
Ziyarahtourism.uz ‣ Pilgrimage tourism ✈️ facilities around the world

 O‘zbekiston Madaniyat va san’atni rivojlantirish jamg‘armasi 2024-yilgi Venetsiya zamonaviy san’at biennalesining amali...

O‘zbekiston Madaniyat va san’atni rivojlantirish jamg‘armasi 2024-yilgi Venetsiya zamonaviy san’at biennalesining amaliyot o‘tash dasturini taqdim etadi.

📅 Amaliyot muddatlari: 2024-yilning 15-aprel – 29-iyun / 30-iyun – 12-sentabr / 13-sentabr – 24-noyabr kunlari.

Amaliyot shartlari:
• Haq to‘lanadigan ish
• Safar va turar-joy xarajatlarining qoplanishi
• “Arsenale – La Biennale di Venezia” hududidagi boshqa pavilionlarga bepul kirish

Nomzodlarga qo‘yiladigan talablar:
• Ingliz tilini bilish
• O‘zbek san’atini tushunish
• Xalqaro muhitda ishlashga tayyorlik.

Ariza berish uchun:
Ingliz tilida qiziqishlar bayon etilgan maktub va tarjimai holni 2024-yil 10-yanvarga qadar [email protected] manziliga yo‘llang.


Discover the allure of Uzbekistan! 🌍✈️ Immerse yourself in the rich history of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva. Wander through the Silk Road cities, marvel at the intricate architecture of Registan Square, indulge in the vibrant markets, and savor the flavors of Uzbek cuisine. Let the warmth of the locals and the beauty of the landscapes make your journey unforgettable. 🕌🌺


Experience the enchantment of Bukhara! 🕌✨ Dive into the history of the Ark Fortress, marvel at the beauty of Po-i-Kalyan complex, and get lost in the charming streets of Old Bukhara. This Silk Road gem beckons with its cultural richness and architectural wonders. 🇺🇿🌟


"А вы видели Регистан с такого ракурса? 👀 Registan, Samarkand


🤩📸 It is said that two cities are incomparable in the world. One is Rome, the other is Samarkand!

🕌 Кальта-Минар был задуман Хивинским ханом Мухаммад Амин-ханом как самый большой и высокий в мусульманском мире. По его ...

🕌 Кальта-Минар был задуман Хивинским ханом Мухаммад Амин-ханом как самый большой и высокий в мусульманском мире.

По его плану, высота минарета должна была составить 70-80 метров. Диаметр его основания составляет 14,2 метров. Строительство началось в 1852 году. В 1855 году, когда высота минарета достигла 29 метров, строительство было неожиданно прекращено. Согласно хивинскому историку и писателю Агахи, строительство было закончено из-за смерти в 1855 году инициатора строительства - Мухаммад Амин-хана, который погиб во время битвы Серахса.

🌙 Ramadan Mubarak! 🕌 Tomb of Abu Hafs Kabir ( Abu Hafs Kabir maqbarasi) 📍Uzbekistan, Bukhara 📸 Iphone 13 ProMax         ...

🌙 Ramadan Mubarak!

🕌 Tomb of Abu Hafs Kabir ( Abu Hafs Kabir maqbarasi)
📍Uzbekistan, Bukhara
📸 Iphone 13 ProMax


🛩️ The most amazing country in the Central Asia 🇺🇿

🇺🇿 Travel around Uzbekistan with great feelings and have the most pleasant memories of the world!       🇺🇿              ...

🇺🇿 Travel around Uzbekistan with great feelings and have the most pleasant memories of the world!


Ziyarat. Sacred sites. Why should we do travel to Uzbekistan?Ziyarah is an Arabic term which literally means "visit", an...

Ziyarat. Sacred sites. Why should we do travel to Uzbekistan?

Ziyarah is an Arabic term which literally means "visit", and is used to refer to a form of pilgrimage to sites associated with Muhammad SAW, his family members and descendants, his companions and other venerated figures in Islam, such as the prophets, Sufi saints and Islamic scholars. Sites of pilgrimage include mosques, graves, battlefields, mountains, and caves.

Sunni scholars declare that the purpose of visiting the graves and cemeteries is only to remind people of death and not for taking the graves of the Prophets as places of worship.
“Visiting the grave is a duty which is performed for Allah's pleasure and visiting the grave of a father and mother on a Friday is appropriate.” Al Gazali, Ihya, IV, 711.

#бухара #узбекистан #тревелблог #экскурсиипоузбекистану

📍 In the southeast of the Ferghana Valley, is another ancient city of our Republic. This is Andijan. It can rightly be c...

📍 In the southeast of the Ferghana Valley, is another ancient city of our Republic. This is Andijan.

It can rightly be considered ancient as archaeologists have established that people lived in the city 2,500 years ago. In the distant VI century BC, when the Achaemenids conquered Central Asia, Andijan managed to maintain independence and this contributed to the creation of the state of Davan.

And during the transition period, when people left bronze tools in the past and switched to iron, Davan was attacked by the Chinese Empire. The reason for this attack was the desire of the emperor U-di to capture the Argamaks, one of the oldest and very valuable breeds of horses. But China miserably lost this battle and the subsequent one, by the way, too.

✨ Bukhara is an ancient city in the central Asian country of Uzbekistan. It was a prominent stop on the Silk Road trade ...

✨ Bukhara is an ancient city in the central Asian country of Uzbekistan.

It was a prominent stop on the Silk Road trade route between the East and the West, and a major medieval center for Islamic theology and culture. It still contains hundreds of well-preserved mosques, madrassas, bazaars and caravanserais, dating largely from the 9th to the 17th centuries

🏔 The Wooden Sardoba was one of the favorite destinations of the Great Silk Road caravans. The monument, located on the ...

🏔 The Wooden Sardoba was one of the favorite destinations of the Great Silk Road caravans.

The monument, located on the Tashkent-Samarkand-Bukhara highway, was ordered by Bukhara Khan Abdullah II to stop in the area to rest and build a cistern and a caravanserai for his soldiers suffering from thirst. The building is now a tourist attraction.

The gates of the Eshanqul Dodho madrasah on Navoi Avenue in Tashkent have been restored.Historically, this gate was used...

The gates of the Eshanqul Dodho madrasah on Navoi Avenue in Tashkent have been restored.

Historically, this gate was used to enter the Shaykhantahur, or Sheikh Khovandi Tahur complex.

Today, the Sheikh Khovandi Tohur Complex is located on the territory of the International Islamic Academy.

The Khilvatmazor houses a rare five-century-old copy of the Holy Qur'an and an ancient Ottoman Mushafi with golden water...

The Khilvatmazor houses a rare five-century-old copy of the Holy Qur'an and an ancient Ottoman Mushafi with golden water. There is also a family tree of the Kokand khanate, sealed by seventeen judges. This is not our second place lost folk art, but our revived national treasure in Namangan, in the Eleven Ahmad Complex. Photos by Anvar Ikrom and Khotam Mamadaliev Be sure to visit Namangan, dear friends!


Shayhantaur Memorial Complex (Shayx Xovandi Tohur)Sheikhantaur - remarkable area of old city of Tashkent, which is betwe...

Shayhantaur Memorial Complex (Shayx Xovandi Tohur)

Sheikhantaur - remarkable area of old city of Tashkent, which is between modern streets of Abay, A. Navoi, U. Jusupova and A. Kadyri. The front entrance of Sheikhantaur from the side of present A. Navoi Street was executed as tall square (in the plan) constructions with four big arches among which northern and southern ones were through. The lancet dome and accurate turrets - guldasta decorated this remarkable structure named "chortak". The Tashkent master usto Abd ar-Rahim, the son of usto Abdulla, have constructed Sheikhantaur chortak in 1892.

#Ташкент #Узбекистан
#Қалдирғочбий #Юнусхон

Historical and architectural complex "Chashma"The fountain of light is a place of honor for the people of Uzbekistan. On...

Historical and architectural complex "Chashma"

The fountain of light is a place of honor for the people of Uzbekistan. One marvels at its miraculous power. The enormous rays of the morning sun that appear in the spring, especially in the spring months, enchant everyone.

The cult-memorial complex of Sultan Saodat, TermezSultan Saodat Ensemble, TermezThe cult-memorial complex of Sultan Saod...

The cult-memorial complex of Sultan Saodat, Termez
Sultan Saodat Ensemble, Termez

The cult-memorial complex of Sultan Saodat was developed during the period of XI-XVII c. at the graves of the Termez sayyids. It had a number of cult structures added at different times: mausoleums, mosques and hanagoh, built on the perimeter of an elongated courtyard with a combination of integral and short compositions.

The most ancient part was a three-part frontal opening the southwest part of the complex to the courtyard side. Here are located two large one- chambered, square-domed mausoleums. They arc joined with an aperture terrace with a mihrab placed between them, which was used as a funeral prayer niosque. Researchers have dated this ancient group to the XI-XII c. (52) or the middle of XI c.

#термез #мавзолей #султансаодат #узбекистан #мечеть


Best tour attractions of my lovely city Samarkand.Samarkand is one of the 50 UNESCO cities human must visit and is more ...

Best tour attractions of my lovely city Samarkand.
Samarkand is one of the 50 UNESCO cities human must visit and is more than 2750 years old.

Here are main tour attractions of the city:
1. Registan square
2. Shakhizinda
3. Bibikhonim mosque
4. Daniyar (Daniel) Prophet's tomb
5. Imam al-Bukhari complex
6. Guri Amir
7. Siab bazar
8. Observatory
9. Meros Paper Mill
10. Afrasiab settlements.

And about 20-30 km from the city, you can see Urgut region which is famous for its amazing flora and fauna, and Urgut Bazaar.

See you all in Samarkand!

Tomb of Bahauddin NaqshbandThe Bahauddin Naqshband pilgrimage complex is located on the outskirts of Bukhara. It was onc...

Tomb of Bahauddin Naqshband

The Bahauddin Naqshband pilgrimage complex is located on the outskirts of Bukhara. It was once the center of the Naqshbandi dervish community.

It was headed by Sheikh Bahauddin Naqshband, who died in 1389. He was buried near the village of Qasri Orifon (now Kagan district). A complex consisting of a madrasah, two mosques and a minaret was built in memory of Naqshband.

The believers ask the great Sufi to grant their wishes and to forgive their sins. It is believed that supplications from the sanctuary reach Allah better. One of the highlights of the complex is the tree. According to legend, the tree grew from a stick that the Sufi stabbed to the ground.

#семпиров #накшбанди #бухара #БахоуддинНакшбанд

Khiva - The capital of the Turkic worldAlong with Samarkand and Bukhara, Khiva is an important and often overlooked hist...

Khiva - The capital of the Turkic world

Along with Samarkand and Bukhara, Khiva is an important and often overlooked historical site on what was once the Great Silk Road. Famous for its long and brutal history as a slave trading post sandwiched in between the vast Kyzylkum and Karakum deserts, Khiva is now a quiet, sleepy oasis that awaits busloads of tourists instead of caravans of captives.

Khiva is over 2500 years old. If you want to plunge into history and see the true beauty of the ancient East, then welcome to Khiva.

Popular landmarks
The ancient Khiva is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It means that all the attractions are protected by the worldwide organization.

#хива #узбекистан

Mausoleum of Amir Temur , Gori Amir (late 14th century - 1405) - an architectural monument in Samarkand. He is popularly...

Mausoleum of Amir Temur , Gori Amir (late 14th century - 1405) - an architectural monument in Samarkand. He is popularly known as Gori Amir or Gori Mir (Mir Sayyid Baraka). People of the Timurid dynasty (Amir Temur, his elder Mir Sayyid Baraka, sons Umar-sheikh, Mironshah and Shahrukh, grandsons Muhammad Sultan, Ulugbek, etc.) are buried in the mausoleum. According to Babur, Muhammad Sultan Mirzo, the grandson of Timur, first built a madrasah in Tashkurgan-chakar near the Samarkand fortress. After the death of Muhammad Sultan (1403), Amir Temur ordered the construction of a mausoleum in his memory. The mausoleum was built in the courtyard of the Madrasa courtyard.

There is a scientific-educational, architectural complex "Axsi sayyidlari" in the village of Akhsi in Turakurgan.In the ...

There is a scientific-educational, architectural complex "Axsi sayyidlari" in the village of Akhsi in Turakurgan.

In the near future, a museum of the history of Akhsi will be opened.

Its unique exhibits exceed 500.

At the same time, the long-standing history and traditions of the Axsi school of pottery, practical efforts to restore the blacksmithing and weaving trades, which in their time reached the level of art, began.

When you come to Namangan, go to Aksi too!



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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