Thought those who follow ofannin hospitality might like to see a new arrival, albeit probably a short stay, who showed up a week or so ago. She was heat stressed, under nourished and worn out. Thought she might be a herd dog, that starts with P that I can't spell, but now not so sure. We are trying to put a little bit of a handle on her so that should someone want her she won't be such a handful. She has been here awhile and has become settled in.
She is actually snow white and very definitely a puppy, a BIG puppy. Her color has started to change, she now has champaign highlights, and at this rate, is going to be quite the cutie. This picture shows her after a romp in the water and mud that she seems to love. She annoys the heck out of the two "old dogs" in the house, me and Shep, but Shep loves searching the property with her every morning. Her name is "Baby Doll" and that seems to fit with her highlighted hair and a sachet that has more moving parts than a '47 Packard. She loves people and may earn her keep by becoming the good will ambassador for the guest house. We will keep you posted.