HCYH "How can you help"
I often get asked how someone can help that does not live locally. Does not have a camera and is not a good photographer. Is not able to hike the hills to the horses. Does not have any extra money to spare. Does not have a lot of spare time. But loves our wild horses and wants to help.
1/ Become an expert on wild horses. Start here: https://americanwildhorsecampaign.org/
2/ Spread the word. Share our posts. Create social media posts that help to educate others. Be sure your information is accurate. Alway be supportive and kind to other advocates. Everyone is learning.
3/ Call your representatives. Let them know you are passionate about keeping our wild horses wild. Let them know you do not approve of their round up and removal program. It is ok to keep it simple.
4/ Organize fundraisers. Get on board with our team to help. We only have community meetings when we have news to share. But it is important to be prepared. But all year, every year we need fundraisers to pay for our birth control program, fuel and maintenance for the vehicles, insurance, travel to lobby Washington and the state. Supplies like dart rifles, binoculars, range finders for the dart team.
5/ Get children involved. It is essential to educate the next generation and fuel the passion for our wild horses. In the Spring Blossom and summer take children out to see the horses. Ask them to do lemonade stands or other fundraisers. We will provide brochures for them to distribute.
5/ If you have talent, like beadwork, embroidery, graphic designer, let us know and we will find a way to use your skill.
6/ Share our posts on Facebook and Instagram. Building our followers is essential to our success. Our posts allow our followers to get to know each horse and their personalities. It allows people to understand our program and the purpose behind it.
No one needs to do everything. We can be successful if everyone does a little. The end result is healthy wild horses running free on a healthy range. It does not always take money to help. It takes passion and a desire to help.
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