One More Day in this School Year!
The Top Ten Reasons Why We Like Summer Break
(Only One Class Day, after today is finsihed, is left this school year)
10. Summer Break has fewer alarm clock settings than other times during the year.
9. The only homeroom during the Summer Break is the one that has your pajamas on the floor and the open sock drawer.
8. Socks do not need to match, do not need to be worn, during Summer Break.
7. Most families do not assign homework three or four days each week and rarely give tests.
6. The changes of clothing most needed during Summer Break are swim suits, pajamas and shorts and tees!
5. After calling your mother or grandmother by your teacher's name for a week, you will be able to return to life as you once knew it. (Don't worry, your mother and grandmother will understand unless your teacher was a man.)
4. During the Summer Break, one of the main food groups is ice cream. Remember to eat many colors (flavors) in order to have a well-rounded, balanced diet. :-)
3. Remembering who is winning on "America's Got Talent!" is one of the most difficult learning tasks of the Summer Break.
2. During Summer Break it is harder to have a favorite day of the week. After all, every next day is a "no school" day during Summer Break!
1. From the day after tomorrow and until your Mom lays our your school clothes, you have NO SCHOOL! Have one good day after the other. Be kind, act intelligently and be important to at least one person. If you need help, form a team. Win!
Make your 2012 Summer Break the time you learned to be kind, act intelligently and be important to at least one real person each day. Write down your successes. They will make you smile!
Have a fabulous Summer Break!