Supporting your baby to set their body rhythm is another quick win you can do slowly over time and here is how...
☀️ Expose your baby to natural sunlight during the day. Sit outside in the shade, go for a nice walk, open the curtains etc. This allows baby’s body to start to differentiate between night and day.
⏰ Work on a predictable wake up time and try and start the day at this time everyday - this doesn’t necessary mean you have to be up too but baby could be up with your partner while you catch up on some much needed sleep. This will help set up the rest of the day’s rhythm.
💤Naps in the day light - this doesn’t work for all babies as some require darkness to sleep without distraction. But if your baby will nap in the daylight then encourage this, especially if you’re a parent on the run all day e.g school pick up, attending kids clubs etc.
🎼Allow for some natural sounds during the day - siblings playing, dogs barking at the postman, window open with a train going by etc. Your baby will learn to sleep through the background noise, which will make for sounder sleepers later on.
🌙Then at night - set up a calm and dark environment, free from day time stimulation like television/loud toys, increase the cuddles and use things like baby massage and bath time to signal to baby that their night time sleep is coming.
What have been some of the daytime ideas you have tried - successful or not? 🤍