Our exceptional group of 2023 Summer Interns are preparing to disembark. ☹️
After almost ten weeks of intensive assignments with their host departments (and taking on some impressive projects!), these young professionals are preparing for their upcoming fall adventures!
We are honored to have hosted such a wonderful group and enjoyed the opportunity to gather one last time at a special luncheon to honor their achievements.
From all of us at NCLH, we wish our Summer Intern Class of 2023 fair winds and following seas as they continue to achieve goals and make their dreams come true! 🤩🙌
Congratulations to the following:
Alexandra Curbelo, Amir Edwards, Bryce Baxter, Christopher Rodriguez, Dani Kaplan, Erick Delgado, Fabiola Fils-Aime, Gabriel Lugo, Isabella Balcazar, Jaime Esquenazi, Julian Fernandez, Korinna Arteaga, Logan Bordenkircher, Mark Costa, Matthew Skweres, Michael Dominguez, Ryan Hershkowitz, Samantha Arnold, Serena Saul, Syon Sandhu and Wilsy Germosen