Tree Beavers Christmas Tree Chipping!
Yesterday was a great day for Tree Beavers! In partnership with Lewis-Palmer High School we chipped nearly 400 Christmas Trees and raised over $2700 for the Lacrosse Program! We appreciate our partnerships in El Paso and Douglas Counties and look forward to growing even more in 2024!
Bandit 19XP sucking in whole trees all day today. I don’t like hyping equipment, but this thing is pretty awesome. @banditchippers @bandittreeequipment @faeusa @faeusa #banditchippers #woodchipper #monster #pinetrees #ponderosa #blackforest #colorado #development #newbuild #construction #customhomes #dirtwork #forestry #logging #landscape #roadcleaning #heavyequipment #skidsteer #chainsaw #stihl #trackmachine #robots #treebeavers
Our signature “Carpet Finish” on a 150 acre burnt tree clear and complete resorption. 💯🔥💯 #forestry #mulcher #reclamation #restoration #nature #regrowth #treeremoval #arborist #logger #logging #stumpgrinding #grinder #masticating #premium #smallbusiness #smallbiz #startup #blackforest #coloradosprings #colorado #treeservice #newstandard #excellence #hardwork #treechipper #woodchipper #skidsteer #heavyequipment #catipillarequitment #takeuchi
Uprooting some pines for road clearing/new development. đź’Żđź’Żđź’Ż #treebeavers #excavator #cat #caterpillar #heavyequipment #stump #uproot #grubbing #roadclosed #landclearing #forestry #treeremoval #reclamation #restoration #cat323 @wagner_equipment @powermotivecorp #takeuchi #primetech @faeusa @takeuchimfg #smallbusiness #hardwork #nowhiring #blackforest #wildfire #mitigation #wildfiremitigation
Equipment Maintenance Day. #cat #gmc #forestry #heavyequipment #smallbusiness #skidsteer #stihl #hardwork
A little clip from the aerial drone footage on our current 60 acre reclamation project. Full video coming soon. #treeremoval #landclearing #logging #heavyequipment #mastication #mulching #reclamation #restoration #blackforest #excavator #caterpillar
Out here mulching about 20,000 dead/burnt trees to jumpstart the restoration process. #cat #excavator #fae #forestry #mastication #mulching #treeremoval #landclearing #blackforest #colorado #catexcavator @johnrowe58 #wagnercat
Mobilizing for ground mulching on this 60 acre. #logging #mastication #forestry #treebeavers #cat #reclamation #landclearing
Testing out the new horizontal grinder. #caterpillar #bandit #forestry #tree #mulch #development #construction #heavyequipment #toys #grinder #skid #skidsteer
Testing out the new horizontal grinder. #forestry #bandit #tree #treechipper #demolition #grinder #mulch #landscape #logging #reclamation #skidsteer #grapple
Mulching some root balls with the Cat 299. #forestry #heavyequipment #badass #logging #development #treeremoval #landclearing #reclamation #stumpgrinding #caterpillar #mastication #299 #bandit #colorado
Stump grinding today with the new Cat 299. #stumpgrinding #forestry #wagnercat #caterpillar #blackforest #colorado #coloradosprings #burnttrees #wildfire #mitigation #mastication #outdoors #hardwork