loving people for who they are. Watch it, and marvel over how Nick overcomes some of the toughest hurdles in life.

If you ever get the opportunity to meet Nick, be sure to say “hi” and give him a hug! He loves them!

Here's the link for the full video!

Recipe for Inspiration | Everyday Heroes | Reader's Digest Asia

“It is difficult to make ends meet but I don’t lose hope. I believe anything is possible if you dream, work hard and pray.”

Maricel lost both of her hands when her uncle’s farm was brutally attacked by claim-jumpers. Life after the tragedy was discouraging but she refused to let this bring her down.

Unravel Maricel’s inspiring story on how she fought the odds to become a pastry chef in one of Manila’s finest hotel, the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel.

With her physical disability, this pastry chef has defied the odds and is truly inspirational

Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!

Meet Arthur, a disabled war veteran that weighs 297 pounds and needs two knee braces, a back brace, and two canes to get around. Doctors told him time after time that he would never be able to walk unassisted ever again. Arthur was close to giving up, until he discovered Yoga. Watch Arthur soar!

If this story can inspire someone you know, please share it with them! Arthur's story is highlighted from the beginning, in the upcoming documentary, INSPIRE...

The important things in life | Moral Stories

When was the last time YOU sat down and thought about the most important things in life? Is it your family, your career, or that Ferrari in your front porch?

What are the things you simply cannot live without?

I want to share this beautiful story about a professor who teaches his pupils a valuable lesson with rocks, pebbles, sand, and an old mayonnaise jar.

I hope you all enjoyed it. Have a wonderful weekend. Stay healthy!

A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty


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India Herbs Leading Edge News

The Daniela Garcia Story | Reader's Digest

I came across this article in the Reader’s Digest, and I think that all of us can come away with something from it…

Daniela’s life was perfect. She came from a loving family, had a steady boyfriend, and was acing her way through one of the top medical schools in Chile. Her dream of becoming a doctor was slowly falling into place. But all that threatened to change when she lost four things: Her limbs.

Read more to find out how Daniela gathers the courage to face the world again.

Daniela, refusing to let her disabilities hold her back, has become the world’s first quadrilateral amputee physician

TEDxToronto - Neil Pasricha "The 3 A's of Awesome"

I want to wish you all an A-A-AWESOME week! Check out the video to see what i mean by AWESOME and all those extra "A"s...

TEDxToronto is the official TEDx conference for Toronto, Canada. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, it brings together the city's foremost thought leade...


Hello beautiful people! Time flies when you are having fun! Weekend is here again! Have you checked out our latest newsletter edition? Yes, it is out! We have a lot of wonderful promotions going! Have a read and enjoy the great discounts! Send us a message or write on our wall if you have any questions! :)

We are in the midst of compiling our French and Portuguese newsletters. As soon as they are ready, we will notify you!

November Newsletter (English):

November Newsletter (Spanish):


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