Today was my first full day of no longer working at the company I built 24 years ago.
It has been a bittersweet day.
On one hand I am proud of building RS Calibration Services into a profitable business and transitioning that business to an international firm. I know it was the right thing to do for both the company, its employees, and for Debbie and I. Today I admit that i checked emails a couple times out of habit and curiosity. I only responded to two of them…
On the other hand I am excited to see what the future holds, It’s like starting over again, but this time with no clear agenda...a clean slate.
We went on a 7 mile walk and them I walked the dog on the beach for an 8th. A good day!
Looking forward to spending time at home, spending more time with family, and taking a few trips before hanging out the consulting shingle.
Thanks to everyone on the current and past RS Calibration team and thanks for all my friends who provided guidance and support along the way.
The Company is in Great hands under the Trescal umbrella. I will be in continued contact with the team to lend support when needed.
Please visit the Trescal.com website. A great company where I know RS Calibration with thrive.