Besides a quick establishing shot seen as Luke, C3-PO, R2-D2, and Obi-Wan whiz by on their way to obtain passage to Alderaan, Djerba's Sidi Jemour mosque (located on the isle's west coast) was also used in the filming of a "lost" 'Star Wars' scene at Anchorhead. 'Tosche Station' is mentioned in the final version of the film, but the scenes set here ended up on the cutting room floor as director George Lucas felt their expository information slowed down the pace of the film too much.
Sidi Jemour is certainly the best preserved 'Star Wars' filming location on Djerba, but not because locals see it as a way to attract tourists! This is an actual functioning religious compound, and therefore an important part of daily life for nearby villagers. The caretakers, who live in a building adjacent to the mosque, keep the place looking stunning - whitewashed so perfectly against the azure sky and mesmerizing Gulf of Gabes. As we traversed through the cliffs of Sidi Jemour, families were gathering to take part in a call to prayer. Still, others lingered in the shade, or ran down from the mosque to take a swim. We could not help but ponder that if every religious building in the world had this seascape as a backdrop, there would likely be a lot more "people of faith" out there!