IUPUI FSL IUPUI Fraternity and Sorority Life is home to 20 Fraternities and Sororities! Learn more here: fsl.iupui.edu

The IUPUI Fraternity and Sorority Life vision is to cultivate a Fraternity and Sorority community that:
- Cultivates and reflects a values-based holistic experience
- Meaningfully engages within the fraternity and sorority community, the campus community, and the greater community
- Actively learns about, desires to increase awareness of, appreciates, and respects difference to build cultural co

mpetencies that are reflected in their actions
- Understands the importance of, and participates in, sustained civic engagement, educationally meaningful service, and philanthropy
- Recognizes the value of, and is committed to, a physically, socially, and emotionally safe environment for all members of the community, and
- Comprehends and adheres to standards of accountability.

This weekend IUPUI FSL attended the Purdue FSCL Leadership Summit where our members were able to build leadership skills...

This weekend IUPUI FSL attended the Purdue FSCL Leadership Summit where our members were able to build leadership skills through awesome keynote speakers and workshops! Thank you for the opportunity!

Congrats IUPUI Panhellenic on all your hard work this past year!!!

Congrats IUPUI Panhellenic on all your hard work this past year!!!

Central Authentication Service @ Indiana University



CCSE/FSL is looking for JagBlast Ambassadors for the Summer. Please consider applying to be an ambassador if you plan to be around IUPUI this summer.

2019 Summer Student JagBlast Ambassador for CCSE

Department: Campus Center and Student Experiences

Summary: The Student JagBlast Ambassadors for Campus Center and Student Experiences (CCSE) play an integral role in the representation of the office during Summer Orientation. As members of the CCSE JagBlast Team, all ambassadors will interact with incoming students, staff, and summer orientation staff. Applicants should possess a strong work ethic, have a high level of personal accountability, good time management skills, ability to take initiative, and a desire to interact with others and to share opportunities of involvement in the collegiate experience specifically through the CCSE office.

Duties and Responsibilities

Attend one training session in the last week of May; date will depend on schedules of staff. Set up the CCSE tables and activities for each JagBlast session and return them to the CCSE office at the conclusion of each session. Actively participate in the designated CCSE JagBlast activities. Represent CCSE in a professional and positive manner at all times.

Compensation: $10.15/hour

4 - 5 hours/week (Specifically, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. on the following dates: June 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, July 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29 and designated trainings/meetings)

Required Qualifications
At least 2.0 cumulative grade point average
Good standing with the University

Preferred Qualifications
Involvement in organizations at IUPUI housed through CCSE
Working knowledge of the office and involvement opportunities
Strong interpersonal and communication skills
Comfort speaking in front of groups of people and directly with individuals
Ability to work well with others

Central Authentication Service @ Indiana University


CCSE/FSL is looking for JagBlast Ambassadors for the Summer. Please consider applying to be an ambassador if you plan to be around IUPUI this summer.

2019 Summer Student JagBlast Ambassador for CCSE

Department: Campus Center and Student Experiences

Summary: The Student JagBlast Ambassadors for Campus Center and Student Experiences (CCSE) play an integral role in the representation of the office during Summer Orientation. As members of the CCSE JagBlast Team, all ambassadors will interact with incoming students, staff, and summer orientation staff. Applicants should possess a strong work ethic, have a high level of personal accountability, good time management skills, ability to take initiative, and a desire to interact with others and to share opportunities of involvement in the collegiate experience specifically through the CCSE office.

Duties and Responsibilities

Attend one training session in the last week of May; date will depend on schedules of staff. Set up the CCSE tables and activities for each JagBlast session and return them to the CCSE office at the conclusion of each session. Actively participate in the designated CCSE JagBlast activities. Represent CCSE in a professional and positive manner at all times.

Compensation: $10.15/hour

4 - 5 hours/week (Specifically, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. on the following dates: June 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, July 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29 and designated trainings/meetings)

Required Qualifications
At least 2.0 cumulative grade point average
Good standing with the University

Preferred Qualifications
Involvement in organizations at IUPUI housed through CCSE
Working knowledge of the office and involvement opportunities
Strong interpersonal and communication skills
Comfort speaking in front of groups of people and directly with individuals
Ability to work well with others


The FSL community grew last night with the addition of Sigma Lambda Upsilon sorority. The FSL community is so happy to welcome you to our campus and to our community. Congratulations!!!


Sigma Lambda Upsilon is coming...
Monday, April 1st at 9:00 PM in Taylor Courtyard!!!


Healthy Relationships in College and Beyond - Sexual Assault Awareness Month Kick-Off Speaker (April's FSL 20/20 Educational Program)

Please join Fraternity and Sorority Life as we welcome Tricia Benitez from Greek University Speaking Agency to campus on Tuesday, April 2nd in the Campus Center Theater at 5:30 PM to kick off Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Tricia will be here to speak about the importance of Healthy Relationships. This event is open to all IUPUI Students, Faculty, Staff, Advisors and Community Members.

Thanks to the IUPUI Interfraternity Council for sponsoring the funding for our speaker. We appreciate your contributions to be able to provide more awareness regarding the importance of Healthy Relationships and Sexual Assault Prevention.


IUPUI All Greek Blood Drive starts today in the Campus Center. Please try to come and donate!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Blood Drive in the Campus Center TV Lounge in the Lower Level

Thursday, March 28, 2019
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Bloodmobile in Taylor Courtyard


The Indiana Blood Center is here in the Campus Center today to help you sign-up for the Blood Drive at the end of March. If you are going to give and want help signing up, come see Courtney from 11:00 AM-12:30 PM and then from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM in the Campus Center Atrium. They are located by the "Know your Status" booth. Again he FSL Blood Drive's dates and times are listed below.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Campus Center TV Lounge

Thursday, March 28, 2019
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Bloodmobile in Taylor Courtyard


Congrats to our Panhellenic Community for their academic achievement for this past year!!!

NPC would like to congratulate more than 85 College Panhellenics who achieved a higher all-sorority GPA average than the all-women's average on their campus in the 2018 calendar year.

Outstanding scholastic achievement is a high priority for NPC and its member organizations. NPC is proud to share and celebrate the achievements of College Panhellenics communities.

Congratulations to all of the following colleges and universities!


FSL wants everyone to have a fun and safe Spring Break next week. Please make sure you follow these quick and simple tips to have a safe time!!!

New Member/ Neophyte of the Year

Below is a list of Awards that will be presented to individuals of our FSL community at the CCSE/FSL Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 22nd. Anyone from the community can fill out the awards applications for any member of our FSL community, advisors and advocates. Descriptions and qualifications of all awards can be found at the top of each award submission link. We will send out more information regarding the location and start time of the Awards Ceremony, as well as who’s been nominated so they can be in attendance at the awards ceremony towards the end of March. Thanks and let any FSL staff or Council Officer know if you have any questions or concerns.

Note: ALL submissions for any awards are due by Friday, March 29th at 5:00 PM. Thanks.

New Member/Neophyte of the Year Award - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfFY_aTAFnGrQoHh9FT7t42RxTZJ6q9vP9PJy9REiTAqJXGUg/viewform
Andrea Anderson Outstanding Advocate Award - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeb0rkvbhNEny0heCFKtQckvUV-52QIo7jWDAhP6hz0mGsaAg/viewform
Values in Action Award - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_DkeX7BIbDxNdmkpui_pBRiYbS6i3a-TSYYI5TKQEhtDREw/viewform
Chapter Advisor of the Year - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7kUeWLLNz9a248EHRUxpinzyT6AnPd119Rjsok78jMRX0Uw/viewform
Multicultural Outstanding Chapter President - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvSsDGtysZijSwyHWl2HXWb3nqtQuQBNV9nfp9XZaVU0oGow/viewform
Panhellenic Outstanding Chapter President - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvSsDGtysZijSwyHWl2HXWb3nqtQuQBNV9nfp9XZaVU0oGow/viewform
NPHC’s Outstanding Chapter President - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvSsDGtysZijSwyHWl2HXWb3nqtQuQBNV9nfp9XZaVU0oGow/viewform
IFC Outstanding Chapter President - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvSsDGtysZijSwyHWl2HXWb3nqtQuQBNV9nfp9XZaVU0oGow/viewform
NPHC Man of the Year - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfv8xD08d-8Az4BkYgi3mHYrqg0DiFGjrzssabdVjMkbqenaA/viewform
IFC Man of the Year - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScVuX1MhAb9Fih3YC1rvCqnRXSEt8zLu9evyCAopMW2NmHBew/viewform
Panhellenic Women of Year - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdj8sZ76T5awGi7W6dF_3Q0Ve53dRTLjXFKanH8PEhtldvEVQ/viewform
NPHC Women of the Year - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdat4x4hoqfq-elzvBWA8U-O6N4GLRrJqdlR1K4946RYg5BPw/viewform
MGC Member of the Year - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSft43cyHs3B9HyRUaGaE-Jw0Jn18D8FcctRtvISIeHYYDkuTA/viewform

The New Member/ Neophyte of the Year Award recognizes one new member from the FSL community and/or Circle City NPHC for overall excellence and impact as a new member. Please include information about the person's impact, how they have excelled, any leadership roles, and any other relevant informatio...


Celebrate National Quilt Month with the art of Mollie Renfrow in the Cultural Arts Gallery now through April 6. Relax your mind and blanket your senses with color and texture through this imaginative and expressive art form.

On Tuesday, March 5, meet the artist and enjoy a patchwork of light refreshments from 4pm-6pm. Immerse yourself in the quilt-making process, traditional quilts, wall hangings and more at this gallery exhibit open house.

Follow the thread later in the month as HWP and the LGBTQ+ Center weave together opportunities to explore the intersection of quilting, culture, and personal wellness. With the help of artist Mollie Renfrow you can express yourself through the art of quilting and leave your mark by creating pieces that will become part of a 50th Anniversary quilt celebrating IUPUI. Pop by and quilt with us on Wednesday, March 20 from 11am-2pm in UC 101. Stay and play again in the Cultural Arts Gallery on Thursday, March 21 with an interactive quilt and well-being workshop from 4pm-6pm.

Indiana - Donor Portal

IUPUI FSL Blood Drive
Click here to volunteer to donate

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Campus Center TV Lounge

Thursday, March 28, 2019
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Bloodmobile in Taylor Courtyard

Versiti is a strategic affiliation of successful healthcare organizations whose vision is to improve the health of patients as the national leader in innovative transfusion solutions for healthcare systems.


FSL @ IUPUI would like to Welcome Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity to campus next week as they start their expansion efforts. They will be tabling next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the Campus Center and will have an information session next Wednesday at 6:00 PM in 409 of the Campus Center. If you see them out and about campus, please extend them a warm welcome!!!

Steering Committee Positions

2019 Regatta Steering Committee has Open Positions if any FSL Members are interested in applying. The two open positions are the Media Communications position and External Sponsors position.

I was told they will also have a general board this year for students to work on various committees, more information is to come regarding that opportunity.

To apply for the two open positions, click on the link below:

Steering committee position descriptions.


We would like to take some time to update everyone on some people who will be working with our FSL community for Spring 2019.

Kennedi Jarvi be serving as our graduate practicum student and will be working on a few initiatives here in the office including Curriculum and Leadership Development as well as FSL Recruitment and Retention Strategies. Kennedi is currently a Master's Student at Ball State University in the Student Affairs program (SAAHE). She will be with us here in office every Thursday through the course of the semester from 9-5, so stop by Suite 370 and say hello. Kennedi is also a member of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority from the University of Central Oklahoma where she did her undergrad.

Next, he is no stranger to our community, Jon Hawkins will be serving as our FSL Developmental Intern. He will be working on building an Alumni Database for all of our FSL organizations and doing some Development work, which includes Fundraising Opportunities for FSL to help us build Scholarship opportunities for members and PNM's. Jon is studying Philanthropic Studies and is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity.

Job Searching

Who wants to come work for FSL as a student assistant???

To apply, go to https://employment.iupui.edu/jobs/job-searching/index.html

More about the Position:

Student Assistant for Fraternity and Sorority Life
IUPUI Jobs On-Campus, IUPUI Approved Work Study
IUPUI - Campus Center and Student Experience

Position Type
IUPUI Jobs On-Campus, IUPUI Approved Work Study
Desired Class Level(s)
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior
Work Authorization
Citizen - US, Permanent Resident - US, J-1, F-1
The Student Assistant position has responsibility to Fraternity and Sorority Life playing an integral role in the support and success of this functional area in Campus Center and Student Experiences Office. Managing of multiple projects and working with various individuals throughout the year is a significant part of the position. Applicants should possess a strong work ethic; have a high level of personal accountability, good time management skills and an ability to take initiative.

Duties and Responsibilities:

· Responsible for maintaining and updating all fraternity and sorority life social media outlets including Facebook and Instagram. Being able to manage social media through a medium called Hootsuite.

· Responsible for the maintenance and updating of fraternity and sorority life programming and electronic calendars

· Responsible for FSL Newsletters and other FSL communication pieces including PR for the FSL community during peak times like recruitment

· Assist with the University Email account and the FSL Gmail account

· Assist in the logistics for fraternity and sorority life programs

· Assist in the maintenance of the fraternity and sorority life database including chapter rosters

· Other duties as assigned

Required Qualifications:
• At least 2.0 cumulative grade point average
• Good standing with the University
• Willing to work the10-15 hours in a work week
• Able to work independently on projects and initiatives without consent oversight
• Discretion and confidentiality is important in this position

Preferred Qualifications:
• Involvement in student life at IUPUI, strong interpersonal and communication skills, and ability to work with others coupled with a working knowledge of fraternities and sororities.

IUPUI’s online resource and job posting system for IUPUI students to find on-campus and community college work experiences.

Student Commencement Speaker

FSL Seniors who are graduating....

Would you like the opportunity to represent your department or your school?

Do you enjoy making an impact on an audience?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, consider applying to become the 2019 IUPUI Student-Commencement Speaker!


The student commencement speaker will give a three-to-five-minute speech in front of graduating students, their guests, and campus officials.


Halloween is almost here. Make good choices.

It's October and that means playoff baseball and Halloween fun. And while your baseball team may not have had a choice in participating in postseason action, you will have the choice in participating in Halloween activities.

Whether you attend Halloween haunted houses, or carnivals (a great idea for an Order of Omega chapter, by the way), or you attend a Halloween party, remember that you have to make great choices.

Every year -- it seems -- we see reports of fraternity or sorority members at Halloween parties wearing very questionable/very offensive outfits. This culture is definitely an issue that has been identified in too many fraternal communities.

So, if it's an issue on your campus we ask you to bring light to it. Choose not to participate if you feel a theme for a party doesn't feel right. It's only when we make the choice to make a difference that these kind of issues will be properly dealt with. This is how you can stop watching, and start doing.

Have a GREAT Halloween. Make the right choice.

Order of Omega HQ

Spring 2018 FSL Contact Sheet

Current FSL Presidents, please check the FSL contact page to make sure your email is up-to-date since IUPUI has changed over the old umail accounts. I have had a lot of bounce back with some of your emails, so please make sure your email and your officers emails are current. Thanks.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UZf1LtLEEKQ6J9_ySg9hW3uBzKrIOI83y9avAXha_qE/edit =1274213585

Staff& Council Officers Staff and Council Officers Position, Name, Affiliation, Phone, Email Assistant Director, Chris Hager, Sigma Nu, 317-274-4940, jchager@ iupui. edu Coordinator Graduate Assistant NPHC Faculty Advisor, Sharee Myricks, Alpha Kappa Alpha, 317-278-2630, smyricks@ iupui. e...


IUPUI students Nigel and Hannah participating in UIFI. Alumni Fred and Coordinator Mat are serving as facilitators!


Shoutout to .blanton from and from for participating in UIFI at IU Bloomington this past week!

It's not all about the crown for 500 Festival princess Alyssa Halcomb

Great story with one of our own sorority member at IUPUI. Check out Alyssa Halcomb's story, member of Zeta Tau Alpha regarding her platform for the 500 Festival Princess program.

IUPUI's Halcomb wants to give back to the Indianapolis communities that have already given her so much.


Shout out to our Graduate Assistant, on being hooded and graduating with her Master Degree! We will miss everything you have done to support, advocate, and advise our students.


A friendly reminder from our friends at

Office of Student Employment

CCSE is looking for Ambassadors to help with JagBlast for Summer 2018. It will only be 4-5 hours a week and you will only be required to work on Mondays and Thursday evenings between the hours of 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM. If you are interested in working with CCSE/FSL this summer, head over to Jagjobs and checkout the job posting. http://employment.uc.iupui.edu/
This position is work study eligible.

The vision of the Office of Student Employment is to become a nationally recognized leader in the innovation and promotion of student employment best practices and services.


Campus Center, Suite 370, 420 University Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN


Be the first to know and let us send you an email when IUPUI FSL posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.



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