Bird Uganda Safaris

Bird Uganda Safaris We pride ourselves on our extensively-researched tours that provide comfort and value while returning exceptional viewing opportunities.

We are the leading birding tour company that is dedicated to professional well-researched birding and wildlife safaris in Uganda and the East and Southern Africa Region Bird Uganda Safaris offers an exceptional experience for individuals groups seeking a locally based tour company with expert knowledge of our region's habitats, wildlife and peoples' cultures. We easily accommodate nature loving

clients, relaxed birder as well as avid listers. Our groups range from 1 to 25 clients depending on the activity you will be interested in. Birder can be in groups of 1 to 12 birders on one trip. We pride ourselves with our flexibility that offers our clients the opportunity to develop itineraries with us to ensure that their interests are given are priority. We now offer over 25 birding and wildlife tour every year in Uganda. This has been a result of focused management that puts value for money ahead of all the activities. Our newly researched community based experiences in Uganda are now ready for you. These include " Uganda home stays tours for community experiences", "student tours" and women adventures. Contact us for more details. Why do Travelers tour with us. We do our work with passion. We spend most our time researching and learning about our destinations. We put emphasis on the most sought after birds, animals, butterflies, flora, and most importantly how to offer a memorable experience to our visitors. All our clients are highly respected as our family members. Most of our clients have heard about us from their friends, or read about us. There are so many places to visit in the region, but we focus on those most important spots with very difficult to find species and but the " highly profiled must see interests". Our values in our services are commitment to offering memorable experiences with value for money. Our guides are all members of Uganda Safari Guides Association ,Uganda Bird Guides Club, and Uganda Cultural Guides Club which are the national associations that offer comprehensive training courses in guiding. Our guides go through the examination and grading process by their association, and this makes our tours enjoyable from the time of start of the tour to the end. Our guides are also affectionate, fun loving people who genuinely enjoy making the tour a pleasant experience for each tour participant. Our packages are all inclusive while at our destination. Our prices are very competitive and value for money for our clients is what we pay attention to.

Warm greetings to you all . Enjoy this Pied Kingfisher with its meal

Warm greetings to you all . Enjoy this Pied Kingfisher with its meal

The upcoming International Conference for Women Birders, scheduled for September 2025 in Costa Rica, is poised to make a...

The upcoming International Conference for Women Birders, scheduled for September 2025 in Costa Rica, is poised to make a significant impact on multiple fronts. From spotlighting Costa Rica's biodiversity to empowering women in the birding community and fostering global conservation efforts, the event holds immense importance for various stakeholders.

For the people of Costa Rica, hosting such a prestigious conference presents an unparalleled opportunity to showcase the country's natural treasures. With its rich biodiversity and status as a top birdwatching destination, Costa Rica stands to gain increased tourism and economic development through the conference's promotion of its stunning landscapes and diverse ecosystems.

Furthermore, the conference reaffirms Costa Rica's commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable tourism practices. By welcoming delegates from around the world, the country underscores its dedication to fostering international collaboration in avian conservation, thereby reinforcing its global reputation as a leader in environmental stewardship.

For women worldwide, the conference offers a unique platform for empowerment, networking, and professional development within the birding community. By providing a forum tailored specifically to women, the event promotes inclusivity, diversity, and gender equality in a traditionally male-dominated field. It celebrates the contributions of women to ornithology, encourages participation in citizen science initiatives, and inspires future generations of female birders and conservationists.

Moreover, the conference highlights the importance of gender-sensitive approaches to conservation and environmental stewardship, fostering a deeper understanding of the intersection between gender equality and biodiversity conservation.

In addition to its symbolic significance, the conference serves as a catalyst for global collaboration in avian research, conservation, and education. By facilitating knowledge exchange, networking opportunities, and collaborative projects, the event strengthens the collective efforts of scientists, conservationists, policymakers, and practitioners to address pressing conservation challenges and safeguard our planet's avian biodiversity.

In conclusion, the International Conference for Women Birders in Costa Rica in September 2025 holds immense potential for promoting environmental awareness, gender equality, and international cooperation. Its exhibition opportunities will provide a platform for businesses from around the world, further enhancing tourism networking opportunities and fostering collaboration within the tourism industry.

Kibale National Park, nestled in the heart of Uganda, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, particularly those drawn to t...

Kibale National Park, nestled in the heart of Uganda, is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, particularly those drawn to the mystique of chimpanzees. This lush rainforest is renowned for its exceptional chimpanzee population, making it a premier destination for primate enthusiasts from around the globe. The park's dense canopy, vibrant with the sounds of wildlife, offers an unrivaled habitat for these fascinating creatures, allowing visitors an intimate glimpse into the lives of chimpanzees in their natural environment.

Tourists flock to Kibale Forest for several compelling reasons:

Chimpanzee Trekking: Kibale offers unparalleled opportunities for chimpanzee trekking. The chance to observe these primates up close, engaging in their daily activities, and interacting within their communities, provides a profound and unforgettable experience. The park's skilled guides enhance the adventure, sharing insights into the behaviors and characteristics of these intelligent animals.
Bird Watching: With over 375 bird species, including the most sougth after bird the Green-breasted pitta, Kibale is a birder's paradise.

Orange Weaver is one of those most sought after birds that are found around the showers of Lake Victoria.

Orange Weaver is one of those most sought after birds that are found around the showers of Lake Victoria.

Is Costa Rica suitable for hosting the International Conference for Women Birders in September 2025?? Yes, Costa Rica is...

Is Costa Rica suitable for hosting the International Conference for Women Birders in September 2025??

Yes, Costa Rica is highly suitable for hosting the International Conference for Women Birders in September 24th – 26th, 2025 and this can be supported by numerous compelling reasons:

1. Biodiversity Hotspot: Costa Rica is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, home to more than 900 bird species. This diversity provides a rich, natural laboratory for birders and researchers alike, making it an ideal location for immersive learning and exploration.

2. Eco-Tourism Leader: With a long-standing commitment to conservation and sustainable tourism, Costa Rica offers a model for eco-friendly practices and sustainable living. Conference attendees can learn from and be inspired by the country's successful integration of conservation and tourism.

3. Proven Experience in Hosting International Events: Costa Rica has a track record of successfully hosting international conferences and events, equipped with the necessary infrastructure, hospitality services, and professional networks to manage a large-scale, global gathering.

4. Accessible Location: Situated in Central America, Costa Rica is relatively accessible from both North and South America, and it has direct flights from Europe and other parts of the world, making travel easier for international attendees.

5. Safe and Welcoming Environment: Known for its political stability and friendly population, Costa Rica offers a safe and welcoming environment for international visitors. The country ranks highly in terms of safety and quality of life in the region.

6. Commitment to Gender Equality: Costa Rica has demonstrated a strong commitment to promoting gender equality and empowering women, making it a fitting venue for a conference that seeks to uplift women birders and scientists.

7. Outstanding Natural Beauty: From tropical rainforests to cloud forests and coastal regions, the country's stunning landscapes provide not just birdwatching opportunities but also a breathtaking backdrop for the conference, ensuring a memorable experience.

8. Research and Educational Opportunities: The presence of numerous research stations and conservation organizations in Costa Rica opens up possibilities for hands-on workshops, field trips, and collaborative research projects aligned with the conference themes.

9. Cultural and Recreational Activities: Costa Rica's rich culture, cuisine, and array of recreational activities, such as hiking, zip-lining, and snorkeling, offer attendees the chance to unwind and enjoy themselves beyond the conference agenda.

10. Ideal Birdwatching Season: September falls within the rainy season in Costa Rica, which is a prime time for birdwatching. Many species are more active and visible during this period, including migratory birds passing through Costa Rica. The rain patterns typically allow for clear mornings and early afternoons suitable for birdwatching, followed by rain in the later parts of the day.
11. Less Crowded: Since September is part of the low tourist season, attendees will benefit from fewer crowds at popular destinations and birdwatching spots. This makes for a more intimate experience with nature and easier logistics for organizing field trips and outdoor activities.
12. Competitive Pricing: Travel and accommodation costs are generally lower during this time of the year, making it more economical for attendees and possibly increasing the accessibility of the conference to a wider audience.
13. Rich Biodiversity in Full Display: The rainy season brings lush landscapes and abundant food sources, leading to vibrant wildlife activity. This ensures that conference participants will have the opportunity to observe a wide range of bird species and enjoy the country's natural beauty at its peak.
14. Climate Variation Across the Country: Costa Rica's diverse climate zones mean that while it may be raining in one area, other regions can be experiencing dry conditions. This allows for flexible scheduling of birdwatching excursions to various habitats, showcasing the country's ecological diversity.
15. Enhanced Networking Opportunities: The off-peak season can facilitate more intimate networking opportunities, as venues and tours might be less crowded, allowing for deeper conversations and connections among participants.
16. Sustainability and Conservation Focus: Hosting the conference during this season underscores the importance of understanding and experiencing the rainforest ecosystem's dynamics firsthand, aligning with the conference's themes of conservation and sustainability.
17. Support for Local Communities: By bringing the conference to Costa Rica during the low season, it provides an economic boost to local communities and businesses at a time when tourism income is typically lower, contributing to the local economy in a meaningful way.
18. Experience Authentic Costa Rica: Participants will have the chance to experience Costa Rica more authentically, as the slower pace of the low season allows for more interactions with locals and a deeper understanding of the culture and conservation efforts.
19. Global Accessibility: Costa Rica's strategic location in the Americas, coupled with its established reputation for hosting international conferences, makes it an accessible and appealing destination for participants from around the world, even in September.

One of my favorite Woodpeckers . The Green Backed Woodpecker. Campethera permista  I took this photo at Lake Mburo Natio...

One of my favorite Woodpeckers . The Green Backed Woodpecker. Campethera permista I took this photo at Lake Mburo National Park.

Exciting news for all nature enthusiasts! After numerous birding expeditions in Tanzania, we're thrilled to announce our...

Exciting news for all nature enthusiasts!
After numerous birding expeditions in Tanzania, we're thrilled to announce our new itineraries for this wildlife haven. Exploring the stunning landscapes of Tanzania, complemented by unforgettable experiences such as Uganda's majestic Mountain Gorillas and Kenya's renowned Masai Mara, along with the unique biodiversity of Arabuko Sokoke forest.
This marks a great experience on a journey of discovery through East Africa's most iconic destinations . Proceeds from this tour will raise ticket fees for one of the women birders to attend the next International Women birders scheduled to take place in south America 2025.

For more information contact us on [email protected] or Whatsapp +256777912938

Tanzania Birding Tours - Discover our expertly guided birding tours, tailored to immerse you in the enchanting world of East African birds


I’ve always had a very romantic view of Africa. It is a vast place with so many habitats to explore, species to view, and places to see and I knew I wanted to see it all. My Instagram feed is full of tented, glamping lodges bordering the Serengeti or Kruger National Park that bolster my need to tr...


What a fruitful day at Makanaga Wetland! A few days ago, I took a birding excursion to Mabamba wetland with Peg Abbott, Andrea Molina, and our trainee, Caroline Kyarimpa. During the outing, Peg expressed her desire to spot the Papyrus Gonolek. The local guides overheard her and mentioned that they hadn't sighted this bird for quite some time. This spurred my commitment to locate a new site for this remarkable East Africa Endemic.

Yesterday evening, after a lengthy day at home, I decided to revisit Makanaga Wetland, a location I hadn't explored in about a decade. To fully appreciate this extensive wetland, I enlisted the help of more pairs of eyes. Alexandria, as always, was available, Patricia was en route from Rwanda after completing the ABA tour with Katinka, and she promptly confirmed her availability. Mark Bankunda was also ready and available. The excursion began with my early awakening at 5:00 am, feeling a bit fatigued from only three hours of sleep. However, I swiftly regained energy, and by 6:04 am, I had picked up Alexandria. Mark was still deeply asleep and unreachable, but Patricia was waiting on the roadside by 6:30 am.

We made a stop for a cup of coffee along the way. During our coffee break, I realized that I didn't have the contact information for the local guide. Since it was still before 7:00 am, I decided to continue driving until 8:00 am when I called my friend, the deputy director at Uganda Wildlife Education Centre, who had previously worked in the area. Fortunately, I caught him just waking up, and he provided some contacts. I called them, and they later connected me with Mr. Nsubuga, who was patiently waiting for us.

By 8:30 am, we were already on the canoe, heading to purchase fuel from one of the islands before proceeding with our activity. The wetland, with its expansive marsh, was so vast that it took us four hours to complete a loop. In total, we recorded 58 species, with the Papyrus Gonolek being our primary target, and we were fortunate to spot two Shoebills.

In conclusion, Makanaga Wetland will now be included in our itineraries due to its richness and the opportunity it offers for a second chance to encounter Shoebills.

1. White-faced Whistling-Duck
2. Knob-billed Duck
3. Spur-winged Goose
4. Blue-billed Teal
5. Yellow-billed Duck
6. Ross's Turaco
7. Blue-headed Coucal
8. African Swamphen
9. Black Crake
10. Black-winged Stilt
11. Common Ringed Plover
12. Little Ringed Plover
13. Long-toed Lapwing
14. African Jacana
15. Green Sandpiper
16. Marsh Sandpiper
17. Wood Sandpiper
18. Common Greenshank
19. Ruff
20. Sanderling
21. Slender-billed Gull -- Seen and photographed. It has pinkish underparts
22. Gray-hooded Gull
23. Gull-billed Tern
24. African Openbill
25. White Stork
26. Long-tailed Cormorant
27. Great Cormorant (White-breasted)
28. Shoebill
29. Hamerkop
30. Black-crowned Night Heron
31. Little Egret
32. Striated Heron
33. Squacco Heron
34. Purple Heron
35. Black-headed Heron
36. Osprey
37. African Marsh Harrier
38. Black Kite (Yellow-billed)
39. African Fish-Eagle
40. Malachite Kingfisher
41. Gray-headed Kingfisher
42. Pied Kingfisher
43. Black-headed Gonolek
44. Gray-capped Warbler
45. Winding Cisticola
46. Lesser Swamp Warbler
47. Barn Swallow
48. Mosque Swallow
49. Yellow-throated Greenbul
50. Swamp Flycatcher
51. Red-chested Sunbird
52. Slender-billed Weaver
53. Northern Brown-throated Weaver
54. Village Weaver
55. Weyns's Weaver
56. Black-headed Weaver
57. Northern Gray-headed Sparrow
58. Western Yellow Wagtail


33 days of Incredible Uganda birds, Mammals, culture, adventure, panoramic Scenery.
600+ species of birds
100 + mammals
10 different cultures
Mountain Gorillas
15 primates.
Age preference:
80+ slower pace .
40 – 75 at normal pace
40 and below, faster pace
Accommodation: Midrange to high-end. Ensuite rooms. ( Singles, Doubles or Twins)
Best time: November to Feb.
Type of transport. 4WD depending on the group.
Guides: Level 3 compentence of birding, nature guiding. Male or female bird guides.

Day 1 arrival in the country.
Day 2 Birding Mabamba wetland and Mpanga Forest. S
Day 3 To Mabira forest. Stay at Jinja.
Day 4. Birding to Sipi falls.
Day 5 Whole day at Mt. Elgon.
Day 6. Birding to Pian Upe.
Day 7. Birding the whole day
Day 8. Birding to Moroto.
Day 9. Birding around Moroto. To the Kenya Border
Day 10. Birding to Matheniko and sleep at Moroto
Day 11. Birding to Kidepo National park
Day 12 – 13. Birding Kidepo national park
Day 14. Birding to Murchison Falls National park .
Day 15 and 16 Whole day birding and wildlife watching
Day 17. Birding to Masindi through escarpment.
Day 18. Budongo Royal Mile
Day 19. Birding to Kibale National park
Day 20. Chimpanzee tracking and Birding.
Day 21 Green Breasted Pitta and Forest birding
Day 21. Birding Semliki National park
Day 22. Birding Sebitoli forest ( Kibale National Park) Afternoon proceed to Queen Elizabeth National Park.
Day 23. Whole day in the park .
Day 24. Birding to Bwindi.
Day 25. Main trail
Day 26 Gorilla tracking
Day 27. Birding to Ruhiija
Day 28 Whole day birding
Day 29. Birding to Mgahinga.
Day 30 Birding Mgahinga Mountains.
Day 31 Birding to Lake Mburo National park
Day 32 Whole day birding
Day 33 To the Airport for departure.
for more details, contact us
[email protected] or Whatsapp +256777912938

Although it is widely distributed across African tropics, the Shining -  blue Kingfisher is one of the hard-to-see birds...

Although it is widely distributed across African tropics, the Shining - blue Kingfisher is one of the hard-to-see birds. It mainly prefers streams flowing through lowland forest undergrowth. We got this at Mpanga forest near Kampala.

Yellow Breasted Starling . I photographed this at Tsavo East National Park in Kenya

Yellow Breasted Starling . I photographed this at Tsavo East National Park in Kenya

A primate tour in East Africa is a captivating experience. Encounter the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural h...

A primate tour in East Africa is a captivating experience. Encounter the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat, observe playful chimpanzees, and marvel at the diverse monkey species. Immerse yourself in the lush rainforests, learn about primate behavior, and contribute to their conservation. It's a truly remarkable and unforgettable journey.

On a Uganda primate safari tour, you can experience the thrill of mountain gorilla and chimp trekking. See these amazing creatures


Kibale forest the home of chimps and the Green Breasted Pitta

Some of the birds that can be seen on our birding tours

Some of the birds that can be seen on our birding tours


Dont miss our birding and primate tours. Uganda is the primate capital of Africa.

Thanks to @⁨Muhumuza innocent Mabamba⁩  and his boatman who worked hard to help me  get a chance to see Shoebill chick!!...

Thanks to @⁨Muhumuza innocent Mabamba⁩ and his boatman who worked hard to help me get a chance to see Shoebill chick!!! Its about 2 weeks. I have never seen this. Oh my God!! I am very excited. This is very very good. Just know that I will never stop training site guides. They are very helpful. They are the owners of the site information . I spent more time with the local guides and their boat riders, setting rules of visiting this bird so that it is not stressed.


Capital Shoppers Port Bell Road 2nd Floor Suite 27

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 15:00




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