Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group

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  • Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group

Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group We are a collection of instructors providing fi****ms training and instruction services throughout NC

Concealed Carry North Carolina Fi****ms Group was officially created in 2016 to bring providers of Fi****ms, Training and years of experience together to give our customers a one stop shop! We offer fi****ms training, instruction, cleaning, and repair services to public, private and other entities with a specific focus on safety and the fundamentals of each task. We offer externally certified trai

ning courses such as the NRA as well as but not limited to the North Carolina Justice Academy’s Concealed Carry course, Competitive Shooting instruction, one-on-one lessons, firearm cleaning and repair as well as consultation for any other needs that may arise for our consumers.

One of our local youth baseball teams are raffling off a limited edition French Walnut 1 in 1000 R***r 22 for anyone loo...

One of our local youth baseball teams are raffling off a limited edition French Walnut 1 in 1000 R***r 22 for anyone looking for a great collectors item or fun plinker.

It comes with 2 magazines, $ Gunner's Choice Outfitters in Dunn, a free instruction course and a box of 22LR.

All proceeds for the raffle go towards the 3 ball teams and there are additional prizes for the winners.

Contact us via messenger for more details or to enter and ask for coach Patrick.

Please, any one interested in "The Second" and Concealed Carry in NC: follow the link and email all the emails, send the...

Please, any one interested in "The Second" and Concealed Carry in NC: follow the link and email all the emails, send the letter to the "Rules Review Commission" - email, social post and tag ALL of the NC Legislators. Please, please! Someone wake up NC's (useless) Lt. Governor. Visit and join and assist Grass Roots North Carolina as well.

Over 2,113 emails have been sent out by my company to all CCH instructors registered with the state of North Carolina opposing the proposed CCH instructor rule changes. 71 emails bounced, 2 people asked to be unsubscribed, and 3 said they were OK with them. Over 1,300 instructors have now read what....


In stock now, a few elusive Henrys

Need some exercise? How about some beer or a bite?

Need some exercise? How about some beer or a bite?

Check out what it sure to be an awesome event. The proceeds will benefit the DUMA Food Bank here on Broad Street. Sign up to run or walk and share with everyone you can. Let's set the bar high on this inaugural event!


Head over to the Museum at Gunners Choice and give them a like!

What began as a small town gunstore a third of a century ago, our store has quietly evolved into wha

Ladies, this is an awesome opportunity to supplement your preparedness. You can't always carry your gun, you can't alway...

Ladies, this is an awesome opportunity to supplement your preparedness. You can't always carry your gun, you can't always get it, but you CAN and SHOULD do something!

Sign up today for this specialized class taught by a highly respected, nationally recognized and thankfully for us, local instructor (also one of our dear friends) Sensei Charles Burrows at Kokufuku School of Martial Arts . Like their page and send a message or call 910-658-1121.



June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight N**i Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end on June 6, the Allies gained a foot- hold in Normandy. The D-Day cost was high -more than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded -- but more than 100,000 Soldiers began the march across Europe to defeat Hi**er.

No matter how much time may pass, may we never forget the price that was paid for our freedom.


North Carolina Emergency Management is the lead state coordinating agency for Search and Rescue in North Carolina.

1) DO NOT GET SHOT BY THE POLICE. [sorry, shouted, very important] 2) You MAY NOT use deadly force SOLELY to protect "pr...

1) DO NOT GET SHOT BY THE POLICE. [sorry, shouted, very important] 2) You MAY NOT use deadly force SOLELY to protect "property". 3) DO NOT use words like "poe-poe", "perp" (especially when speaking of a poor misguided soul whose "good intentions" paved a road to so many peoples h**l), and "private citizens" (unless you have no believe in "We The People" and/or have established Citizenship), don't call guns/fi****ms/etc "WEPPIN"... ASP would/could be "100%" if they could just learn to stop using bad/trigger words. See: 1) please please please

Please thank MantisX for bringing us today’s video of Phoenix Off Duty Responds To Citizens Held At Gunpoint! Check them out at o...

" The perceived danger to the officer must be only apparent, not actual, to justify use of deadly force.  Apparent dange...

" The perceived danger to the officer must be only apparent, not actual, to justify use of deadly force. Apparent danger is such that it would cause a reasonable person to believe that he was in danger of death or great bodily harm. "

Press Release from District Attorney Ernest Lee regarding Newton Grove Officer Involved Shooting- Concluded Shooting was Justified

“On Tuesday, June 15, 2021, while responding to a reported kidnapping and s*xual assault call, Chief Gregory Calvin Warren of the Newton Grove Police Department shot Michael Almer Rich, DOB August 30, 1972, three times in the parking lot of convenience store in Newton Grove, North Carolina. The shooting occurred while Chief Warren was on duty. After reviewing the investigation of the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and the video of the incident, the shooting was justified because Rich’s actions caused Chief Newton to reasonably believe it necessary to use deadly force to protect his life.

The investigation revealed that on June 15, 2021, Chief Warren was responding to a 911 call related to a kidnapping and s*xual assault case in which Rich was identified as the suspect. Chief Warren was provided information through Sampson County Communications stating that a caller advised that a woman in a silver hatchback car flagged the caller down in the parking lot of the Dollar General in Newton Grove and requested the individual call the police because she was being held against her will and had been s*xually assaulted. Chief Warren responded to the scene and observed the suspect vehicle in the parking lot of Sam’s Circle Mart and a female was sitting in the front passenger’s seat. The vehicle was a Ford Focus. Chief Warren was operating a black unmarked Ford F150, and he was wearing his Newton Grove police uniform. Chief Warren approached the female in the Ford Focus and then he proceeded to Sam’s Circle Mart. Sam’s Circle Mart has a video camera that clearly captured the interaction between Chief Warren and Rich. The video does not have audio. The suspect later identified as Michael Almer Rich exited the store and the chief requested to speak with him. Rich continued to direct his attention toward the Ford Focus while speaking with the chief. Rich began walking away from the chief toward the Ford Focus and female. In an attempt to prevent Rich from moving toward the Ford Focus and female, Chief Warren grabbed Rich’s left shoulder with his left hand. Rich turned toward the chief and with his right hand, Rich pulled a gun from under his shirt. Rich pointed the gun in the direction of Chief Warren’s face. Chief Warren pushed Rich’s gun away from him and then stepped back. He created a space between him and Rich and then fired three rapid shots at Rich. The video depicts Rich turning his side toward the chief after the first shot. Rich fell to the parking lot.

The evidence shows that at approximately 2:40 p.m. on June 15, 2021, Chief Warren shot Rich in the parking lot area of Sam’s Circle Mart located at 104 Clinton Street in Newton Grove, North Carolina. After being shot, Chief Warren held Rich at gunpoint and radioed for medical assistance. The video depicts a deputy with the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office then responding on scene. Chief Warren recovered Rich’s firearm that Rich had been holding and gave the weapon to the deputy. Rich’s firearm was a Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun that had eight rounds in the magazine and no rounds in the chamber. The evidence shows that Rich was shot three times, once in the chest and twice in the right side. The evidence shows that Chief Warren was wearing a black uniform shirt with a Newton Grove Police Department patch on the chest area of the shirt. He was wearing his duty belt with holster and gun, pepper spray, handcuffs, and a handheld radio. Chief Warren was armed with a semi-automatic Smith & Wesson Shield 9mm pistol loaded with an eight-round magazine and one round in the chamber for a total of nine rounds loaded in the gun. Chief Warren was not wearing a body camera nor was his truck equipped with a camera. Chief Warren was interviewed by the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and during the interview, he stated he was in fear of his life when Rich pointed his gun at the chief. The evidence clearly shows that Rich was armed and a danger to the chief. The chief sustained no injuries.

Rich was transported for medical care and is currently incarcerated while receiving continued medical care and treatment for his gunshot wounds. The Sampson County Sheriff’s Office investigated the kidnapping and s*xual assault charges. On June 16, 2021, Rich was charged by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office with first degree kidnapping, first degree s*x offense, felony breaking and entering, and possession of firearm by felon. Rich was served with those warrants while recovering in the hospital. By law, Rich is presumed to be innocent of those offenses unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

At 3:53 p.m., I was contacted by Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Mitch Deaver of the SBI about an officer involved shooting in Newton Grove involving Chief Greg Warren. I joined with the Newton Grove PD and requested the SBI to investigate. In addition, I had contact with Sheriff Jimmy Thornton of the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office in reference to this shooting. At 4:15 p.m., I contacted Assistant District Attorney Robbert Thigpen of the Sampson DA’s office to proceed to Newton Grove and to keep me updated. Throughout the evening of June 15, 2021 and in the weeks since the shooting, I have remained in contact with the SBI about this investigation. In addition, I have remained in contact with Acting Chief Sgt. Wendy Jones of the Newton Grove Police Department since June 15, 2021. On July 20, 2021, I received reports from the SBI related to this investigation and immediately began reviewing those reports. I have reviewed the video and consulted with SAC Mitch Deaver and Assistant District Attorney Robert Thigpen.

Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 15A-401, when making an arrest a law enforcement officer is justified in using deadly physical force upon another person to defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force. Furthermore, the general rules of self-defense and defense of others in North Carolina allow for the use of deadly force when the individual, or honestly, believed in the need to defend himself or others from death or great bodily injury and the individual’s belief is reasonable in light of the circumstances as they appeared to him at the time. Clearly, from the facts and circumstances of this case, the officer was justified in using deadly force to defend himself and others from death or great bodily injury.

A federal judge in North Carolina has ruled that “it is the duty of a law enforcement officer to stand his ground, carry through on the performance of his duties, and meet force with force, so long as he acts in good faith and uses no more force than reasonably appears necessary to effectuate his duties and save himself from harm.” Law enforcement officers are required to instantaneously evaluate and employ force against possible criminal suspects to thwart apparent dangers to citizens and themselves. Officers must perceive, evaluate, decide, and then act often in a matter of seconds.

The perceived danger to the officer must be only apparent, not actual, to justify use of deadly force. Apparent danger is such that it would cause a reasonable person to believe that he was in danger of death or great bodily harm. Although there is evidence of actual danger to Chief Warren, under the law there was also apparent danger. From the evidence, it reasonably appeared to Chief Warren there was a sufficient basis for self-defense. The facts in this case demonstrate the presence of apparent danger to Chief Warren. A person may exercise such force if he believes it to be necessary and has reasonable grounds for such belief. An officer acting in self-defense is presumed to have acted in good faith. Federal courts have held that “The Constitution simply does not require police to gamble with their lives in the face of serious threat of harm.”

Based upon my review of the facts of this case, I have determined that the shooting of Michael Almer Rich on June 15, 2021 was justified to protect the safety and life of Chief Warren as the threat appeared to Chief Warren. Chief Warren perceived an apparent threat, evaluated the situation in split seconds, made a decision and acted. Chief Warren’s actions appear reasonable under all the circumstances of this case. Chief Warren faced apparent danger as perceived by him. Chief Warren was justified in defending himself from death or great bodily injury. There is insufficient evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to show that Chief Warren acted in any manner that was not consistent with his perception of an apparent threat.

I appreciate the thorough investigation by SAC Mitch Deaver, the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation, and the assistance of the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office.”


Several gun rights groups, including the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR), are warning their supporters about the dangers of this bill.

For those with long waits, this provides a good explanation of all counties who are waiting on state, federal and postal...

For those with long waits, this provides a good explanation of all counties who are waiting on state, federal and postal delays that are all part of the process.

NOW—About those waits! There has been a great deal of conversation about wait times for Carry Concealed Permits (CCW) and Pistol Purchase Permits (PPC). Last month the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office online program had over 450 pending applications for CCW. There were more than 150 PPCs on file. Today there are slightly more than 200 CCWs pending and 0 PPCs in the system. The reduction is due to hard work and time management.
FIRST—to process a CCW—one must be fingerprinted. These fingerprints go to the State (SBI) and the Feds (FBI)—once they leave Harnett County - we have no control.
SECOND-The Applicant information must be entered manually (manually means a HUMAN BEING)—into three () federal computer systems and four (4) state computer systems.
THIRD-Information is sent to regional medical facilities and to the US Military, if necessary.
FOURTH- After ALL this clears [minimum of ten (10) days]—a final entry is made in the state system for final processing and printing. USPS then returns the CCW.
With COVID and shutdowns—there was some delay. We worked with half-staff, no staff and completely shut down. Our facility is still CLOSED to the public. We meet you at the door—then DR/Nurse you through questions and temperature checks just to have the chance to speak in person.
The turnaround time on PPCs is one day---CCWs is at the mercy of many things, but getting closer to 30 days once we get past the last quarter of 2020 backlog.
BOTTOM LINE---there is a wait---PULL UP A CHAIR AND GET COMFORTABLE. We will work through this and open our doors eventually!


$4,355 raised out of our $10,000 GOAL
That’s Amazing and we are so incredibly Thankful, but we have a ways to go.

We want to make sure that we provide the best way for YOU to make your contribution in supporting Andrew and his Fight!

We created this flyer that can be printed or sent digitally to your friends and family. Small business owner?? Print it and put it at the counter or in the window, own a coffee shop, post it on a bulletin board or tape it to the check out counter...

There are many ways that you can help us that won’t involve you making a monetary donation. 🙏🏼

If you have any questions about this flyer or what you could do to make a difference...?? Please don’t hesitate to reach out!


The[e] World Famous Chad Thompson "Chad School" (NCCCH) in Clinton, Sampson County, NC Saturday, September 14th. All the contact info to get the times/locations etc after the hop:

‼️ CONCEALED CARRY CLASS ‼️ Email List for Upcoming Class Dates This is not your average concealed carry class. The lead instructor has over 30 years of real world law enforcement experience. You can find a cheaper class, but you CANNOT find a better quality, more informative, or more entert...

Thoughtful "food for thought" from our friends over at American Warrior Society.

Thoughtful "food for thought" from our friends over at American Warrior Society.

Safety Considerations for Riots and Protests By Guest Author: Doug Lightfoot The 2020 Presidential Election is shaping up to be one of the most highly contested elections in my lifetime. A contentious election coupled with the massive amounts of civil disturbances that include both peaceful protests...

"Shoot [them] in the leg." 4 bystanders/witnesses Oct 26, 2020, Philadelphia PA. (screen grab, comment) ~Candidate Biden...

"Shoot [them] in the leg." 4 bystanders/witnesses Oct 26, 2020, Philadelphia PA. (screen grab, comment) ~Candidate Biden June 1 and October 16-17, 2020. ||| On April 23, 1989, Goldsboro police were called to 311 Pearson St. for a report of an injured man. The resident living at the address called after finding Harper on her front porch bleeding from a >>> gunshot wound to the leg.

An arrest has been made 31 years after a fatal shooting in Goldsboro.

Wake County friends and followers: 3rd Lawsuit about "Individual Handgun Purchase Permits." Grass Roots North Carolina (...

Wake County friends and followers: 3rd Lawsuit about "Individual Handgun Purchase Permits." Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC): will you please step in for Harnett County. Keep Wayne Coats Sheriff did it first (and worse) and continues to "block" permitting or process "new" CCH permits. Everybody: join or support GRNC in their efforts.

A grassroots organization has filed another lawsuit against the Wake County Sheriff's Office, this time over the time it takes for residents to obtain hand gun permits.

Concealed Carry Handgun Class in Raleigh, NC on Leap Day Feb 29, 2020.From Gregg Alston: Take the next step in personal ...

Concealed Carry Handgun Class in Raleigh, NC on Leap Day Feb 29, 2020.

From Gregg Alston: Take the next step in personal defense. Whether you have experience or not, we can help. Don't be prepared!


Owner Shooting-Performance ( This channel is dedicated to videos that demonstrate performance shooting and training techniques.

Got nothing to do today? Bring the kids to Tyler Park in Dunn between 11-2pm for Public Safety Day!

Got nothing to do today? Bring the kids to Tyler Park in Dunn between 11-2pm for Public Safety Day!


Shop at Walmart? Still open carry? It's now not allowed, come take a class with us and join the generation carrying concealed.


Don't forget tomorrow morning's Facebook Live Stream: Coffee with Rich. 0630 Central Time, right here on the American Warrior Society's page.

Rich is the Co-Host of the American Warrior Show. Join Rich for coffee, some news and events, upcoming content and previous content you may have missed, but need to check out.

Tomorrow we will also discuss edged weapons. Don't miss this live stream!

To clarify something very confusing in NC law:Section 10: This Executive Order does not prohibit or restrict lawfully po...

To clarify something very confusing in NC law:

Section 10: This Executive Order does not prohibit or restrict lawfully possessed fi****ms or ammunition [...]

Yes. You can carry - concealed with a permit or open without - during the "declared state of emergency" caused by Hurricane Dorian. No. You may not "lawfully" carry with the intention of "stopping looters". Deadly force MAY NOT be used to protect property.
Dean Wiley Candy Sugarman Dwight Weaver

Governor Roy Cooper today

Take a knee... take a knee... take a knee... or, adopt a "highly combative" [you can call it "defensive" if you are of t...

Take a knee... take a knee... take a knee... or, adopt a "highly combative" [you can call it "defensive" if you are of that mind-set] posture (bend in the knees, ears in front of shoulders, shoulders in front of hips). The further apart your feet are, the better. Think: runner in the blocks or football players lining up.

"Police said a false report of gunfire set off a stampede that trampled more than a dozen people at Chicago's annual July 4 fireworks display Thursday at Navy Pier,..." Dean Wiley

Police said a false report of gunfire set off a stampede that trampled more than a dozen people at Chicago's annual July 4 fireworks display Thursday at Navy Pier, where thousands of revelers had crowded the Lake Michigan shore.

Individually For Sale: -1 VLTOR Stripped Upper-1 C**t New Agent Concealed Carry .45ACP Pistol-1 Custom 20" Tactical ARAn...

Individually For Sale:
-1 VLTOR Stripped Upper
-1 C**t New Agent Concealed Carry .45ACP Pistol
-1 Custom 20" Tactical AR

Any can be purchased from us after a visit to Gunners Choice in Dunn for transfer paperwork and background check (yes we know you don't need it for the AR)

C**t New Agent:

Custom AR (5.56): $650
- 20 inch Flutted SuperBull R-Guns Barrel (Stainless)
- Spikes Punisher Tactical Lower (Black)
- Daniel Defense Lower Parts
- Magpul ACS-L Stock (Black)
- Quad Rail Free Float Handguard (Black)
- Low Profile Rifle Gas Block (Stainless/Blakc)
- Magpul AFG (Tan)
- Leopold Rifleman Scope

VLTOR Upper: $75


106 Carolina Drive
Dunn, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 07:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 07:30 - 18:30
Thursday 07:30 - 18:30
Friday 07:30 - 18:30
Saturday 07:00 - 19:30
Sunday 11:00 - 17:00


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