When picking out flights for an upcoming adventure, look at all the possible connection cities on all the routes offered through as many airlines as you can. Basically… look at every single option given to you.
While prices may be a bit higher on some, they may offer you a chance to visit somewhere you hadn’t really thought about before. When I was booking my trip to Eastern Africa last year I found a flight with a 32 hour layover in Qatar and instantly snatched it up! And I am so glad I did because I loved every minute of my time there!
Some airlines even offer up to a 1-7 day extended stay in certain cities at no additional cost to you (airline cost that is…) Example: When traveling on a transatlantic IcelandAir flight, you can add a stop in Iceland itself for up to 7 days with no additional airline costs to your ticket! Score!! Lots of airlines offer something similar, and there are many cities all over the globe that offer free city tours to people on extended layovers…
So to wrap this up… always look at every option you have when you are looking at flights. You never know what you could find!