• Use of traditional still film cameras, including 35mm, 120mm, 4x5, and 8x10 formats in the commercial photography industry.
• Commercial and personal uses of b&w, color negative, and color slide films; ranging from low to high speed films.
• Use of photographic film cameras including; Hasselblad, Mamiya, Leica, Canon, Wista, Toyo, Sinar, Deardorf. Specializing in larg
e format photographic techniques with extensive understanding of proper uses of tilts, swings, shifts, and depth of field.
• Lighting design using Strobe, Keno, HMI, Tungsten, and Ambient light. Includes mixed color temperatures, color correction, and proper use of color and light meters.
• Extensive understanding of darkroom techniques including archival b&w processing and printing.
• Film processing includes tray and roll processing. Color darkroom experience Includes use of color enlargers, color balancing, color negative and positive printing. STILL DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY
• Experienced digital photography includes use of Medium Format Digital backs, DSLR, Point and Shoot Digital cameras.
• Digital cameras include Phase One P25 and P45, Hasselblad H2 and H3DII, Canon EOS 5D and EOS 1D Mark II and Mark IV. Including a wide variety of Canon, Sony, and Panasonic Point and Shoot cameras.
• Digital capture and RAW development through programs including Capture One Pro, Lightroom, Photoshop, and Bridge.
• Extensive use of Photoshop CS5.
• Understanding and use of Digital Asset Management software including use of Metadata, Archiving, Cataloging