As we head into Black History Month, it’s a good time to reflect on the past year.
8 months ago, a national conversation absolutely exploded — an issue that was not new, but had hit a massive breaking point. We saw a huge influx of support for BIPOC issues, with conversations centered on their daily experiences, protests in the streets all across America, and many, many long-overdue conversations.
At the end of May and early June, millions changed their profile pictures to a black square, demonstrating solidarity and stepping themselves back from the spotlight. The intent was to feature the faces we’ve ignored too many times, and to .
Millions took pledges to support their BIPOC neighbors, and to not shy away from the hard conversations.
Now, almost a year later, how do things look in your world?
Have you leaned in when it felt uncomfortable? Have you sought out information and stories that highlight a world you’d never seen before?
Are you supporting Black-owned businesses?
Are you listening to Black speakers (whether on YouTube, podcasts, or otherwise)?
Are you reading books and stories by Black authors? And not just the “heavy” ones — celebrating the Art is just as important, too!
Have you held to your pledge.
I try to continue leaning in every day. It’s far from perfect, but when I stumble I try to pause my reaction, listen, and do better. It’s a journey to be an .
I’d love to hear how you’re continuing your journey to support our BIPOC family and neighbors.
Have you read any amazing books? Found incredible podcasts? Had enlightening conversations?
I’d LOVE to hear about your highlights below! 👇