Vacation rentals are becoming more popular these days because of its amenities and its unique, personal experience. Given its trend, this also means the vacation rental industry is becoming more competitive.
Here are a few tips that can help property owners improve their rental success:
1. Use professional photos. 📸
Use eye-catching photos to showcase the interior and exterior features of your property.
2. Highlight the amenities on the listing description. 🏕 Anticipate what a potential renter might ask and use attractive keywords in describing your home. Indicate if the property is walking distance from establishments like convenience stores, bus stops, or gas stations.
3. Use dynamic pricing. 💳 The pricing of the property should be flexible depending on the season, demand, prices of your competitors, and the occupancy rates.
4. Provide a How-To manual. 📝 This would come in handy when it comes to operating electronics, appliances, and security systems.
5. Build your network. 👤
Whether its an online or in-person community, find time to connect with fellow rental property owners and share stories, anecdotes, and information.
If you’re a property owner, we are here to help you get your listing out there! Message us today!