Via Escapish: How can I travel and work at the same time? How can I start a business that is flexible enough to allow time off? What is it like to relocate overseas? What do I expect, how much does it cost, what are the people like?
I am so proud to answer all of those questions and more in my upcoming book, "Travel First, Ask Questions Later". It's a fun, quick and informative read. You'll have all kinds of tools and resources in-hand that allows you to get started living the travel life. It's really simply to start, but takes discipline to stay and succeed. I'm here to show you the way! ~Vittoria
Read more and get an alert when the book is ready to pick up on Escapish.com | http://escapish.com/how-to-travel-work-millennial-digital-nomad-abroad/
To qualify myself on the topic, I've been making transatlantic trips from the States to Europe and beyond for a decade now. More than a vacation, I stay in all kinds of foreign and exciting places ...