Some of our favorite quick clips recorded by our clients on Aconcagua this season!
Not all adventures go into the mountains, they follow the flow of water from the mountains.
Halancoma is a mountain in the Urubamba range in the Andes of Peru. Its peak is at 5,367 m (17,608 ft) high. Video by Benegas Brothers Productions - BBP
At BBE, we pride ourselves in living as close to the natural world as possible whilst making every effort to minimize our footprint.
To minimize our impact on the environment, we educate our staff and guests in appropriate techniques and methods to preserve the environment. We come from the wildest of pristine Patagonia in South America, and because of this, we have always been conscious of a necessity to leave zero trace when in the wilderness. We proudly apply this philosophy to every situation and location we visit. In fact, we strive to leave the area cleaner than how we found it, a concept in which we are the pioneers. Benegas Brothers Expeditions was one of the first expedition companies to lead cleanup projects, from Everest to Aconcagua, and we operate under the belief that “If you take care of the mountain, the mountain will take care of you.” To protect the environment during outdoor adventures, we implement our “Leave No Trace” policy with the following seven principles:
🗻 Plan ahead and prepare
🗻 Travel and camp on durable surfaces
🗻 Dispose of waste properly
🗻 Leave what you find
🗻 Minimize campfire impacts
🗻 Respect wildlife
🗻 Be considerate of other visitors
We rely heavily on each of our principles to ensure we keep the environment our top priority during our outings. During each of our expeditions, we thoroughly explain and put our principles into use, making sure each of our guests have a deep and thorough understanding of the best methods and practices to reduce our impact on the environment.
@williebenegas is open to guiding the classic Ham and Eggs (V, 5.9, AI 4) on Moose's Tooth in April and May 2024! Contact [email protected] if interested.
#Alaska #climbing #alaskarange
Willie mentoring and training a guide on Mount Baker this May! Want an active mentorship with Willie? If it's for recreational or professional goals, Willie will prep you for whatever you need. Want to do the 7 Summits? Pass a mountain guide course? Would you like to climb your first glacier? Or ski a line that you've stared at for years? Contact Willie at: [email protected]
Many of you know Willie and his accomplishments. Regardless of his past awards and credentials, Willie is here for any client and their desired adventure. Book an adventure with a world class IFMGA Mountain Guide who prioritizes a great client experience and a fun time! Want to learn how to have fun while suffering? Book Willie.
Fin de rodaje Aconcagua 2023!
That's a wrap for our filming and climbing projects on Aconcagua this season. The success goes to our incredible team @bbe_productions! Stay tuned for more about the project 🎥
Gracias a @juliandabien por la gráfica.
Keep your heart rate low #Aconcagua
Getting ready to climb Aconcagua Polish Glacier and hopefully ski, will see! #climbinglife
El Gran Capitan
Yosemite Valley in California holds a very special place in our hearts. Having grown up on the coast of Patagonia and with just one copy of a Patagonia Catalog and a climbing instructional book from Desnivel, and the nearest rock was 1000km away, we only dreamed of climbing in such a place. Fast fwd a few years, we moved to Califonia from Argentina in the 1990s, and while working on tug boats in the San Francisco bay, we made the granite walls of el Capitan our second home. Now in our 50s, older but wiser, we still head back to our roots and climb El Grand Capitan!
Queremos contarles que Willie se está recuperando, y esta mucho mejor. Queremos agradecer primero y principalmente a las y los rescatistas y a los técnicos de emergencias médicas.
A Winslow Passey quien encabezó e hizo un rescate excepcional, sin lugar a dudas la principal razón por la cual Willie sigue con nosotros hoy. Gracias a Gina, Kellin, Kristina, Lizzie, Krista, Stacey, no solo por sus esfuerzos si no también por su preparación. La semana anterior al accidente, ellas tomaron un curso de Rescate en Avalancha (Cada una igual ya se había formado en el tema antes) y gracias a esto también pudieron ayudar a la supervivencia de Willie.
Gracias a la patrulla de rescate de Solitud y Snowbird, Powderbirds, Asociación de Rescate de Wasatch, Emergencias médicas de Intermountain Life Flight y todos los que ayudaron desde el primer momento hasta que Willie llegó al hospital, y los que siguieron apoyando a toda la familia.
Las palabras escritas no bastan para expresar la profundidad de nuestra gratitud. Willie ha participado en múltiples rescates, empatiza con los rescatistas y les desea lo mejor en el propio proceso que debe hacer cada uno después de un evento así.
Gracias a Karen Diener por organizar un GoFundMe para ayudar a pagar las cuentas medicas. Muchísimas gracias a todos aquellos que han donado, el soporte de toda la comunidad ha sido enorme.
Los accidentes son parte de la carrera de un guía profesional. De todos modos no buscamos tales incidentes, y las lesiones por stress y trauma psicológico que resultan de estos eventos son graves, alentamos a aquellos involucrados en tales situaciones a buscar apoyo profesional para procesar sus experiencias.
A mantenerse fuerte, a salvo y nos veremos en las montañas!
Exploring Laguna San Rafael
Roaming and discovering the Laguna San Rafael in the Aisen region of Chile, one of the most stunning places we visited, genuinely breathtaking and with the best team, which makes it all the more fun. Looking fwd to being back and keep exploring this region of South America.
Well the skiing was fantastic today at the Wasatch # backcountry skiing
2021 award nominations!
Another one for the BBProductions!
Our film Tic Toc was nominated for best adventure film at the Arctic Film Festival 2021.
Such a proud moment for our team! After years of producing ESPN Adventure, we decided on venturing into the film festivals circuit, and in our first year, we got two films selected on several film festivals.
Congratulation Team!!!!
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."
#entertainment #documentary #movies #shortfilm #explore #television