Created by a group of like-minded individuals who share an affection and expertise of the region, Indochina Original Tour aims to provide high quality holidays throughout Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar & Thailand. We started with just two tour operators in 2012 - but since then, many more have approached us and we now offer holidays (either personal or in a small group) from over 100 small and s
pecialist tour companies in 20+ countries. Since we began we have helped over 1000 people find their ideal holiday. In our experience, small holiday companies are run by interesting people who founded them out of a deep love for destinations, cultures, landscapes and wildlife. Consequently they offer a far richer experience than those offered by multinational package companies or hotel booking sites simply because they are based on a knowledge, expertise and passion for people and places that is then infused into every itinerary and experience. Our idea is really quite simple: treat local people and places well, and they’ll often offer you experiences and insights into their ways of life that you wouldn’t otherwise get. You enjoy a more authentic experience and they benefit from jobs, income and ways to preserve their culture, environments and heritage. This is how we think tourism should be, and we call it Original Tour.