On June 8th, 2011, NIPPA® Sauna Stoves of Beulah, Michigan was purchased by Dean Michael. The complete NIPPA® line will continue to be manufactured at the Beulah, Michigan location. The "new" Sauna Specialist crew will be Dean (owner), Diane (office), Tom (12 yrs crafting Nippa Stoves), Mathew (office), and Tom (craftsman). Let us assist you in making your purchase a pleasurable one! The Sauna - m
ore formally known as the Finnish Steam Bath - has been so universally acclaimed that it hardly needs introduction. Dating back to antiquity, and having been brought to this country by pioneer Finns, its value for exhilaration, relaxation, and just plain enjoyment has been so widely recognized in tense, modern living that it has been adopted by people in every walk of life. Pioneering in the mass production of the heater, the basic unit for saunas, was Leo NIPPA®. From his first stove built in the Upper Pennensula of Michigan, utilizing his inherit knowledge of the sauna tradition from his forebears of centuries ago, he has now passed on this profound tradition to hundreds of people in every state in the Union, as well as the countries of Canada and Mexico. From the frozen reaches of Alaska to the sunny states of Florida and California, NIPPA Sauna Heaters and Wood Stoves are known for adding to the joy of living. This background and long experience in manufacturing assures the perfection in design, construction, and efficiency that have made NIPPA Sauna Heaters and Wood Stoves the most accepted units in the country. Of high importance in this acceptance is the fact that NIPPA Sauna Heaters and Wood Stoves retain original features that make the sauna a romantic institution. Even the electric model that responds to the turn of a switch transports your thoughts away from the push button world!