Liberty International Ukraine

Liberty International Ukraine Liberty International Ukraine - DMC Travel company a part of Liberty International Tourism Group


As part of the policy of ensuring the transparency of the activity of the Charity Fund "UNITED FOR VICTORY FOUNDATION", we inform you of the following:
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Шановні друзі, колеги та партнери!Нещодавно, наша компанія почала співпрацю з БО «Благодійний фонд «Фундація об’єднаних ...

Шановні друзі, колеги та партнери!
Нещодавно, наша компанія почала співпрацю з БО «Благодійний фонд «Фундація об’єднаних для перемоги» для підтримки наших військових та цивільних. Прошу долучитись до підтримки всіх небайдужих. Реквізити фонду за посилання
Або для оплат картою.

лайк та репост вітається!

Dear friends, colleagues, and partners!
Recently, our company started cooperation with BO "Charitable Foundation "United for Victory Foundation" to support our military and civilians. Please join the support of everyone who cares. Details for donations can be found here:
Or donations by credit card.

off course like and repost are welcome!

Сайт було розроблено спеціально для Благодійної Організації “Благоднійний фонд “Фундація об’єднаних для перемоги” – БО “БФ “ФО ДЛЯ ПЕРЕМОГИ”


New Destination Alert! We are proud to announce that Liberty International is now available in Iceland and Switzerland.

Our extends its warmest welcome to our new colleagues Halldór Kvaran, CEO Liberty Iceland and Briss Mathur, CEO Liberty Switzerland.

🇮🇸 🇨🇭

31! Happy birthday Dear will be only better!

31! Happy birthday Dear will be only better!


"At The Core, Businesses Are Simply Human Endeavors, We Work With People And We Work For People, As Long As We Remember That, We Will Touch Lives." Mario Enzeshberger - Group CEO.


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Maslenitsa for Ukrainians, which will take place from February 28 to March 6, is an excellent occasion to spend the wint...

Maslenitsa for Ukrainians, which will take place from February 28 to March 6, is an excellent occasion to spend the winter and meet the spring. Who doesn't love delicious pancakes with a variety of aromatic fillings? 🥞 Our ancestors spent the whole week having fun, eating pancakes, singing and dancing. We invite you to join the celebration of Maslenitsa in Ukraine!

🔸 Large-scale festivities will be held at VDNKh in Kyiv. Bright performances by famous artists, a performance based on folklore, a fire show and prize draws.
🔸In Pirogovo, the national museum of folk architecture and life, guests will enjoy the performances of folk art and amateur groups, visit thematic fairs and, of course, eat delicious pancakes!
🔸 Mass festivities will be held in Kyiv in Landscape Alley and in Feofania Park.
🔸 The ethnographic complex "Ukrainian village" is the place where you should go in search of an unforgettable flavor of the Ukrainian village of the early 19th century. The program of Maslenitsa celebrations includes folk amusements for children and adults, songs and the burning of a straw effigy - a symbol of winter!
🔸 Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky is one of the oldest cities in the Kyiv region. An excursion to the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of the Middle Dnieper will not leave you indifferent! Master classes from the masters of folk art, exciting competitions with prizes for adults and children, a souvenir fair and much more.
🔸 In Dikanka you will visit the Arc de Triomphe, built in honor of the victory over Napoleon and the St. Nicholas Church and, of course, you will enjoy this super holiday - Maslenitsa !

We look forward to seeing you in Ukraine! Let's celebrate together!

Congratulations on International Tourist Guide Day! 🌎 Professional guides know the most amazing stories about the countr...

Congratulations on International Tourist Guide Day! 🌎 Professional guides know the most amazing stories about the countries. With their help, tourists' travel becomes a little more interesting! Оn the Day of the guide, many cities around the world hold events dedicated to the holiday. We sincerely congratulate our colleagues, wish the most grateful clients and success in the professional field!

Вітаємо з Міжнародним днем екскурсовода! 🌎 Туристичні гіди знають найдивовижніші історії та роблять подорожі туристів цікавішими! У цей День в багатьох країнах проводяться заходи, присвячені святу. Щиро вітаємо наших колег, бажаємо найвдячніших клієнтів та професійних успіхів!

Today is European Cat Day! 🐱 We love our pets. And in honor of them, we will tell you about the cutest cat monuments in ...

Today is European Cat Day! 🐱 We love our pets. And in honor of them, we will tell you about the cutest cat monuments in Kyiv!
🔸 Amazing cats on Landscape Alley delight with their charm! A 30-meter blue centipede cat, whose mouth has become a super location for photo shoots, small mosaic cats, a cat in a fountain, a Cheshire cat with a delightful smile. The author is the sculptor Konstantin Skritutsky.
🔸 The cat monument is dedicated to the fluffy Persian cat Panteleimon, who liked to have a bite to eat at the Italian restaurant "Pantagruel" on the Golden Gates. Alas, the cat died in the fire. Rumor has it that if you make a wish and rub the ears and tail of a cat, the wish will come true!
🔸 The original cat, made of 600 plastic forks, proudly sits on one of the trees on the Golden Gate Square.
🔸 The monument to the cat is located on Voznesensky Descent on the chimney of an old wooden house No. 13.
🔸 On Vorovsky Street, a cat meets visitors to a local restaurant, sitting on a balcony.
🔸 A graceful cat lives on Andreevsky Descent on the sign of the restaurant. A light bulb on his tail illuminates the street at night.
🔸 The wooden cat is located on the summer terrace of the cafe in the Kiev Hydropark.
🔸 The cat from the film "The meeting place cannot be changed" is part of the monument to the workers of the criminal investigation department.
🔸 Cat Tyapa lived an adventurous life, although after an injury he received when he was still young, his life could not be long. In 2008, he was gone. The sculpture was installed in the park of Kyoto on the alley of Sakura.
🔸 The bronze handsome cat on Rusanovskaya embankment is part of the sculptural composition "Ladder".
🔸 The house with cats is located on Gogolevsky street.
🔸 The high relief of a cat on the facade of a gray building with a tower in Pechersk, known as the Kovalevsky Mansion, invariably attracts the attention of Kievans and tourists!
🔸 A monument to Mikhail Bulgakov was erected on Vozdvizhenka. A cat sits next to the writer, symbolizing the character of the novel The Master and Margarita.
These monuments personify our love for independent, proud, affectionate and cute cats!

🔶 7 super facts about 𝗢𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮Gorgeous sea, golden beaches, hospitable people! Great poets worked here, and films loved by...

🔶 7 super facts about 𝗢𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮
Gorgeous sea, golden beaches, hospitable people! Great poets worked here, and films loved by many were born at the Odessa film studio. The city's history is very interesting. 𝟭𝟬 amazing facts about Odessa!
🔸 Odessa catacombs are the largest in the world. According to various estimates, the length of the catacombs is from 2,500 to 4,000 km. According to legend, the treasures of the famous local “Robin Hood” Mishka J*p and the treasures of Odessa smugglers are hidden in the depths of the catacombs.
🔸 In the turret of house No. 5 on Preobrazhenskaya Street there is the Odessa Lighthouse, which, together with the Vorontsovsky Lighthouse, helps ships that enter the port.
🔸 In Odessa there is a street named after the twin city - Genoese. And in the Italian Genoa there is an Odessa street - Via Odessa.
🔸 The Italian Franz Morandi since 1845 was the chief architect of Odessa. He created a synagogue at the corner of Richelieu and Jewish, developed the General Plan of the city, expanded Alexander Avenue etc. He also created many houses on Kanatnaya, Troitskaya, Richelieu, Primorsky Boulevard, Polskaya Street, Catherine Square, Marazlievskaya, Pushkinskaya and so on.
🔸 The biggest animal in Odessa is Wendy the Asian elephant, the most expensive animal to keep. Daily Wendy eats up to 120 kilograms!
🔸 The largest beach in Ukraine is Luzanovka. The length is 1.5 km, the width reaches 80 meters, and the area is 89 thousand m2.
🔸 In Odessa, there are sections with partial left-hand traffic in Odessa - in Vysoky Lane and on Italian Boulevard.
🔸 The Odessa Archeological Museum keeps the gold coin of Prince Vladimir - the first gold coin of Kievan Rus!
🔸 At the corner building on Catherine and Grecheskaya streets there is the longest balcony in Europe. It completely frames the entire building, without interruption.
🔸 The monument to Darth Vader in Odessa was created by Alexander Milov. Earlier on this place there was a monument to Lenin. Odessa residents did not demolish the monument to Lenin, they simply “put on” a sculpture of Vader on top of it.
Welcome to Odessa!

Liberty Ukraine team wishes you  a  happy St.Valentine's day! ❤

Liberty Ukraine team wishes you a happy St.Valentine's day! ❤

What do you know about 𝗞𝘆𝗶𝘃? 𝟭𝟱 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀  about the wonderfull capital of Ukraine!🔸 One of the symbols of Kyiv is the chest...

What do you know about 𝗞𝘆𝗶𝘃? 𝟭𝟱 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘀 about the wonderfull capital of Ukraine!
🔸 One of the symbols of Kyiv is the chestnut leaf.
🔸 From a height, the outlines of the right-bank part of Kyivresemble the profile of a person.
🔸 The Arsenalna Kyiv metro station is the deepest in the world, its platform and the earth's surface are separated by 105.5 meters!
🔸 In the 11th century, Kyiv was the largest city in Europe - the number of Kievans was 50 times the number of Londoners and 10 times the population of Paris.
🔸 The oldest tree in Kyiv grows on Osypowski Street - the oak is 600 to 700 years old.
🔸 Kyiv subway station "Zoloti Vorota" is included in the rating of the most beautiful metro stations in Europe.
🔸 In the 1960s, a Kyiv engineer invented a trolleybus train - soon 296 of these trains began to run through the streets of Kyiv!
🔸 The sites of ancient people on the site of modern Kyiv already existed 25,000 years ago.
🔸 The oldest Kyiv street is Vladimirskaya, laid more than 1000 years ago, the longest is Brovarsky Prospect (14 kilometers).
🔸 The most popular tourist destination in Kiev has been and remains the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, which is visited by over a million people every year!
🔸 The shortest route of transport in Kyiv is the funicular, the end stations, of which are separated by only 222 meters.
🔸 The tallest building in Kyiv remains the TV tower, erected in the 1970s.
🔸 The world's only monument to a garbage truck has been installed in Kyiv.
🔸 There are no bells in St. Andrew's Church in Kyiv - in ancient times, the people of Kyiv were afraid that the ringing of bells could lead to the return of underground rivers to these places, capable of flooding the entire district.
🔸 The shortest and the widest main street in the capital cities of Europe is Khreschatyk, only 1300 meters long and as much as 75 meters wide.

Hospitable Kyiv is waiting for guests, the city will delight you with luxurious hotels, beautiful picturesque places, delicious national dishes, lively energy of the capital and the most amazing architectural sights! And we are ready to organize your journey to the Ukrainian capital!

Today is the most delicious holiday - Pizza Day! We present to you TOP 5 Kyiv pizzerias, where you can taste delicious I...

Today is the most delicious holiday - Pizza Day! We present to you TOP 5 Kyiv pizzerias, where you can taste delicious Italian pizza!

🔸 𝗧𝗶𝘁𝗸𝗮 𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗮
The home Italian cafe in Podil near the Zhytniy market fell in love with the guests with amazingly tasty pizza, friendly service and pleasant atmosphere. On the menu you will see different pizzas: Margarita, Burrata, Neapolitan. The cozy cafe consists of two floors, and in summer guests are located on a spacious terrace. Delivery in Podil is free of charge, and delivery to other areas is possible when ordering from 600 hryvnias.
𝘒𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘺𝘷𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘵, 1/2𝘌

🔸 𝗠𝗶𝗺𝗼𝘀𝗮 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗹𝘆𝗻 𝗣𝗶𝘇𝘇𝗮
A spacious family pizzeria in Bessarabka offers delicious "Brooklyn pizza" with a crispy crust. The dishes here are exceptionally delicious. We recommend that you reserve a table in advance, because there are quite a lot of guests here.
𝘴𝘵. 𝘉𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘢 ½

🔸 𝗔𝘃𝘁𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝘆𝗮
In the premises of the station "Podil '' guests are greeted by a cozy establishment "Avtostanciya". People love historical Podil, and this place conveys its atmosphere. Pizza is made using five-flour dough, which is aged for 72 hours and baked in an electric oven. The menu changes according to the season and is also updated regularly.
𝘕𝘪𝘻𝘩𝘯𝘺 𝘝𝘢𝘭 𝘴𝘵., 15-𝘈

🔸 𝟰𝟱 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁
45 Restaurant is a luxurious establishment on Khmelnitsky Street. Lovers of classic Italian cuisine will be delighted! The menu includes an exquisite "Margarita" , "Cheese", pizza with dried meat and much more. It's very cozy here!
𝘴𝘵. 𝘉𝘰𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘒𝘩𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘴𝘬𝘰𝘩𝘰, 45𝘉

🔸 𝗣𝗶𝘇𝘇𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗮 𝗡𝗮𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗲
The legendary pizzeria Napule is a real Italian oasis in the heart of Kiev. More than 30 types of delicious pizzas are cooked in a wood-fired oven under the supervision of Giuseppe Irollo, a pizza chef from Naples. Since February 2008, pizzeria Napule has been "certified by the Association of Authentic Neapolitan Pizzas".
𝘴𝘵. 𝘔𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘰𝘷𝘢, 9

Happy Pizza Day! And of course our great team is always ready to help you organize your unique and comfortable stay in our country.

A new premium resort has opened in Zakarpattia. 🔸 Verkhovyna Resort Medical & Wellness is located on top of a mountain 2...

A new premium resort has opened in Zakarpattia. 🔸 Verkhovyna Resort Medical & Wellness is located on top of a mountain 260 m above sea level, just 15 km from Uzhhorod. The chic five-star hotel opened on 15 December 2021. On its territory there are: a cozy, elegant hotel, 2 restaurants with the best dishes, 5 bars, a conference hall for 200 people, a spa, a medical center, an aesthetic medicine center, a palace pool, a fitness hall, an entertainment center and more.

There is also a panoramic terrace, observation tower and bath spa complex. Ecologically clean region - the optimal location for recovery! Package tours are available for 7, 10, 14 and 21 days! The complex is waiting for guests!

Today is Bartender's Day! On this occasion, we present to you the best bars in Kiev, which are worth visiting!🔶 The BarO...

Today is Bartender's Day! On this occasion, we present to you the best bars in Kiev, which are worth visiting!

🔶 The Bar
One of the most popular bars - The Bar is located on the Arena above The Burger, is open from 6 pm to 6 am. Here, chic author's cocktails and alcohol are poured, there are two spacious halls and the most fashionable DJs! Cocktail prices start from 180 UAH.
🔸 The address: st. Velyka Vasylkivska, 5 (Arena City, entrance inside)

🔶 Charles Baker
You can visit it with a special code word. The "closed club of gentlemen" fell in love with the people of Kyiv. In order to get into the bar, you should go to the bar's website and answer questions. If you answer correctly, you will receive a login password by email. In the bar menu, guests will see exquisite signature cocktails. The amazing atmosphere will allow you to relax. Prices for cocktails start from 160 UAH.
🔸 The address: st. Velyka Vasylkivska, 63

🔶 Barman Dictate
One of the most favorite places in Kyiv! Here you will see a spectacular collection of alcoholic drinks located behind the bar. You can also have a snack in the bar: appetizers, salads, fish, meat and pasta for every taste! The bar often plays live music and various presentations are held. Cocktails start from 185 UAH and above.
🔸 The address: st. Khreshchatyk, 44B

Great bar in Podil. Classic and the signature cocktails, on-site and take-away, popular DJ performances and a great bar atmosphere. In the bar menu, you can find wonderful cocktails, a large selection of different alcohol, several snacks and delicious desserts.
🔸 The address: st. Sahaydachniy, 6A

🔶 Pink Freud KYIV
A stunning bar in Podil offers guests exclusive signature cocktails and a unique menu, in which all drinks are distributed along two vectors of tastes - from sour to sweet, from strong to light. Delicious and hearty food burgers and steaks, snails and chebureki, hummus and baked camembert - will definitely give you pleasure.
🔸 The address: st. Lower Val, 19
The capital of Ukraine is waiting for guests! And we are always happy to organize the most interesting trip for you!

Liberty Ukraine - DMC in Ukraine since 2008. Our team, who have more than 15 years experience in the travel business, pr...

Liberty Ukraine - DMC in Ukraine since 2008. Our team, who have more than 15 years experience in the travel business, provides all kinds of services for Leisure groups FIT, VIP groups, MICE, Sport Events and business travel. We are proud to be a part of Liberty International Tourism group ( ).

🔶 We cover the whole Ukraine and can provide services in any place of our country, we have direct contracts with more than 1000 hotels in the whole Ukraine, our own air ticket department, train & bus ticket department.

🔶 Our team has great experience with all types of clients. We did:
🔸 FIT and VIP tours
🔸 Leisure programs and trips for people from all over the world
🔸 Events and Incentives for TOP and well known world brands
🔸 Hundreds of different conferences, meetings, presentations, education or study programs, round tables and many other events.
🔸 Organize trips and different events for many Government groups, European and World associations, etc.
🔸 Sport events and services for teams (football, basketball, hockey, etc).

Our team is full of energy, ideas and creativity is waiting for your request - [email protected]

Ukraine has a well-established wine industry with long traditions. Some of the Ukrainian wines are exported to neighbori...

Ukraine has a well-established wine industry with long traditions. Some of the Ukrainian wines are exported to neighboring countries, the European Union and North America. About 75 companies officially produce wine in Ukraine. The total area of vineyards today is 40.7 thousand hectares. "Wine" regions of Ukraine are Transcarpathia, Kherson, Odessa and Nikolaev regions. Here are the most delicious wines that are really worth trying!
🔶 Ukrainian red wines
🍷 Artania red from the producer Beykush winery
Dry, red wine of 2015 which is made in the Nikolaev area from such grades of grapes: Saperavi, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir. This is an incomparable wine of deep purple color. The expressed aroma of black currant, blackberry, ripe cherry gives the product a rich and juicy taste. Suitable for meat dishes, grilled meat, hard cheese.
🍷 Merlot Reserve from Shabo
Made in the Odessa region from Merlot grapes. Year of harvest: 2017. Ruby-colored wine with a rich aroma of dried cherries and raspberries, gives a refreshing fruit flavor. It is ideal to supplement meat dishes with this wine.
🍷 Artania reserve from Beykush winery
Dry, red pomegranate wine is made in the Nikolaev area. Harvest year: 2013 Grape varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Saperavi. Meat delicacies and hard cheese will perfectly complement this charming wine of pomegranate color.
🔶 Ukrainian white wines
🥂 Beykush Chardonnay by Beykush winery
Made from grapes: Chardonnay. Wine of golden color with aroma of cream, nuts, honey fruits, apricot, pineapple and toasts. Perfectly combined with fish dishes.
🥂 Chardonnay Villa Tinta fromVinhol Oksamitne
Produced in the Odessa region of Chardonnay grapes. Lemon wine has a pronounced fruity aroma of apples, mangoes, lychees, and goes well with fish dishes.
🥂 Chardonnay Reserve from Guliyev Wines
It is also produced in the Odessa region from the Chardonnay grape variety. The extraordinary golden wine has a rich aroma of butter, nuts, apples, apricots and bananas. Perfect with seafood dishes.
Try the tastiest Ukrainian wines. Our team will gladly prepare wine tours and special routes for you!

Delightful Lviv attracts tourists from all over the world! There are stunning historical monuments, the most exquisite c...

Delightful Lviv attracts tourists from all over the world! There are stunning historical monuments, the most exquisite cuisine, beautiful sights and the unique cuisine spirit of the historic city. We will tell you 18 facts about Lviv:

🔸 In Lviv there is a huge part of the architectural sights of Ukraine. In 1998, this city entered the UNESCO protection zone.
🔸 In Lviv, every fifth person is a student.
🔸 Lviv is among the seven largest cities in Ukraine.
🔸 Hollywood orders special effects for its movies in Lviv. Such popular Hollywood movies as "Harry Potter", "Hulk", "Spiderman" got their software in Lviv.
🔸 Lviv is a central city in Eastern Europe.
🔸 Lviv hosts a large number of festivals every year - over a hundred.
🔸 Lviv appears in the Guinness World Book of Records. In particular, the world's first Lard Museum was opened in Lviv.
🔸 In Lviv there are 60 museums on various subjects of different eras. Lviv is the largest museum city in Ukraine.
🔸 Lviv is the largest poly-confessional city of Ukraine. There are 104 churches in Lviv from various religious communities.
🔸 The first Ukrainian football match took place in Lviv.
🔸 It was in this city that a kerosene lamp was first invented, the first hotel was built, the first tram was launched, the first train in Ukraine was met, and the first professional theater was founded.
🔸 Daniil Halytsky Lviv Airport is one of the largest in Eastern Europe.
🔸 The tallest architectural structure in Lviv is the Church of St. Olga and Elizabeth. The temple is 88 meters high.
🔸 Lviv is famous for the largest book festival in the whole of Ukraine — the annual “Publishers Forum in Lviv”.
🔸 Lviv is called the Second Foggy Albion of Europe. Because Lviv has the largest amount of rain in Ukraine.
🔸 Since 2014, Lviv has installed a bicycle generator on Koliyivshchyna Square. Everyone can climb the cycle track, pedal and thus recharge their gadget.
🔸 There are streets of John Lennon, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln in Lviv.
🔸 The first hot air balloon was launched in Lviv.

We are always ready to organize for you an excellent trip to this beautiful historic city of Ukraine.

Not far from the Arsenalnaya metro station are the most visited Kiev cafes and restaurants! TOP-5 of the best gastronomi...

Not far from the Arsenalnaya metro station are the most visited Kiev cafes and restaurants! TOP-5 of the best gastronomic establishments near the Arsenalnaya metro station!

🔶 Kyiv Food Market
In one pavilion with an area of 2 thousand square meters in the former building of the Arsenal plant, 22 establishments of the capital are located! Here you can taste the most exquisite dishes of Ukrainian, Italian, American and other cuisines, as well as just have a bite to eat a delicious hamburger or drink a cup of coffee. The food here is prepared by the best chefs! The average bill per person is from 150 to 800 Hryvnia. Free parking is also available.
☑ Address Moskovskaya Street, 8

🔶 Pepper’s Club
Live music, great food and drinks guarantee you a wonderful holiday! Pepper’s Club preserves the spirit of Kyiv and memories of distant events related to the Arsenal plant. On its walls you can see traces of the storming of Simon Petliura's soldiers during the January Uprising. There are preserved underground passages by which the rebels fled to the banks of the Dnieper… The pub has its own kitchen, where you are offered the most delicious dishes of Ukrainian, as well as German and Eastern European cuisine.
☑ Address: Moskovskaya Street, 8, building 7

🔶 Rebernya Na Arsenalʹniy
Rebernya in Kyiv is a meat restaurant "Holding emotions! FEST", which specializes in fried pork ribs. The waiters bring a portion of ribs and cut them already on the table, they offer to taste the meat from a wooden tray without cutlery. Rebernya is the largest format institution in Ukraine: it has more than a thousand square meters and can accommodate about 450 people at a time. And with the help of placing guests on the summer terrace, the capacity of the establishment increases! The institution is served by two open kitchens with proprietary technology for processing grilled ribs at both ends of the room. Guests will also find here the democratic bar "Drunk Cherry" and "Lviv Chocolate Workshop".
☑ Address: Ivana Mazepy Street, 1

🔶 Buffalino Na Arsenalʹniy
In Buffalino you can taste the most delicious dishes of Italian cuisine: homemade cheeses, different types of Italian pizza, more than 10 types of homemade pasta, author's desserts ... It's incredibly delicious! Buffalino is family traditions and hospitality, cordiality and comfort. The capacity of the Italian cafe Buffalino is 135 seats. Welcome!
☑ Address: Moskovskaya street, 8

🔶 Shalom
Shalom is located near the two-topped premises on Ivana Mazepy Street, not far from the Arsenalna metro station. The space is close to 420 m². The main product of Shalom is Chick, which is boiled on a wood-burning stove. Also here you can taste such dishes: laffa-kebab, stewed lamb with potatoes, different pies.
☑ Address: Ivana Mazepy street, 5

Arsenalnaya is waiting for guests of the capital to surprise with the most luxurious restaurants and cafes, where you can taste the delicious dishes. Spend time with pleasure!

Team building is a super event that allows you to effectively rally the team! The success of the project depends on the ...

Team building is a super event that allows you to effectively rally the team! The success of the project depends on the team. We offer 5 great ideas for team building:

🔶 Check your product!
Do you produce food? Host a group tasting! Let the employees guess the varieties of the product. It's also a good idea to run contests to encourage company representatives to be aware of the product.

🔶 Quest
Quest rooms are fashionable, modern and very exciting! You can stage any scene, be it the capture of a pirate ship or a James Bond adventure. The essence of the games is to overcome obstacles together, becoming a truly strong and united team!

🔶 Dance Therapy
Improvisation, incendiary music, cheerful dances - all this helps people to open up, to go beyond the usual way of life. Let your colleagues get to know each other better and make friends. And this will definitely have a positive impact on the work process!

🔶 Stay Alive
Team building for real extreme people! Survival in the dense forest, kayaking, parachuting. Of course, this extreme is not for everyone. But as a result, people will make friends, get a powerful boost of energy, which will certainly help in career achievements.

🔶 Dialogues in the Dark
People are trained under the guidance of blind trainers in complete darkness. When the main sense organ is not involved, a person is more sensitive to everything that happens. The training takes several hours. As psychologists say, it brings excellent results!

We will be happy to organize the most productive team building for you.
☑ Contact us by mail [email protected] and our team will offer you the best suitable options for your event!

We congratulate you on the Day of Epiphany on January 19! Ukraine celebrates this day by blessing the water and swimming...

We congratulate you on the Day of Epiphany on January 19! Ukraine celebrates this day by blessing the water and swimming in the hole. According to the biblical legend, Jesus was baptized at the age of 30 in the Jordan River to cleanse his sins. Since then the ritual has been observed for many years.

As you know, on January 18, on the eve of Epiphany, Ukrainians celebrate the Second Christmas Eve, which is also called “hungry kutia”. Throughout the day, believers do not eat anything - they observe fasting. People sit down to supper only when the first dawn shines in the sky. This is how believers in Ukraine meet spring!

January 19 is the last day when you can carol and carry out fortune telling. Especially welcome today is helping people.
Where to swim at Epiphany in Kyiv:
🔸 Hydropark: a hole is specially prepared here, and the water in it is consecrated.
🔸 Obolonskaya embankment near the Holy
Intercession Cathedral.
🔸 Entertainment Center X-Park
🔸 Dnieper embankment
🔸 Goloseevskiy park
🔸 Feofaniya Park
🔸 Lake Telbin
🔸 Mamaeva Sloboda
Congratulations to you!

Get ready for Valentine's Day 2022!The most romantic holiday of love is coming soon. Do you know where you will spend it...

Get ready for Valentine's Day 2022!

The most romantic holiday of love is coming soon. Do you know where you will spend it? We think Kyiv can be quite a good option!
We can offer TOP-5 of the best locations in Kyiv for an unforgettable Valentine's Day!

❤ Party "Love is SkyBar"

Ideal for fans of loud music and fun! Super DJs, music hits and a big dance floor - what could be better? Give your soulmate a bright evening of lovers!

🔸 February 13, Kyiv, Velyka Vasylkivska street, 5, SkyBar

❤ Romantic ice rink at VDNH

Spending an unforgettable evening together on a skating rink is so romantic! Treat yourself and your loved one on this magical day!

🔸 December 11 - March 6, Kyiv, Academician Glushkov Avenue, 1, VDNH

❤ Show program "Music of Hearts"

The Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theater has prepared a unique performance for the people of Kyiv and guests of the capital, talking about how different men and women are, and how much they are drawn to each other. Funny quizzes, giveaways and lots of fun are waiting for you!

🔸 February 13-14, Kyiv, Velyka Vasylkivska street, 53/3, Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theater

❤ Fulldome film "Phantom of the Universe"

In the Teleport360 Planetarium Hall, lovers will learn about the amazing secrets of the universe, about underground laboratories and about the Andromeda Nebula.

🔸 February 14, Kyiv, Akademika Glushkova Avenue, 1, Teleport 360 Planetarium Hall

❤ Musical performance "Woman's Territory"

On St. Valentine's Day, a chic musical show with elements of poetry and live music will take place in the Kiev Docker-G Pub. Romantic, bright and unforgettable!

🔸 February 14, Kyiv, Igorivska street, 13/5, Docker-G Pub

And of course many amazing restaurants, hotels and venues! Our team will offer you packages or separate services!

Please contact Liberty Ukraine for tour arrangements.


Улица Большая Васильковская 47

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00




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