Have you ever wonder why the month of December is such a lovable and friendly season? Why? Because Jesus is the reason for this season.
Merry Christmas for everyone! 🙏🙏🙏
For more inspirationals visit 7sorrowsrosaries.com by clicking on the profile link.
#merrychristmas #thebirthofjesus #7sorrowsrosary #7sorrowsrosary #jesusisthereasonfortheseason
A thankfulness state of mind overcome self pity, self entitlement and self victim mentality, as a result it allows humility to grow in us so the grace of God can enter into our hearts. We should always strive to be thankful, but today we’ll amplify it and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
#happythanksgiving #happythanksgivingday #alwaybethankful
Fake it until you make it? I don’t think so!
Do you want to know my suggestions? Watch this video.
#faith #timetoriseup #paulsosa #betruthful #getoutofyourself
I’ve ran out of food so I had to step outside for a little food shopping.
And now we should be reflecting and being mindful with what’s happening on these fragile times.
The best we can do now, is to stay calm, to reach out to friends, families and businesses, and open our ears with our hearts and listen with intent.
And most of all, have FAITH and trust in GOD!
You want to know more? Watch the video below... 🙏👍💪 BOOM💥💥💥
God bless you!
My Testimony Part 3: How I Came Back to the Faith
On the previous episode I explained how the Catholic faith was re-introduced to me and how I started believing in God.
Then your question is, What changed after you find faith in your life?
All of the sudden, I find my self starting believing more and more, and one thing start leading to another and another and another.
After a while, my friend asked me if I knew about confession, and whether I had ever gone to confess my sins to a Catholic priest.
I told her I couldn’t remember the last time I did; it may have been thirty-five years before, during First Communion or confirmation. But I had no desire or intensions to confess to a priest, and tell him all about the wrong I had done in that time.
Then she explained what confession is, and told me a story of one of her friends who was divorcing and suffered from depression.
She went to confession, and afterwards her depression left, her husband seemed to be a new man, and she never spoke about divorce again.
She also told me a story about a child who wanted to go to Padre Pio for confession. Before he left, his mother explained to her child how to recognize Padre Pio—that he was an old man with a beard, and a good confessor.
The boy found the priest, went to confession—and when he returned to his mother, he asked her, “Why did you lie to me? Padre Pio is not old at all—he is only in his thirties.”
The boy had not seen Padre Pio; he had seen Jesus Himself!
We know by our faith that in the confessional, Jesus is present through the priest.
He is the One who absolves sins and heals our hearts.
And this boy was a witness to that; he saw Jesus, not Padre Pio.
At the time, I was still a bit incredulous like many of you may be right now and I wrote off the story as fantasy.
A month later, my dear friend mentioned that she had just come from confession and explained how peaceful she felt.
In that moment, that was it. It was my breaking point.
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My Testimony Part 2: How I Came Back to the Faith
Here is my testimony part 2 of how I came back to faith
On the previous episode I spoke very brief about how my life was before my faith.
A gift in disguise was given to me:
I started to suffer chronic hip pain.
In spite of this, I kept up the nightly Salsa and Tango social dancing, yes I did that for fun. Taking prescribed painkillers,
but the pain went from bad to worse. I was getting more and more limited in my activities; eventually, I had to quit dancing.
After going for a couple of years to every type of alternative and modern medicine and treatment I could find, thinking that they were going to heal me, I found out that I had very advanced Arthritis and dysplasia on my hips.
I would a need a surgery and both hips replaced.
By that time, I had lived with this pain for at least five years trying to find someone to heal me, and it was only getting worse every day.
I started feeling that soon I was going to end up in a wheelchair.
Then I started to think this was a sign from God, asking me to change my life, to slow down.
At that moment I was being forced to slow down and reflect on my life.
This happened in 2013.
Until a day that has not ended yet that I want to share that journey with you.
God work on Mysterious ways, even that I didn’t live a Godly life,
I always believed some how that there was a God and I felt that I had a the Guardian Angel looking after me,
taking care of me during many occasions.
But how did I find faith?
One day I met someone who soon became a very dear to me.
When she’s asked me what my religion was, I told her I was Catholic, but that I didn’t go to church, nor did I believe in Mary’s virginity.
As for Jesus, I thought he was a good man or one of the greatest Guru and not much more.
Now I began to wonder what kind of Catholic I was anyway!
I was surprised she wasn’t angry at my response.
She simply asked me, “Do you believe God is almighty?”
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