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Meet Eugene Bostick, a retired farm owner. He made a train all by himself that he uses to take stray dogs on enjoyable r...

Meet Eugene Bostick, a retired farm owner. He made a train all by himself that he uses to take stray dogs on enjoyable rides in his neighborhood and the nearby woods!

“I seen this guy with a tractor who attached these carts to pull rocks. I thought, ‘Dang, that would do for a dog train.’ I’m a pretty good welder, so I took these plastic barrels with holes cut in them, and put wheels under them and tied them together,” Eugene continued. “Whenever these adorable dogs hear me hooking the tractor up to it, man, they get so excited.”

I don't brag on my kids but when they do something outstanding I gotta share. My neighbors son has cerebral palsy and is...

I don't brag on my kids but when they do something outstanding I gotta share. My neighbors son has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair. He asked several girls to go and they said no because he was in a wheel chair. He asked Catana and she said yes and she was excited to go. She really has a big heart. She said, 'it was no question to go he's so cool.'

Credit Goes To : Arlene Brooks


When the Titanic sank, it carried millionaire John Jacob Astor IV. The money in his bank account was enough to build 30 Titanics.
However, faced with mortal danger, he chose what he deemed morally right and gave up his spot in a lifeboat to save two frightened children.
Millionaire Isidor Straus, co-owner of the largest American chain of department stores, "Macy's," who was also on the Titanic, said:
"I will never enter a lifeboat before other men."
His wife, Ida Straus, also refused to board the lifeboat, giving her spot to her newly appointed maid, Ellen Bird.
She decided to spend her last moments of life with her husband.
These wealthy individuals preferred to part with their wealth, and even their lives, rather than compromise their moral principles. Their choice in favor of moral values highlighted the brilliance of human civilization and human nature.


"Money is temporary
House is temporary
Car is temporary
Career is temporary God is eternal. Amen!🙏"


So yesterday Debbie Potter and I had a huge scare. She handed me her ring so she could put sun screen lotion on. I put it in her back pocket of her shorts and thought she heard me say I did. We went through our day at the beach and as we were leaving she asked me for her ring. I told her I put it in her shorts. It wasn't there. We took turns looking on the beach and couldn't find it. I took to Facebook groups as a Hail Mary. I posted on 10 different Long Island pages. There were so many people sharing our post, commenting and showing their compassion. A few people reached out to me with a metal detector. One guy, Mike Jandris commented that he was getting in his car and and would be there in 35 min. This blew my mind, this guy who has never met me or my wife is willing to help us find her ring, let alone drive out of his way to help. I met him down there and with in 5 min of us looking at the spot, he found it. He truly is a hero to me and my wife. I told him to please add me on Facebook because only a true friend would drive out of their way to help someone find a ring! Thank you again Mike!
Credit: Brandon Potter

The same oak tree, 125 years apart.. (Thomasville, Georgia)

The same oak tree, 125 years apart.. (Thomasville, Georgia)

😂😂😂😂😂😂So an elderly Italian man living alone in New Jersey wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very dif...

So an elderly Italian man living alone in New Jersey wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, since the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:
Dear Vincent,
I am feeling pretty sad, because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over.. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.
Love, Papa
A few days later he received a letter from his son.
Dear Pop,
Don’t dig up that garden. That’s where the bodies are buried.
At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son.
Dear Pop,
Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That’s the best I could do under the circumstances.
Love you,😊
Credit Goes To The Respective Owner

"One of the most adorable creatures on Earth, the opossum, is also one of the most misunderstood. They are marsupials, t...

"One of the most adorable creatures on Earth, the opossum, is also one of the most misunderstood. They are marsupials, they do not transmit rabies and are indispensable for pest control, they are naturally docile and gentle, and when scared they show their teeth and hiss to appear menacing, but when they are terrified they don't "play" possum - they quite literally faint from fear - so do not harm them!"
Credit: Rhonda Lynn

“ My wonderful husband of 12 years, Bill, told me that he wanted to marry me. Bill has been living with dementia for 9 y...

“ My wonderful husband of 12 years, Bill, told me that he wanted to marry me. Bill has been living with dementia for 9 years.
For the past year or so Bill has been unaware of our relationship, and no longer knows my name. So when Bill told me that he, ‘ Really likes me and wanted to be with me forever’ - I was really touched.
Bill doesn’t use many words now and finds it hard to express himself, but I got lots of hugs and kisses as I accepted his ‘proposal’. It was so lovely.
What I wasn’t prepared for was that he’d remember the next day. He wanted to know when we were getting married.
This was Thursday, and as I was having my friends round on Saturday, I suggested that was a good day.
My daughter Andrea said I needed a dress. Really? ‘Of course’ she said. ‘How else can it be a wedding?’ So I got a dress that afternoon, expecting to return it unworn.
But Bill was still remembering on Friday, so together we bought a cake. My cousin Lynne gave me flowers fro my hair, and Eva planned and prepared renewal of vows with a special bit from Bill, so he felt that we were getting married.
The next day, with stunning weather all day and my wonderful family around me, Bill and I got ‘married’ again.
It was the most wonderful day... Thank you if you’ve made it to the end. Please take from this that you can never assume that just because someone has dementia with all the difficulties that presents, that they can’t still surprise you in the most unlikely ways..” 💜💜

Credit - original owner ( respect 🫡)




We were looking at buying a new house several years ago. The house was vacant since the couple was getting divorced and they had both already gotten smaller houses. When we got to the back yard there was an aging yellow labrador retriever that looked to be at least 11–12 years old. The food bowl was empty and the water bowl had been turned over. We used the water bottles that the kids had and filled her water bowl. She followed us around the backyard. Once we were ready to go back into the house, the dog whined and didn’t want us to leave. She stood on her hind legs and barked over the fence as we drove away as if begging us not to leave her.
We contacted the real estate agent about the dog. She said that the places that the family bought don’t allow dogs and that the dog has been abandoned by the family at the house. I was shocked. My kids didn’t sleep much that night. We went back the next day to see the house again and the food bowl was still empty and the water bowl was empty. We brought the dog food and water and she gobbled it down and drank all the water. Unlike the prior day, rather than following us around the yard, she hunkered down in a hole she had dug under the house to take shelter. As we were leaving this time, she didn’t come to the fence, she simply had given up. The neighbors from next door came out and said that the family had not been there in days. It would appear that they were starving the dog to death and they were about to call the police.
I called the real estate agent and told them I wouldn’t buy the house if it was the last house on the planet, but I will be taking their dog. If they don’t deliver the dog to me in 24 hours I will call the police. They contacted me and agreed to deliver the dog. We took her to the vet; she was deaf, terribly malnourished, and very sick. We spent close to $7,000 on helping her get back into shape. She lived with my family for about a year and a half and died at age 14 when she failed to recover from major surgery and had to be put down. She was a fighter until the end even when being put to sleep. She never gave up and we never gave up on her. She was a great dog and my kid's lives were enriched by saving a great dog. The thing about dogs that are rescued, they always remember they were rescued and have a fierce loyalty and appreciation for it.
Here she is making herself at home snuggled up with my youngest son.

It's funny how a farmer spends countless hours getting the land ready, from disking all the way to planting. He spends $...

It's funny how a farmer spends countless hours getting the land ready, from disking all the way to planting. He spends $1000's of dollars on fuel, equipment, and repair bills. He spends many hours praying for rain or sunshine instead of sleeping. He sweats like no other job will make you. He works like most people wouldn't. He gets yelled at and cussed out by people who get caught behind the tractor traveling down the road, and he spends many times of the day wondering if it's worth it! The deer, coyotes, hogs, c***s, gophers, grasshoppers are just a few pests to contend with!! He does all of this for what??? Ask yourself, "Why would he do that?" The answers are all around you. The plate of food sitting in front of you, the clothes on your back, the shoes on your feet, and the last answer is the one that puzzles most people. It's the dust, love for agriculture, and the satisfaction of knowing he had done his part at the end of the day! I'd like to thank all the farmers out there who help make the world go round!

Credit goes to the respective owners

"This homeless man just walked into Roosters, sat down and ordered a Coke. The waitress asked if he wanted anything to e...

"This homeless man just walked into Roosters, sat down and ordered a Coke. The waitress asked if he wanted anything to eat, and he said 'sorry I have money for only a coke and a dollar tip for you.' Before the waitress could jump in and offer him food on her, a little boy from a nearby table came and sat down. He talked to the old guy, asked him how he was. Then grabbed the menu and said 'I have money. So pick something to eat and I will buy it for you.' The man refused cause he didn't want to seem helpless. That's when the server jumped in and also said 'sir I will buy you anything you want as well.' They both pleaded to the man for 5 minutes before he agreed to get a small order of wings. The point? America that we know and love isn't dead. There is still positiveness and kindness in this world."
Credit : original owner

All we can say is ... wow. 😭⁠This man doesn't have any school aged children but knows there are 35 kids in his neighbour...

All we can say is ... wow. 😭⁠
This man doesn't have any school aged children but knows there are 35 kids in his neighbourhood attending school virtually so he wanted to make a desk for each of them.⁠
Now, that is some neighborly love. ❤️
Credit - Original Owner ( respect 🫡)


"To the two girls working in Truro Superdrug this afternoon.
Don't worry, I heard the comments you made to each other about my appearance and my shorts. You spoke loud enough for most people to hear. Its obviously not the first time you've had a giggle and a made comments about another girl but when you do it normally, the person you talk about probably looks away and you actually make them feel really sad inside. But today, by the looks on your faces you really weren't prepared for the massive cheesy smile I gave you!
Just so you know, your words didn't hurt me. The looks you gave me did not either.
I do feel slightly saddened that you think it's ok to speak about another female, or in fact anyone, in that way.
I don't believe you gained anything from it apart from looking a little bit silly when you realised I heard you.
If somehow you end up reading this, as Cornwall is a very small place, can you be a little bit kinder with your words? Some peoples skin isn't as thick as mine has become and the next persons might be very thin indeed.
So in response to your comments, I send back some love!
If you did your own hair and make up for work today, you are both very talented. I could never get my winged liner or my ponytail that perfect!"

Credit: Harriet Rae


This dog's name was Gunner. My uncle brought him back from WW2. He was raised and slept under my uncle's anti- aircraft gun. The gun crew shared their
rations to feed him. By the time he was 18 months old, my uncle said he would stand up and look at the sky. If he laid back down they knew all was ok. If he growled
and put his hackles up they got at the ready. He knew the sound of the German aircraft and my uncle said he
never got it wrong. He said Gunner was better than any early warning system. I'm probably the only one left in the family that knows that story now, so I thought I'd tell it before it's lost forever, like many stories must be from that time. Thanks for reading it.
Credit - Smoky War Dog

My 18-year-old daughter was at Starbucks, alone, the other night. A man came up to her and started talking to her. A bar...

My 18-year-old daughter was at Starbucks, alone, the other night. A man came up to her and started talking to her. A barista handed her “an extra hot chocolate someone forgot to pick up.” How grateful I am for people who look out for other people!
Side note: She felt safe and did not remove the lid, but let them know. She said the whole team was watching over her the rest of the time she was there.💚 Thank you to the team at Starbucks on Staples and SPID in Corpus Christi.
Credit - original owner


A pilot, a vet and a section ranger of Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park took to the sky on Sunday morning in search of buffalo for a disease testing operation (more info on this soon). While looking for buffalo, they came across a new poached rhino carcass and a couple of 100m away they spotted a small calf on its own (weighing 105kg and estimated to be around 6 weeks old).
They responded immediately. Dr Rowan Leeming immobilized the small calf and they placed it on the back seat of the helicopter (flown by Orton Bosman of Heligistix). The calf was rushed to the Zululand Rhino Orphanage where he was given a drip to rehydrate him and rhino plasma to strengthen his immune system. The experienced team at the orphanage will do everything they can to ensure his recovery and then his well-being until he is old enough to be released back into the wild.
African Wildlife Vets with support from Blankets for Baby Rhinos covered the emergency helicopter flight from Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park to the orphanage.”

WAR-Wildlife at Risk
Preserving our Animals in the Wild: Posted by Kathy Pennell..


I would like to remind you that it’s the time of year to see turtles crossing our roads. Please give them a brake and if possible help move them along. I'm not asking you to jeopardize your safety but if you can, please help. Make sure you nudge them in the direction they were headed or your help could have been in vain. Please whatever you do DO Not remove the turtle from the area in which you found it . Simply move the turtle safely off the road in the same direction in which it was traveling .~
Turtles everywhere thank you. 🐢💚

For nine years Linda Brown and her husband David organized a nightly drop-in shelter where homeless people in Springfiel...

For nine years Linda Brown and her husband David organized a nightly drop-in shelter where homeless people in Springfield could eat, shower, do laundry, use a computer, and socialize during bingo games and karaoke—but they wanted to do more. They raised $4.75 million and opened Eden Village in 2018. They transformed an abandoned mobile home property into a village of tiny homes that provides permanent housing to the chronically disabled homeless.

Source: Good News Network ( Respect 🫡)


“All year, my grandmother would wait for the summer day when Chick-fil-A would bring back their peach milkshake. It was the closest thing she had found to her sister Merle’s homemade peach ice cream, and even the worst days were better with that milkshake in hand. Last year on her birthday in late July, she let us all eat her cake as she drank her peach milkshake instead. I’m so thankful that I was thinking clearly enough to snap a picture of her enjoying that treat, one of her last.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago… the Chick-fil-A page made their announcement: peach milkshakes had a return date. I responded and told them how much my grandmother loved them, how after her death this past March, I would drink as many as I could this summer in her honor. I shared with them the picture from her last birthday. Chick-fil-A told me to send them a private message and asked for my email and address and told me to expect a surprise.
Within a day or so, I had 2 free peach milkshakes added to my Chick-fil-A account and thought, oh how very sweet of them. With Isaac so sick, it was a happy spot in my day. But imagine my surprise when a few days later, a box from Chick-fil-A arrived at my house. Inside, there was a sweet handwritten card along with an ice cream cone keychain, 4 cards for more free peach milkshakes, and a Chick-fil-A mug. Those were all things that I know they had available to share with people, but I was appreciative.
But at the bottom of the box, wrapped in bubble wrap, was a peach colored picture frame with the picture of Granga I had shared with them. Someone was thoughtful enough to go the extra mile and have the picture printed and framed for me, and I laughed through tears at the absolutely precious gift. A stranger cared enough to do this for me, and it was such a sweet and thoughtful gesture.
Man, I miss her so much. But, boy, am I appreciative of the way she is living on and how much sweeter every sip of peach milkshake is this year.” ❤️❤️❤️❤️
👉Also read and see more photos:
Credit - Original Owner ( Respect 🫡 )


I felt this was well worth sharing with all gardening enthusiasts. The photos cute & the message is important. Have a lovely gardening summer everybody! 🙂
“If you see me in your garden, please give me some food and water.
Don't put in insecticide! I am harmless and an opportunity for your garden, because I feed on insects that attack vegetables.
My species is going extinct
Help me stay alive! ” 🥰

"I ggot dumped by text a few days ago, and today had quite a big breakdown today....I hadn't eaten all day so I placed a...

"I ggot dumped by text a few days ago, and today had quite a big breakdown today....
I hadn't eaten all day so I placed an order to my favourite fish n chip shop, adding a note I got dumped & to add extra chicken salt to some chippies to eat my feelings. I received my order & they added in some extra goodies, like a lollipop & chocolate bar & a can of drink. This note was attached & it made me cry tears at how there is kindness in the world, even when I am not being treated kindly - or being kind to myself. "
Isabella Jade via
Credit - Original Owner ( Respect 🫡 )


White Plains, NY


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