At Social Savvy Business, we make social media marketing easy by helping you develop and manage a social and online presence to ensure you get the maximum value, traffic and sales from social media. From single person companies such as real estate agents, to large fortune 500 companies that need a strategic plan, our company covers everything from custom pages on Facebook to graphic design video c
reation. Our team of experts will create a complete suite of custom graphics based on your website branding for any and all social media networks of interest. And in case you need help implementing your social media strategy, we will personally manage your sites daily to ensure you get the maximum value from social media without having to spend all your time online! For the busy executives that see time as money, we develop and manage all aspects of your online presence across the social web daily. Features include audience building, content creation and distribution, reputation management and monitoring, customer service, statistics and reporting, and more. We are helping you build your business by consolidating your efforts and maximizing your results. We also provide individual as well as corporate training and seminars. So what are you waiting for? Call us for a free consultation! 818-263-7265