Devine Intelligence is a corporate Training and Consulting Company specialising in ICT
Training and Human Capital Development (management and administration), Training &
Development, Consulting, Accreditation Consultancy, Learning Material Development,
Coaching & Mentoring. We work together with individuals, the corporate world as well as public institutions in
an effort to provide hands-on soluti
ons in addressing the day to day challenges in
business as a result of technological changes and dynamism in management. We believe in a comprehensive approach; that is, to become a part of our client’s business
which enables us not only to appreciate and be knowledgeable of the objectives our
clients are striving for; but most importantly, help them to achieve those objectives. Background Information:
The Training Provider was established as a result of a feasibility study that was
conducted in the Education, Training and Development Sector (ETD) and it was
discovered that a substantial number employed individuals are struggling at their work
place and hence need to be trained and continuously developed. Devine Intelligence
Consultants was established to ensure that such skills gaps are paid attention to and that
the performance and delivery of all employees are improved. This organization was
established by an entrepreneur who was fully exposed to this new system through
working for (and with) various major players in education and Training sector with
inclusions of institutions like Damelin and other FET colleges; as an IT
Assessor/Moderator in most of the SAQA IT Qualifications such as IT End User
Computing NQF Level 3, IT Systems Development NQF Level 4 & 5, IT Systems Support
NQF Level 5, IT Technical Support NQF Level 4, IT Computer Programming NQF Level 4
and many more for a period of about 5 years
As part of the process of Outcome-Based learning materials development which enhances
the entire skills development and full learning programs at large, he became accredited
by EDTP SETA for Outcome-Based Learning Material designing and Development. Devine Intelligence Consultants (Pty) Ltd also utilises the services of qualified and appropriateassociates who have extensive experience in the ETD Sector.
1.1 Vision
Our vision is to be the leading Training and Consultancy Company in South Africa
and beyond its boarders.
1.2 Mission
Our Mission is to help our clients make distinctive, extensive and significant
improvements in their performance both in their personal lives and at work
through providing a conducive environment that invites, excites, develops and
retains extra-ordinary personnel who are competitive and competent in every
practical duty they endeavour in. Keep our clients information confidential
e. Accountability
1.3 Guiding Philosophy
Devine Intelligence Consultants considers teamwork on every project as the keysuccess ingredient. To create such an environment, it is imperative that all
personnel be duty-bound to ensure effective communication to all relevant
stakeholders at all levels. Teams are built by combining the strengths of the
individual members and refining skills to meet and exceed our client’sexpectations and needs. Devine Intelligence Consultants is equipped with thelatest technology and has the necessary staff and resources to ensure the bestprofessional service is rendered at all times.