Soweto Specialist Tours

Soweto Specialist Tours Tours to Soweto any time on request. Tours are tailor made to suit interest of tourists. I offer tailor made tours on any day of the week.

I used to be involved in city and housing management at a senior level and therefore know the city and its people very, very well. An interesting and challenging time was when the negotiations for a new local government dispensation took place and I could be part of the team. Speaking most of the Soweto languages has opened many doos and assisted with the understanding of cultures better. It is s

uch a privilege to share all the knowledge and experience with tourists and be part of the energy of a vibrant city.


Tours to Soweto any time on request. Tours are tailor made to suit interest of tourists.


Hi to all the viewers of Soweto Specialist Tours. And to the supporters, former and new tourists. You are great. I am however, very perterbed about the people who load and display pictures of their own faces and parties and which add no value to the page or Soweto Specialist Tours. i do not know any of them and wonder why they do not create their own page. The worst has been an advert of a suspicious product. i am therefore considering to close this page all together - which will be very sad. i do not know how else to control this abuse of the page and confusion it causes with honest tourists and supporters. Even other companies have abused it with their adverts. Is there no respect left in this world?

Soweto in Autumn - sunny days and today the schools are closing for the Easter Holidays. There is always an atmosphere o...

Soweto in Autumn - sunny days and today the schools are closing for the Easter Holidays. There is always an atmosphere of celebration and tourists can meet students at the various tourist attractions. The 16 libraries in Soweto are popular with adults and students. I was at the Orlando and at the Mofolo libraries the other day and adults and students were reading newspapers and browsing in the books. The DOCC/YMCA in Orando East also has a library and a staff member spends time with younger children who draw pictures and read. Orlando East is the first planned township of what eventually became Soweto, (The first black people were forcefully removed from Johannesburg to Klipspruit in 1904, The biggest part of Klipspruit was later called Pimville). So Orlando East is celebrating their 105th birthday this year. Some interesting celebrations are being planned and tourists will be informed. Orlando East has quite a number of firsts for Soweto: the first church, clinic, school, library, stadium ... and more.


Thank you to all the FB friends who have liked the page - and those who made bookings. Tours are so informative and fun.

It is 85 years since the first designed township, Orlando East, was started. There are so many great people who grew up here. And many great citizes still stay here.Did you know that the famous snger Miriam Makeba, Grammy winner in her day, lived here with a relitave. When the famous Manhattan Brothers from Sophiatown performed in the DOCC hall she asked them if she could do an audition - and the rest is as they say, history. She was also born 85 years ago.


I had two tourists from France today. Soweto is always quiet on a Monday, but it was still active with all the street performers and other usual activities. You may have heard that the manager of Sakhumzi's Restaurant in Vilakazi Street was shot dead about a month ago early one Sunday morning when the staff were cashing up and two persons wanted to come in (probably to rob). When the manager refused them entry, he was shot. They fled without taking anything. This was a sad incident in a street and environment where all are friendly and there is no crime. Two suspects were caught and according to the information today, they were to appear in court today. All is back to normal and Vilakazi Street is full of tourists and friendly locals doing their thing. Hope you will join us soon for a tour.


This week is the commemoration of the SS Mendi which sank on its way to Europe with about 700 black soldiers on their way to join World War I. It is amazing that some of the grandchildren of those soldiers live in Soweto, especially in the Dube townships. Dube also accommodates widows and children of soldiers who were in World War II. A ceremony to commemorate the SS Mendi tragedy will be held in Dube in the chapel which was built for the WW II soldiers. Soweto Specialist Tours will be attending this day and are looking forward to hear and see a presentation which will include a film which was made about the SS Mendi. If you wish to join the tourists we are taking, please let us know. The email is: [email protected], mobile 083 586 8591. Learn more about this interesting history and meet their relatives.


Hi to All, Soweto Specialist Tours seems to very popular with tourists because we have a host of information about Soweto, its history, its cultures and the modern Kasi culture, language. Do not miss the opportunity to come on a tour. Write to [email protected] for more information and bookings.


Soweto Specialist tours are very happy about all the very positive feed backs received from happy tourists. This is to remind you that the tours are available and you can just give us a call, or write an email to [email protected]. Please also remember that tours are individually designed to suit your interests, time available and more. Lookinh forward to be of service to you wheever you wish to come and see this fascinating city with its friendly people. The main attraction is usually Vilakazi Street with the Mandela Museum as well as the Tutu house. But do you know about the fascinating Vilakazi? Join us and learn more.

Hi to all tourists. Thank you for your support and all notes and comments. Please remember: every tour is tailor made to...

Hi to all tourists. Thank you for your support and all notes and comments. Please remember: every tour is tailor made to suit your group, the size of the group (individuals welcome, special interests, time available and more. Fees are worked out when Soweto Specialist Tours have all the information available. Please contact office at [email protected]. We are looking forward to taking you on an exciting tour to Soweto, a city with fascinating people, interesting history and lots to experience.

Tours to Soweto any time on request. Tours are tailor made to suit interest of tourists.

This is a picture of a caption from the famous Steve Biko on a wall in Diepkloof Extension. His philosophy was an import...

This is a picture of a caption from the famous Steve Biko on a wall in Diepkloof Extension. His philosophy was an important influence on the students of 1976. On the right side of the picture is a drawing of the famous picture which Sam Nzima took on 16 June 1976 when Mbuyisa ran with Hector Pietersen to the clinic after he was shot by the police and Antoinette, Hector's sister ran with him. This is a short introduction to this history which tourists can learn about in detail when they visit the Hector Pietersen Memorial and Museum in Orlando West.

On the next picture is Antoinette Sithole, sister of Hector Pietersen (second from left) with Irish tourists (far left and far right) and a guide in front of the Hector Pietersen Museum (see plaque on wall).


Soweto did it again! Last week the Abantu Book Festival took place in Eyethu in Mofolo. Some outstanding authors and other media people participated. Just to mention a few: Former Judge Dikgang Moseneke, Award winning poet and authors Wally Serote and Don Materra, award winning and famous talk show host (Radio 702) Redi Thlabi, award winning writer and columnist Fred Khumalo ... and the list goes on. What was very pleasing was the attendance and participation by the younger generation (and oldies too) and the books they bought. I noticed that books about Steve Biko are still very popular, while the biography of Trevor Noah attracted a lot of attention. Wally Serote was signing many books too. Tourists are in for a treat if they want to know more about what Soweto offers!


More than 600 South Africans, mainly black people, perished when the famous SS Mendi sunk on the African coast while it was on its way to France where they were going to join a number of black and other South Africans in World War 1. Although it was a military exercise the blacks did manual labour and were not issued with weapons 21 February 2017 will be the centenary celebration of the SS Mendi disaster. In the Avalon Cemetery, Soweto, is one of the South African Memorials. There are quite a few other monuments/memorial in South Africa, like a beautiful sculpture in Attridgeville, Tshwane. The Johannesburg Heritage Foundation is planning a commemoration for 21 February 2017 and hope to join hands with the Dube Masoleng Group. Some of the residents of Dube as the grandchildren or great grandchildren of the black soldiers in WW 1 and WW11. It is so interesting to meet some of these people and hear the stories of the families. There were only two WW 11 soldiers still alive. When a special Veteran's Lunch was hosted at the famous Wandies Restaurant in Dube earoer this year. Today one of the two who reached the handsome age of 100 yeas, was buried. Soweto has so many interesting stories and the Dube tpwnship needs to be noted and tourists love to hear the stories and see the places when we drive there.


Dr. Gugushe, educationist, sportsman, pioneer, leader - he has just turned 103. The Dube community is planning a major event to celebrate the birthday on Saturday at the Nka Thuto school. A cow has been slaghtered for the occassion and the Dube Masoleng group are so busy planning and organising. It is going to be a great celebration of a wonderful resident. One of his achievements was being the rector of the Vista University which is now the UJ Soweto Campus. for those who want to know more: watch this space, We will be giving a feedback. the wonderful news is that his dear wife will be turning a 100 in November and they are both still going strong!

September is Heritage Month in the RSA and in Soweto celebrations are planned, traditional outfits - old and modern - ar...

September is Heritage Month in the RSA and in Soweto celebrations are planned, traditional outfits - old and modern - are designed and manufactured and the atmosphere is jovial. One celebration planned in Diepkloof is in honour of pioneer James Sofasonke Mapanza who was the pioneer of Orlando (East was added at a later stage). He was the representative of the people with the Johannesburg City Council who were in charge of the area. They were legally also responsible for the provision of dwellings for the people in this township which was established in 1932. The housing backlog was serious and Mapanza made plans and took action on 20 March 1944 by collecting mainly women and children from over crowded houses and backyard shelters to go and build a squatter camp (shanty town) on open land next to the stream Klipspruit. He organised hessian material for the shacks and organised security, firewood and more. This was to a large extent a challenge to authorities to do something to address the problem. At a later stage he also arranged his people to illegally occupy half built houses in the area of Orlando West which were allocated to persons on the waiting list.

Through his leadership Mapanza later got the title of the Father of Soweto (the name Soweto, which is short for South Western Townships for the townships in the area e.g. Pimville, Orlando East and West, Jabavu, Moroka, etc). He established the political party Sofasonke in the early years and it was active in local government politics years up to 1993, therefore after the death of the leader. it was later under the leadership of business man E B Tshabalala (also late). Mapanza also played an important role in the formation of the first national soccer team Orlando Pirates and left important footprints in Orlando. When there was a competition for a name for which resulted in the choice of Soweto, had many suggestions that it should be Mapanzaville. His house in Hlatswayo Street is now owned by his grandson and is a National Heritage which can be visited by tourists. Historical memorabilia is displayed in a small room.

Below is a picture of James Sofasonke Mapanza on his horse Brown Sugar. He loved horses and horse racing.


Golf in Soweto. In Pimville there used to be the Country Club on the border of the township. It was a popular meeting place for black golfers, one of them being Cox Hlapo. He resided in the Dube township and also played golf on the 9 hole golf course in Mofolo Village which is adjacent to Dube. That golf course was invaded by squatters (with the help of the then mayor of Soweto) in 1986 and ceased to exist, although it is cleared of the invaders. The Pimville golf course has been replaced with a lovely, well designed new Country Club and course also in Pimville.

According to press cuttings Cox dominated the so-called black golf scene up to 1960. This tall bearded and friendly man, can be seen in many press cuttings and other pictures which the family show on request. One day when the history of the different townships is published, the history of this pioneer golfer must have a special place. According to an article in the Pace magazine in 1983 he had the nicknames of Sporo, Maestro, Old Fox.

Soweto is rich in stories of its people and the life, the communities they created during the challenging apartheid era and their great legacy. Long live the memory of Cox Hlapo and other Soweto golfers.

So many things are happening in Soweto this spring. Yesterday was the final day of the fascinating 3 days literary festi...

So many things are happening in Soweto this spring. Yesterday was the final day of the fascinating 3 days literary festival. One of the speakers was the world famous photographer Dr Peter Magubane. He caputured much of the 16 June 1976 uprising in Soweto (and other communities like Alexandra and Cape Town). I have one of the first copies of this book and share some of the pictures with tourists when we do a tour - that is over and above going to the Hector Pietersen Memorial and often also to the museum. Below is the famous picture by him depicting a scene from the Apartheid days when a black nanny was not allowed to share a bench in the park with the white girl she was looking after.


Exciting news for book lovers: the final programme of the Literary Festival 19 to 21 August 2016 in the Soweto Theatre, Jabulani, has been published in the Star and on Litnet. Locall and foreign tourists are in for a most exciting experience listening to well known writers, photographers, academics, as well as an opportunity to talk to the likes of PJ Powers, Peter Magubane, Fred Khumalo and more, There will also be books to buy from publishers and dealers. Hope to see you there.

The YMCA/DOCC in Orlando East is a exciting place for tourists to visit. That is where the little gymnasium is where Nel...

The YMCA/DOCC in Orlando East is a exciting place for tourists to visit. That is where the little gymnasium is where Nelson Mandela and his son used to practice boxing. He refers to it in two of his biographies - Long Walk to Freedom and Conversations with Myself. This small venue was also the first of its kind built in Soweto as far back as 1932 when the township was developed. In 1948 it was extended through the efforts of a councillor of the Johannesburg City Council, Colnol Donaldson and became the DOCC (Donaldson Community Centre). The Donaldson grandson and family are still involved. The YMCA took over the reigns and it is a remarkable venue with a fascinating history - very worth a visit by tourists. The President of the YMCA is Ruby Mathang whose history with this project dates back to his school days. Today he is also a prominent leader or the City of Johannesburg.

Below is a picture of the little gymnasium as it looks today and where locals keep their bodies in shape. Next to it is a picture of the lovely mosaic or Nelson Mandela as a boxer donated by the Donaldson family.


I have been asked about a web page. I have no web page. When I receive an enquiry I forward a colourful introduction to tourist attractions and other information. That makes it very personal.

FEES. i have had requests about the fees of Soweto Specialist Tours. Good question, but since every tour is tailor made ...

FEES. i have had requests about the fees of Soweto Specialist Tours. Good question, but since every tour is tailor made for the spesific group or individual depending on their needs, a fee is worked out seperately for every group, be it a bigger or smaller group (even an individual). Therefore, send enquiries or make bookings at [email protected] and enjoy a personolised service.

The exciting reality about Soweto is that it has so many townships, each with a unique history, interesting achievers li...

The exciting reality about Soweto is that it has so many townships, each with a unique history, interesting achievers like musicians, dramatists, business leaders, politicians, and more. One of the older townships is Dube. The housing mix which dates back many years, includes the unique little houses built by the Johannesburg City Council some time after the Second World War for the Soweto soldiers who fought in that war. These pioneers not only fought in the war, but also contributed to the making their community and keeping the memory alive. It was in the 1950's that the JCC also gave the midde class residents the opportunity to build their own comfortable houses (called the Regulation 6 houses). Today all these houses have full ownership with Title Deeds and a character of its own. What is very special about this community is the strong sence of community and dedication to building it further. They are looking at restoring the bowling club, are organising the planting of trees and making gardens at public places like schools, old age home and more. That is followed by a Farmer's Market which will take place on 30 July 2016 and an outstanding Women's Day on 9 August.

Wandie's Place, a favourite restaurant for tourists, is one of Dube[s attractions. See a guide with one of the waiters at this restaurant.

Book lovers, publishers, writers, poets, tourists - Great news has just reached my ears. There is going to be a literary...

Book lovers, publishers, writers, poets, tourists - Great news has just reached my ears. There is going to be a literary festival at the Soweto Theatre in Jabulani from 19 to 21 August 2016. It is a muti-racial festival. Will keep you posted.


We have interesting stories about the Soweto people who participated in the Careers Exhibition at Nasrec. We even had the privilege of meeting the man who coined the name Soweto for the competition for a name of the city which was concluded in 1963. Tourists can enjoy interesting stories about the Dube township and see some of the first little houses built for returning soldiers from the Second World War. Some residents also want to restore the old Bowling Club which was very busy in the 1970's. Every township in Soweto has an interesting history with many stories, the houses of famous people from the Soweto history.


There is so much happening in Soweto this June. At the Orlando Stadium a group of dedicated religious groups and individuals gathered to launch a renewed projec of reconcilliation. The renond pastor Frank Chikane who is one of the leaders of the movement, mentioned that politicians do not reconcile, its the ordinary ccitiaens who do it. Visit Soweto and experience reconcilliation first hand..


June is a historical month for all Soweto people, visitors and friends. This year has is of special significance since it is 40 years since the youth uprising, the sad death of the students like Hastings Ndlovu and Hector Pietersen and what happened in the coming years. There is always lots of energy in our city, but do not miss the special buzz and all the commemorations, Join us for a tour, hear and see.


Uncle Tom's Hall is just next to the Hector Pietersen Museum and has been there for at least fifty years. This hall has so much history and was very close to the area where the big clash between the students and the police took place on 16 June 1976. I was there today and was so pleased to see how lovely it has been painted and decorated inside. Hopefully the history of this old venue has been recorded.


Soweto, South Afrika


+27(0)83 5868591



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