Drive Buyers to YOU!

Drive Buyers to YOU! HOW TO GET MORE FREEDOM, MONEY, HEALTH AND WEALTH! (Order from Zondervan or send $18 for Twisted Scriptures to: Mary Alice, 2512 N Wilder St. Chatt., TN 37406.

FREEDOM OF MIND: For 25 Years, I debriefed victims under mind control in "High Demand" or extremist Christian Groups that unduly influenced member’s personal decisions not only in moral issues but non-moral issues as well. My book, “Twisted Scriptures: Breaking Free from Churches That Abuse" is the material I cover through my debriefing program for the unduly influenced. “Twisted Scriptures defi

nitively defines the difference between spiritual directors from spiritual dictators. Many are free of the psychological bo***ge when reading or studying “Twisted Scriptures: Breaking Free from Churches That Abuse". FREEDOM WITH HEALTH: In 2012 I have succeeded in reversing my biological age maybe 20 years. I encourage what I have found to be the fastest, easiest, and least expensive way to reverse your biological age no matter how feeble your health may be. I witness miracles each day. The number one killer is heart disease for the last 100 years so if your arteries are close to clogging-up, I also recommend a Digital Pulsewave Analyzer Screening, a non-invasive red wave that penetrates your blood vessels for a 95% accurate reading and FDA approved device. A doctor’s office may charge $180 but over 100 of us in the US will either give you this screening free to those who have no money or for a small donation. (To book your group, call 423 413-9343)

Realize that you can melt plaque out of your arteries and thus avoid heart attacks and strokes like I have. I will soon have more own private label of the Cardio Product that will melt plaque out of your arteries. Call for the least expensive cardio recommendations that work or go to my new site: Synthetic supplements are rarely recommended and whole food supplements are far superior to slow down aging. I have found that Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGF) are far superior to most any food or food supplement and not only slowed down my aging but reversed my biological age by years. (There is an intense Detox with this product call for details. 423 413-9343) After 6 months on Laminine although I had fibromyalgia like symptoms for 30 years, I now feel like I am 30 years younger. My strength had doubled. I am Kayaking and working out like I did years ago with no recovery issues. My flexibility has dramatically improved. You will find that sugar issues, heart issues, memory issues and nearly any health issue can tackled with Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGF). FREEDOM WITH WEALTH – LUCRATIVE INCOME: Too many companies have worked Americans and they had little or no financial gain. In 2012 I recommend 5 different jobs that I am so impressed that the people I know are really earning serious money. Anyone is welcome to work as an independent distributor, part-time or full to earn decent money. Even below average people can make money if they get in now before the market is saturated. LUCRATIVE INCOME job #1: Don’t be quick to judge until you understand the bottom line, big money. Everyone makes money. This first pick has the most risk and yet the most gain. For me I look at it as owning my own auction company. Since it is set-up and a penny auction and the money to be made is so great. It feels like I own my own Casino on line. Go to Lots of people earning thousands a month and they never had to speak to one other person or recruit anyone, just place an add daily on the Internet that cost them nothing. LUCRATIVE INCOME job #2: Don’t be quick to judge like I was at first. Really check this out. You men might not think you are interested until you learn a large percentage of people are men and women are earning significant bonuses since the inception 8 months ago. This company is predicted to be one of the top ten MLM companies in the world and once you hear why, you will want to be on board or at least tell your friends who need a job. Go to:

LUCRATIVE INCOME job #3: Again Don’t be quick to judge. Make a commitment to stay on Lamine six months and you likely will rarely need to see your doctor any longer. (That is if you are willing to stick through the Detox.) A large percentage of people are earning significant bonuses since July of 2011. Laminine is a little harder to sell being a super food supplement but once you type in Laminine and doctors or any health issues on U-tube, you will understand, Fibroblast Growth Factors are the way to restore your health, your sugar problems, your eye issues etc. Tell your friends who are disabled or experience unique health challenges that need a job or want to get well. Go to:

LUCRATIVE INCOME job #4: Will be updating soon. This is a company that will give you large kick-backs when you need to shop but your friends will also receive large kick backs. This has not yet launched. It is time we earn the money that large corporations were earning selling the same item. If we all buy from each other, we put wealth back in the middle class again. Be on the look-out for more updates.


Chattanooga, TN


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