Turbo-Charge Your Business
In Today's Economy, YOU Need Every Advantage WE Offer...
Could you go on holiday for 6 months and come back to a business which is stronger? Would you like financial freedom, more time with your family, a global strategy, an online business or just to have more fun? Are you a Wealth Creator? Is your business a level 6 or 7? It is possible, all you need to know...
• Ho
w to get up to 9 times more impact from the same moves you’re already making?
• How to be the ONE who gets the business that IS available?
• How to significantly and systematically increase sales at every turn?
• Get all the best possible buyers- the DREAM buyers (this alone can double sales)?
• How to become a master at building business (insights I FINALLY learned)?
• The THREE Keys to THRIVING during a tough market (not just surviving, but THRIVING)? Did you know?
• 96% of all businesses fail within 10 years.
• From Jim Collins book “Good to Great” where he chose 11 of the best companies in USA from 1965 to 2000 – in less than a decade 2 have gone bankrupt, 8 are underperforming and only 1 is average.
• According to Dunn and Bradstreet who researched 130 million businesses the reasons for these failures (in order of importance):
1. Skills of the entrepreneur or business owner
2. Sales and Marketing & keeping up with changing conditions
3. Training and building winning teams
Here are some more sobering statistics: 95% of companies will never reach even $1 million (R7 million) in annual sales. If you've done that, you are in the top 5% of entrepreneurs and you are rare and to be congratulated. For those of you who get that far, the remaining 95% won't ever make it to $5 million (R35 million). And of those who get that far, 98% won't get to $10 million (R70 million). Very, very few go from there to $100 million and beyond. (Please note, this is according to the SBA and these numbers were accurate during GOOD economic times.) What makes the difference between thriving and barely surviving in any business, in any economic climate? Answer: It's not the product or service; it's the skills developed and applied by the company leadership. THAT is the key element. At Business Breakthroughs Africa we have the resources to help you master ALL the skills in ALL the key areas that will take your business to the next level and beyond. Who are we to make these promises?
• Scott Picken started his first business at the age of 19. He has experienced all business cycles from being liquidated to building an international sales business that has done over R1.6 billion in sales internationally; dominating in each niche he focused on. He is passionate about business, sales and marketing and teaching people the skills and strategies which helped him have multiple business breakthroughs! One of his greatest assets is his understanding of combining what works in the first world economies with the emerging markets, the future of the global economy!
• Chet Holmes and Tony Robbins with 30 years in the world of business, more than 20 of which have been at the top of the game, working for billionaires, selling services to more than 60 of the largest companies in the world and helping three companies grow to $100 million, we've learned what it takes to be a competent and confident builder of a successful and prosperous company.
• Scott Picken believes that the best in South Africa is no longer good enough and the only way to succeed is to learn from the best globally, model them and implement what they are doing. For this reason he has partnered with the best from South Africa and the best Globally and blended them. o There is a new word, Glocalisation which by definition, the term “glocal” refers to the individual, group, division, unit, organisation, and community which is willing and able to “think globally and act locally.”
o As part of our Glocal Solution we have strategically partnered with some of the best Thought Leaders in the world, with the likes of Tony Robbins, Chet Holmes, Steven Covey, Jay Abraham, Tony Hsieh, Eben Pagan, Gary Vanerchak, 5 internet masters, etc
If this is your first time on our site, get started here to start improving your skills immediately! In conclusion we leave you with one question:
• If you want to die financially and join the statistics then do nothing.
• If you want to survive, then “do what you have always done.”
• If you want to thrive in any economic environment then you have to become a Gladiator, you have to learn from the best globally, you have to model them and most importantly you have to be constantly be reinventing yourself and your team.
“Your destiny lies in your actions!”
Scott Picken
Glocal Gladiator