Throughout most of the world, and most of history, women have labored and birthed with midwives. The International Day of the Midwife (IDM) is marked by midwives each year on May 5. The idea of having a day to recognize and honor midwives came out of the 1987 International Confederation of Midwives conference in the Netherlands. International Midwives' Day was first celebrated May 5, 1991, and has been observed in over 50 nations around the world. It is an occasion to celebrate and promote the profession of midwifery and recognize the accomplishments and dedication of our midwives. In honor of International Day of the Midwife, Florida Friends of Midwives pays tribute to the work of midwives in Florida, all over the country and around the world. Florida Friends of Midwives would like to thank YOU. Today and every day, we celebrate your dedication to Florida's mothers, fathers, babies, families, and communities. Have fun celebrating this special day!