Dundee Tourism

Dundee Tourism Dundee....Your Gateway to the Battlefields Promote Dundee as a Tourist Destination for the economic and social well-being of the Dundee Community.

TOURISM - Our Heartbeat "Do you still think that your business has got nothing to do with Tourism, and that Tourism does...

TOURISM - Our Heartbeat
"Do you still think that your business has got nothing to do with Tourism, and that Tourism does nothing for you?" There are many ways in which a community, an individual or a destination can benefit from Tourism. Tourism Creates Jobs. Tourism income has a multiplier effect as the Tourism Rand passes from person to person. Tourism helps to uplift communities via investors, which in turn leads to growth. Infrastructural services are developed; all of this provides work and wages. Tourism distributes wealth through the money that Tourists spend, tourism spreads wealth between urban and rural regions.

Our Dundee Tourism office. Our office is opened on Weekdays from 9am - 3pm . Our office number is 0711757399 which can a...

Our Dundee Tourism office.
Our office is opened on Weekdays from 9am - 3pm . Our office number is 0711757399 which can also be used to send a Whatsapp. Should you want to enquire about information about our Town, the different battlefields or enquire about Tours & Accommodation, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Please do pop in for a chat and unlock your minds to historical facts and breathtaking Scenery.

Dundee July Vibes

Dundee July Vibes

Dundee July

Dundee July


Some sites are geared for self-guiding. However, to really benefit and enjoy what Dundee and Northern KwaZulu Natal have to offer , book a guided tour and let qualified guides share their knowledge, insights and experience with you.
Enjoy their wealth knowledge , experience and story-telling which will bring the narration of the battles to life. This will enhance your experience as you hear local tales and get to know and understand the countryside you are experiencing.
Come and experience our beautiful country, our unique and varied military history and aspects of Zulu culture that haven't changed much over the past century.
As you travel around with us, you will discover interesting cameos of a land rich in history, traditional culture and a quality of friendship that you never expected.
For more information on Awesome guides , please check them out on our website under Find a Guide www.tourdundee.co.za

Another day, another demise. Somewhat fatalistically, the end result of an iSandlwana re-enactment is always exactly the...

Another day, another demise. Somewhat fatalistically, the end result of an iSandlwana re-enactment is always exactly the same for us Red Coats. But this year, it was indeed a case of "the more things change, the more they stay the same". The date, which was cast in stone for 20 January, was changed at the last minute, for whatever reason, until 27 January. Which meant that any potential tourism marketing flew out of the window.
We had another wrinkle, too. There has been a prolonged battle amongst the Zulu Royal household as to whom would succeed the late King Goodwill Zwelethini. Not surprisingly - apart from anything else it is an extremely well-paid job. So the new King, Misuzulu, was eventually installed by the President last year, having survived alleged attempts on his life, only to have a rival claimant take the matter to the Pretoria High Court and have the decision overturned on the grounds that the selection procedure was not undertaken properly according to customary law. So, legally, this year we had no King, but that didn't stop the Zulus, who basically told the High Court to bu**er off and so the King for-a-day arrived, a fashionable 4 hours late, to a tumultuous welcome from thousands of frenzied subjects.
Ever since we started in 1999, we have always had problems fighting Government inertia and lack of funding, in particular for ammunition as one round now costs over R 12 apiece. This year the inconceivable happened - lots of money, lots of enthusiasm and the powers-that-be really went to town. The organization was great and the producers must be congratulated. Another difference was that us Red Coats are now 25 years older than when we started, so we're getting a little thin on the ground. The Zulus, on the other hand, are becoming more and more enthusiastic and this time an extra couple of hundred more warriors than before turned up. So the future of the event is assured if us Red Coats can hold on.
As usual, the day was hot. Stinking hot, if fact. Hanging around for 4 hours past starting time was therefore spent sweating profusely and having our photographs taken with just about everyone in the audience. Kevin Smith took many, many photos, and I hope that none of them, mainly showing me and Manfred Duval posing with semi-naked maidens, end up on Facebook. I'm sure that my wife will have something to say.
The re-enactment itself was much better than usual. We managed to slow the Zulus down so that they could strut their stuff a little more. They did stay true to form, however, by sneaking up on us from behind the grandstand and taking us by surprise. Vince Nixon had organized a small (very small) bore cannon which greatly added to the effect with Sean Friend stuffing fire-crackers down the barrel and Louis Eksteen having to repair the blown-out breech with one hand and waving a very nice 1822 pattern sword in the other.
Then onto lunch, which we didn't wait for, and general festivities, while we departed ignominiously from the field and made arrangements for our usual resurrection the following day.

By: Pat Rundgren


Good Day all Facebookers .
The Tourism office will be closed from the 20/12/23 and will open on the 09/01/24. For enquiries you can call the office phone on 0711757399 or drop a WhatsApp on that number. May you all have an awesome Christmas and a great New Year.

Sponsors and donors to the Maria Ratschitz collectionOn behalf of Dundee Tourism I would like to thank you for your supp...

Sponsors and donors to the Maria Ratschitz collection

On behalf of Dundee Tourism I would like to thank you for your support of this project which we initiated last year.
Your support made it possible to take a large quantity of second hand clothes, toys, food, vegetable seedlings for their community garden and individual Christmas parcels for some of the orphan children.

This year most of the community carers were present to help unload the vehicles and to thank us for the donations.
Elderly patients in the hospice were brought out onto the verandahs to share in the excitement.

Sister Collette was extremely grateful for the assistance and support in her thanks to all the donors.

Just to give you some idea of the items and the grateful recipients here are some of the photos from the delivery last Thursday.

With regards

Pam McFadden

Did you Know? John Dunn D The White Chief of Zululand. No other person embodied the turbulent times in which they lived ...

Did you Know?
John Dunn D The White Chief of Zululand.
No other person embodied the turbulent times in which they lived more than John Dunn , the legendary hunter, trader and white chief of Zululand whose activities spanned three crucial decades in the history of Zululand. Dunn was born of Scottish parents in 1824 and grew up in the rough and ready spirit of early Port Natal ( now Durban) but at the age of 18, he moved with his young bride Catherine into the unexplored territory north of Durban. On one of his hunting trips into Zululand, Dunn met Cetshwayo - the heir apparent to the Zulu kingdom- and was invited to settle in Zululand and become the prince's advisor. Dunn agreed to the offer and was made Chief of the fertile coastal area known as Ongoye- stretching from uThukela to the Mhlatuze river in the north - and he increasingly adopted the culture and customs of the Zulu. Against the disapproval of his wife , Dunn married his first wife in 1861. Over the next few decades he ended up taking 48 Zulu wives. He was careful to heed Zulu marriage rituals and customs and paid ilobolo (bridewealth delivered by bridegroom to his in-laws) of between nine and 15 herd of cattle to the fathers of the brides. For breach of rules, several of his wives were banished from his household and two wives found guility of infidelity were sentenced to death and executed in accordance with Zulu War. He is credited with having sired at least 117 children. The close bond between Dunn and Cetshwayo strengthened over the years and Dunn rose to become one of the wealthiest and most powerful chiefs in the Zulu kingdom through his ivory and gun trading. Dunn's own economic well-being depended on a policy of peace with the British colony of Natal but with the inevitability of war, Dunn's influence over Cetshwayo diminished and the King and his advisors came to view his motives with suspicion. Dunn tried to negotiate a position of neutrality for his chiefdom but the British warned him that he would lose everything in a post-war Zululand.

Tourism on rise of tourist visits in South Africa.Tourism on the rise as more than 4 million tourists visit South Africa...

Tourism on rise of tourist visits in South Africa.
Tourism on the rise as more than 4 million tourists visit South Africa in the first half of 2023.
South Africa’s tourism sector continues to exhibit strong recovery with the first half of 2023 recording more than 4 million tourist arrivals, according to the latest data from Statistics South Africa. This is a significant increase from the 2,3 million tourist arrivals between January and June 2022.

The total number of tourist arrivals to South Africa between January and June 2023 showed a sizable 78.2% surge in the first half of 2023 when compared to the same period in 2022.

There has also been a substantial increase across all regions in the same period. Although the current growth demonstrates signs of recovery, we are still operating at 80% of our pre-pandemic capacity. In 2019 South Africa welcomed more than 5 million tourists between January and June.

The Africa region continues to bring the largest share of tourist arrivals to the country. A total of 3 083 583 tourists that arrived in South Africa between January and June 2023 came from the rest of the African continent. This is a 79.9% increase when compared to the same period last year when South Africa welcomed 1 714 501 visitors from this region.
Africa land arrivals increased by a significant 81.6% while Africa air recorded a growth of 44.5% between January to June this year when compared to the same period last year.

We are pleased with the number of visitors that our country continues to receive from the rest of the African continent. This is a testament to the marketing efforts that we have implemented to attract tourists from this region. Africa remains a key source market for us, and we are committed to collaborating as a tourism sector to make sure we welcome visitors from this region and that we cater for their needs and preferences.

Beyond the African continent, South Africa has welcomed more visitors from other regions too. Between January and June 2023, the Australasia region (mainly comprised of Australia and New Zealand) recorded an increase of 141 % with 50 882 visitors coming from this region compared to 21 108 arrivals in the same period last year.

The Asia region almost doubled its figures with a 99.5% growth, from 47 912 to 95 596 visitors.

Europe, the largest source of visitors outside Africa, also experienced solid growth of 66,8.1%, from 356 352 to 594 388 visitors when compared to the same period in 2022.

North America, Central & South America, and the Middle East also demonstrated strong growth trends with rates of 70.6%, 74.4%, and 75.8% respectively.

These robust figures showcase South Africa’s charm and attractiveness as well as the work that we are doing in marketing South Africa as a tourist destination of choice. The substantial increase, particularly from Australasia and Asia, underlines and reflects the global trend towards post-pandemic travel recovery. This is all hugely welcomed because our sector contributes significantly to our country’s economy.

Through various tourism marketing strategies, South Africa continues to invite travelers worldwide to explore our diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and unique wildlife and wide open spaces. These exceptional numbers illustrate South Africa's undeniable allure and the enduring impact it has on travelers.

The latest statistics by Stats SA is evidence that the implementation of the Tourism Sector Recovery Plan has gained traction and is contributing to sustained, accelerated economic growth.

We are growing stronger each day and we are determined to pass pre-COVID-19 arrival numbers. South Africa is open for tourism, and we are ready to welcome more tourists from across Africa and the globe to experience our diverse cultures and heritage.

South Africa was recently honored by readers of the UK’s Telegraph Travel publication, with the prestigious title of "Best Country," while its iconic city, Cape Town, claimed the coveted title of "Best City in the World."

I wish to express my deepest gratitude to all travelers who chose to explore our country and contributed to the tourism sector’s growth and to our economy. The support of travelers, both domestic and international, has played a crucial role in revitalizing our economy and restoring the vibrancy to our tourism sector. I also wish to thank the tourism private sector across the country for all your hard work to grow our tourism offering, promote South Africa as a must-see destination and for your amazing hospitality in welcoming and hosting our visitors.

Good Morning Facebook family . It the Talana Live Weekend . Please join us for the Ghost walk on Friday . Whether you be...

Good Morning Facebook family . It the Talana Live Weekend . Please join us for the Ghost walk on Friday . Whether you believe in ghosts or not or you just want to curb your enthusiasm . Check out the Ghost walk at Talana Museum .

THE NATIONAL FLAG The national flag was designed by a former South African State Herald, Mr. Fred Brownwell, and was fir...

The national flag was designed by a former South African State Herald, Mr. Fred Brownwell, and was first used on 27 April 1994. The design and colors are a synopsis of principal elements of the country's flag history. Individual Colors , or color combinations represent different meanings for different people and therefore no universal symbolism should be attached to any of the colors. the central design of the flag , beginning at the flagpost in a "V" form and flowing into a single horizontal band to the outer edge of the fly, can be interpreted as the convergence of diverse elements within South African society , taking the road ahead in unity.


Well done to our Tourism Dundee member the Oval BB and Restaurant --- we received this great review from local resident Dillin:

(Please support our local businesses during these tough times!)

I've been to the Oval restaurant in dundee 2 times in the last week Monday night the 18th which was the most amazing, upon taking my girlfriend to the Oval on a standard night out on the 11 of September I had set up with Phili for the 18th as it was my girlfriends birthday, I took Phili the bare necessities late Monday afternoon and left the rest in her capable hands telling her i will be there at 18:30, may I say that when I walked in the table was laid out better than I could ever ask for made, the service at this establishment is absolutely amazing with very little time to wait for your food the service of all the staff was absolutely top shelf, and the food was excellent all round. Thanks to the oval restaurant and our waitress Phili I could give my girlfriend a birthday she well deserves. A truly 5-star experience. Thank you.


The Armistice to end the First World War, the “war to end all wars”, was signed at 11 minutes past 11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918. 392 Dundee men and 1 woman went to war out of a total European population of 3447. Research has found that some 89 of those were either killed in action or died on active service, which is the equivalent of + 20% casualties. People from the same area tended to join up and stick together for the duration of their service. If a particular unit took heavy casualties, then, the effect was devastating to the home towns of the fallen. For example, nine Dundee men were killed at Delville Wood alone from 15 – 20 July 1916.

The War Memorial in Karellandman Street was erected to preserve the memory of the fallen. It is all too easy for future generations to forget. According to the Dundee and District Courier -

“In August 1919, Mayor James MacKenzie rallied the town to celebrate the signing of the Peace Treaty following the Armistice that ended World War 1. The town planned a grand programme of entertainment lasting a week. This included a gigantic picnic and sports for the children of the district, thanksgiving services at all churches, five-a-side tournaments, a mask and domino ball at the Masonic Hall and a grand vocal and instrumental concert featuring the Dundee Peace Celebrations Choral Society”.

The Dundee, District and Mines Memorial to commemorate those men (and one woman) who paid the supreme price, was unveiled on 23 August 1923. The Dundee Cenotaph owes its existence to the generosity of the citizens of Dundee, and the persistence of James Mackenzie, who was Mayor of Dundee from 1918 – 1920. It was erected by Messrs. Crankshaw in Newcastle. The statue is carved from white Italian Carrara marble, with a base of local sandstone. The cost of 1200 Pounds, which was a great deal of money at the time, was raised by public subscription.

Over 70 wreaths were laid. One was even dropped by aeroplane, which missed its’ target by 50 yards and fell in the school grounds next door (now the Education Department offices).

The Cenotaph was refurbished in 2008, made possible by the efforts of many Dundee citizens. Stuart Clarke was responsible for raising a large amount of the cash needed to do the job. Morgan Govender was the contractor. Tourism Dundee and Endumeni Municipality were also instrumental in making the project a success, Peter Jones taking a major part in this effort in his own inimitable style.

In 2016 the Cenotaph was “upgraded” mainly through the efforts of Tourism Dundee (Norman Parkinson) and Talana Museum (Pam McFadden). The cannon was renovated by Posselt Lourens, and latterly again by Buffalo Coal (Bob Bentley) when an errant motorist attempted to take a short cut to the Municipal buildings through the palisade fencing. Only last year, yet another motorist attempted the same deed, and the fencing had to be repaired once again, this time through the generosity of HENCO and Talana Museum.

Pam McFadden, who has a brain for these sort of things, decided that an especial effort should be made to commemorate the Centenary. A brilliant idea, but it wasn’t even in its nappy stage before Pam departed for pastures overseas, leaving the rest of us to see it through. Tony (mainly Tony) and Val Cross spent months making imitation poppies out of re-cycled plastic bottles, an idea that Pam pinched from Newcastle Shellhole when we went there to commemorate the Anniversary of the er****on of their lynch gate. The two Croses did a sterling job, with even two purple poppies in honour of the animals that died in the war. I stole one and gave it to my wife, asking her to be my poppy, but alas, she told me to get knotted.

It was originally intended to plant these poppies in wooden pallets filled with soil, but again alas – no wooden pallets to be found. Switch to barrels originally donated by Hetta Lake for “Talana Live”. But alas (again) – on searching for them they had “disappeared”. Switch to two cut-down oil drums from the Shellhole that were originally intended as braai drums. Attempt to get into the Shellhole to get them out but alas, the keys wouldn’t fit the locks. And so on.

After some grumbling, Tourism Dundee kindly donated some money for the event. I attempted to organize a mini Fugitive’s Trail hike for Saturday (to turn the event into a weekend) but alas, not enough takers were found to make it viable. Snacks came from the Jumping Onion. We had to store them in the Shellhole fridge overnight, with the result that they were mostly frozen solid by Sunday.

Graham’s cell phone went off during the flag raising ceremony. The Sarel Cillier’s school choir failed to turn up on the day, so scratch the National Anthem. But the Municipal Manager was there (first time ever), together with Councillor Gopie. Siya, Bornwell, Vusi and Patricia worked their backsides off; all the usual descendants turned up to lay a poppy and the day went off without too many hitches. The Die Hards, led by Vince Nixon, were there in force, although Gavin Slater was AWOL (working) and Paul Garner’s poem remained silent as he was at a friend’s funeral. The best news of all is that a couple of the Die Hards expressed interest in joining the MOTHs – we need them as we’re getting very short on the ground.

Pat Rundgren
Cell 0728032885
Facebook Pat Rundgren Battlefield Tours






You are cordially invited to attend, to commemorate and remember,
the men and women of our town and district who served
their country in times of war and never returned.

The Dundee War Memorial was paid for by funds raised by public subscription
from the citizens of Dundee.
A public meeting was called by the Mayor of Dundee, Mr J McKenzie on 30 November 1918
to discuss the er****on of a war memorial in memory of those citizens of Dundee
and the district who made “the supreme sacrifice”.
50% of the men in Dundee and the area had answered the call to duty and
went to war (25% of the total population)
The memorial was officially unveiled on 25 August 1923.
On that day 70 wreaths were laid in memory of the men and women of Dundee
and district who lost their lives in the Great (First World) War.

Poppies and wreaths will be laid by various representative of the MOTHs, Armed Forces, South African Police, local civic organisations, descendants of the men and women listed on the memorial and families of men who did return from the wars.

Should you wish to lay a wreath please contact
Siya Africa on whatsup 062 326 2971.

Please bring an umbrella for shade or wear a hat.

Refreshments and eats will be served at the MOTH Shellhole at the close of the service.
Cash bar will be available.

The August winds arrived on Thursday, so my guests had to climb out of the chopper and push it against the head winds al...

The August winds arrived on Thursday, so my guests had to climb out of the chopper and push it against the head winds all the way from Durban to get to iSandlwana and Rorke’s Drift for an out-of-the-ordinary battlefield tour. But having recovered with a great lunch at RD Hotel, their way back was easy. With the wind behind them, it only took a couple of minutes to get back to a bottle of wine by the sea.

Pat Rundgren
Cell 0728032885
Facebook Pat Rundgren Battlefield Tours

Now is your best time to book. Don’t miss our special offer From the 8th of August to the 27th of August 2023The “A” Tea...

Now is your best time to book. Don’t miss our special offer
From the 8th of August to the 27th of August 2023
The “A” Team B&B in Dundee is looking forward to welcoming you.
Tel – 0342121014 / 072779 5949
Corner of Tatham & Ryley Street, Dundee
Email – [email protected]
Web - www.cheznousbb.co.za

Chez Nous Bed & Breakfast is a quality assured accommodation establishment situated in Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal.


Only two weeks to go. Come join us for the Centenary commemoration service at the Dundee Cenotaph at 11:00 on Sunday 27 August 2023, followed by snacks and drinks at the Dundee MOTH Shellhole. Should you wish to plant a poppy, please contact Patricia Zoya at the Tourism Dundee offices (071-1757399) or by contacting [email protected]

A special invitation to all “old” MOTHs – Johann Hamman, Mark Elliot, Glen Sharp, Angus Miller, Alex Donaldson, Angie Millar, Julie Lewis, “Oorlog” Bezuidenhout.


Information supplied by Terry Worley.
Being slightly “odd’ characters, members of Tourism Dundee are often to be found visiting “odd” and isolated areas to find long-neglected graves, fortifications and places where historic events took place. As a corollary, a follow-up visit to the cemeteries where those that did not make it are buried reveals the human interest aspect of these events. Terry had a bee in his bonnet about an old resident who had been murdered years ago and had allegedly been buried in the Glencoe Cemetery. So a party of us went there looking for this specific grave, and came away with something totally unexpected.
Terry happened to notice another headstone, totally unconnected to our original quest. In his words, “the SADF emblem of the kneeling Trooper immediately caught my attention. Inscribed in Afrikaans, this was the grave of one Adriaan Christoffel Ackerman, killed in the operational area of the SWA/ Angolan border on September 17 1980. He was just 20.
‘Vir hom het die son ondergegaan toe dit nog dag was’.
This moved me. All white males were compelled to do ‘’army” upon turning 18 and all waited anxiously for the dreaded brown envelope, inscribed with the words Amptelik, - inside was a piece of paper which would dictate your life for the next two years and probably for evermore.
I traced Adriaan’s sister, Petro Brown, to Ladysmith. She was touched that we had seen the grave and bothered to trace her. She recalled the tragedy that had befallen the family.
Adriaan, a Number 2 on the Bren gun, was a Rifleman attached to the 7th SA Infantry Battalion, based at Bourke’s Luck, then Eastern Transvaal, before relocating to Phalaborwa in 1981”.
“Lest we forget”.

Pat Rundgren
Cell 0728032885
Facebook Pat Rundgren Battlefield Tours


Only three weeks to go. Come join us for the Centenary commemoration service at the Dundee Cenotaph at 11:00 on Sunday 27 August 2023, followed by snacks and drinks at the Dundee MOTH Shellhole. Should you wish to plant a poppy, please contact Patricia Zoya at the Tourism Dundee offices (071-1757399) or by contacting [email protected]

A special invitation to all “old” MOTHs – Johann Hamman, Mark Elliot, Glen Sharp, Angus Miller, Alex Donaldson, Angie Millar, Julie Lewis, “Oorlog” Bezuidenhout.

A selection of names from the memorial include the former Mayor of Dundee, Bert Head, who came to Dundee in 1896 and established a business as a Carrier and Railway Delivery Agent. He was a member of the Dundee Rifle Association and was present at the battle of Talana. He later enlisted in the Natal Carbineers. His military career continued as Quartermaster and Sub Leader, 1st. Dundee Borough Reserves, during the Zulu Rebellion of 1906.

According to the Dundee Centenary publication, “Dundee in 1914 was oddly remote from the war shadows gathering over Europe, but within weeks the Mayor, Councillor J. Head, was tirelessly chairing public meetings and organising distress funds”. Bert Head enlisted as a private soldier in the “Rhodesian” Platoon of the 2nd. Battalion, Kings Royal Rifles. Slightly gassed, he recovered but was later killed in action on 01 July 1916 on the first day of the battle of the Somme. The British took 30 000 casualties in the first hour, with 58 000 killed by the end of the day.

He is buried in Maroc Cemetery, Northern France. At the time of his death he had been recommended for a Commission in the Army Service Corps.

Pat Rundgren
Cell 0728032885
Facebook Pat Rundgren Battlefield Tours


Come join us for the Centenary commemoration service at the Dundee Cenotaph at 11:00 on Sunday 27 August 2023, followed by snacks and drinks at the Dundee MOTH Shellhole. Should you wish to plant a poppy, please contact Patricia Zoya at the Tourism Dundee offices (071-1757399) or by contacting [email protected]

A special invitation to all “old” MOTHs – Johann Hamman, Mark Elliot, Glen Sharp, Angus Miller, Alex Donaldson, Angie Millar, Julie Lewis, “Oorlog” Bezuidenhout.

Not everyone dies in war. If you knew for certain that you would be killed, you wouldn’t go there in the first place. Many men from Dundee answered the call to arms, but some came back heroes, such as Captain Harry Ryley of the Dundee Troop of the Natal Carbineers, who earned a Military Cross in South West Africa. According to the Dundee Centenary Publication, “In July 1915 German South West Africa surrendered and the Dundee wing of the Carbineers squadron returned home. As the train drew into the station a large crowd cheered themselves hoarse to the tunes of “See the Conquering Hero Come” and “Home, Sweet Home”, rendered by the town brass band. It was a heavy week for Captain Ryley and his gallant men”.

The Ryley’s used to live on Ryley’s Hill, next to the old Kilty factory and opposite the Caltex garage. Sadly, this beautiful old home now lies vacant, and is being systematically vandalized. The owners, the Public Works Department, do not seem to be able or willing to do anything about it.

Another hero was Harry Walker, a farmer from the Vant’s Drift area on the Buffalo River, who also won a Military Cross for killing or capturing a large force of German Askaris with only a handful of men in the German South West Africa campaign. He later became a Colonel in the Natal Carbineers.

Pat Rundgren
Cell 0728032885
Facebook Pat Rundgren Battlefield Tours


Post. 26 July 2023.

Come join us for the Centenary commemoration service at the Dundee Cenotaph at 11:00 on Sunday 27 August 2023, followed by snacks and drinks at the Dundee MOTH Shellhole. Should you wish to plant a poppy, please contact Patricia Zoya at the Tourism Dundee offices (071-1757399) or by contacting [email protected]

A special invitation to all “old” MOTHs – Johann Hamman, Mark Elliot, Glen Sharp, Angus Miller, Alex Donaldson, Angie Millar.

3 Dundee men were killed in action @ Butte de Warlencourt (Somme) on 12 October 1916. “The 2nd and 4th SAI attacked Snag and Tail trenches. The assault died away because of machine gun nests, placed well back in prepared positions, which caught the attacking waves of troops at long range”. They are commemorated on the Menin Gate.

Every sector of the community contributed in some way to the war effort, whether
in the form of money or labour. Tens of thousands of Africans were recruited for
the SA Native Labour Corps and sent to France. Over 600 men of the 5thBattalion
drowned when the SS Mendi collided with the SS Darro off St. Catherine’s Point
on the Isle of Wight and sank on 21 February 1917.

Pat Rundgren
Cell 0728032885
Facebook Pat Rundgren Battlefield Tours


Come join us for the Centenary commemoration service at the Dundee Cenotaph at 11:00 on Sunday 27 August 2023, followed by snacks and drinks at the Dundee MOTH Shellhole. Should you wish to plant a poppy, please contact Patricia Zoya at the Tourism Dundee offices (071-1757399) or by contacting [email protected]

I have been contacted by Leigh Toselli, who wants to plant a poppy in remembrance of her uncle, Archibald Robert Forbes “Bobby” Harding, whose name appears on the Cenotaph. He was the fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clement Harding who, as a Private in 2nd South African Infantry, was killed in action in France on 27 March 1918, aged only 18 years and 4 months. His brother, William Forbes Harding from Glencoe, also served and was lucky enough to survive the War.

Pat Rundgren
Cell 0728032885
Facebook Pat Rundgren Battlefield Tours


64 Victoria Street

Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 16:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 16:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 16:30
Thursday 08:30 - 16:30
Friday 08:30 - 16:30
Saturday 08:30 - 12:00




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