Aqua Management, Inc., Staten Island's firmly established premier pool management and service company, has been delivering over 25 years of quality service and hands-on experience to many of Staten Island's pool communities. In 2006, Aqua Management changed ownership, putting a new and dedicated management staff in place. Our owners are actively involved in business operations and inspect each fac
ility every day of the pool season. This directly contributes to the quality of service that we provide to our customers. Our purpose and our goal is to provide your community with a safe, clean, and smooth running facility. We accomplish this with a highly experienced staff consisting of field supervisors, managers, lifeguards, and certified pool operators that work seven days a week. Your community can also take comfort in knowing that we provide a comprehensive insurance package. Aqua also has its own certification program, which provides the opportunity for people to become certified lifeguards. In addition, this program allows experienced lifeguards to sharpen their skills. Our supervisors train our lifeguards in pool safety, pool etiquette, and the use of pool equipment. Aqua has a separate service company employing various technicians, which assures the swim facility the security of knowing that any problems that might occur with the pool or equipment will be handled in house immediately so that none or very little pool time is lost. All pools are monitored and kept up to Board of Health standards and regulations, which may change seasonally. It is very important that people deal with a reputable pool company. Aqua can provide a list of references that attest to the quality of our service.