Analyse du Professeur d'Etudes Strategiques A Montreal, Charles-Philippe David. « Cela fait maintenant plus de 25 ans que j'enseigne la stratégie. Dans ma carrière, j'ai eu affaire à de
'The Year of Return' was a great idea but wouldn't it be GREATER if EACH West African country was hi
SenegalStyle Street
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'The Year of Return' was a great idea but wouldn't it be GREATER if ALL the West African countries involved in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade WELCOMED the descendants of the enslaved BACK TO AFRICA? I know, I know, it’s not that we were ‘unwelcomed’ but if you have lived in The Motherland and opened a tourism business (because you saw a need for our people to have a ‘safe space’ and be around familiar folks like I did), you know what I’m talking about.
Sometimes skinfolk ain’t kinfolk - let’s tell the truth and shame the devil!
Now then, with Nigeria stepping up to the plate and Benin trying to get in the game as well, after looking at the ummm interesting stories of price gouging coming out of Ghana I was wondering how many Black American people went thru ADOS companies, stayed at ADOS properties and were guided by ADOS tour operators? Then I got to thinking that maybe there should be some type of directory that was easily accessible to people wanting to do business with OUR TRIBE - because let’s be real, it’s very difficult for us to build a path for others to follow if they aren’t coming through our doors.
Just like in the US, they disburse all their money and resources to everyone BUT US.