The company is in a unique position as it boasts of experienced professional architects and builders in its midst. In this way it is better able to cater to the client’s specific design and building requirements. Its business philosophy is driven by the belief that the client comes first and that each and every client’s requirements are different to the other. With the acquired experience of its b
usiness directors, which amounts to almost two decades, Mb Quality Homes is able to understand and cater for each and every client’s needs. The company’s processes of engagement with the client start with identifying the client’s requirements and together with the client design a home within a budget that he or she can afford. The company works with reputable brokers that will arrange finance through a bond with one of the banks for the construction of the home you desire. In its quest to fulfil its philosophy of putting the client first the company is flexible in its building arrangements with its clients. Various methods of financing the construction of the home are considered. These are Plot-and-plan, turn-key, etc. Plot-and-plan is the arrangement where the client purchases the site and enter into a building agreement with MbQh and pays according to progress on site. Turn-key is the one where Mb Quality homes buys the site, builds and the client pays the full amount when they take the key. Besides these two options Mbqh also builds speculatively designer homes for sale