
Acorns2Oaks We are Business Growth Facilitators with more than 30 years’ experience in business and management.


Products change, Markets change and so do the companies and individuals who choose to compete in those markets. We, as business people must keep up with changes... AND lead the change!! Only when we lead, even if it is only your corner of the shop, can we change for the good.


In Business it is important to be unique in everything that you do. Make your business memorable (Colour scheme, logo, approach to potential customers, marketing, etc) Do it NOW, don't hesitate!


Mister Zuma has changed his cabinet AGAIN! It is probably just yours truly and my Jack Russell who he has left to do the job. The Jack Russel will probably do it better than Zuma anyway!


You will know by now that I cannot resist a clever quote. This one comes from Mark Twain.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"


Very good Business Advice from Abraham Lincoln: "If I had 9 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first 6 hours sharpening the axe". The moral of the story is not to jump in head first, but to assess the task and make all the necessary preparations before tackling the difficult parts


Pele, one of the best soccer players of all times, said the following about his success: "Success is not a co-incidence. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice and above all, a love for what you are doing". We've covered this topic throughout the last few weeks. I hope that we've all learned how important it is to enjoy what we are doing, to persevere and to keep on learning!!!


Terry Prachett is my favourite Author. He came up with gems such as: "They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it is not half so bad as a lot of ignorance"
Think about your business and how it shows up against Terry's quote!


Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to Success!! In other words: If you really love what you do, you will be successful.


When someone screws up at work, let them know of the error compassionately. It is not professional to rant and rave at people (even in a one-on-one situation) and definitely NOT in a group setting!
Always think about how you would feel if it was the other way around!


The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit!


If you own a business or run a business, you'll know that it can be a tough task, especially in the current economic climate. We can make it easier for you. Visit our website for more information on how we can help... including online business courses. Go to or click on 'contact us' in the banner above.


What has the world come to? Mugabe house in Dubai rumoured to cost R130 million. The Mugabe boys living in a flat in JHB at a cost of R74,000 per month!! All this while the ordinary Zimbabwe citizen lives off scraps and thousands are flooding into South Africa in an effort to stay alive!!!


Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. (Bill Bradley)


Cutting Corners. You advertise your professionalism every time you answer the phone, reply to an e-mail or any other contact with clients, so take the time to do it right!


Business and busy-ness. The same word... different spelling! Think about your business... if it isn't busy, there will be no business! Every employee must be busy at work... every day! As owner/manager it is your duty to ensure that employees are busy executing the tasks you've set them.


Integrity. I was reminded of this in the last few days. How the Deputy Minister of Higher Education treats his employees. Shocking!! A person with integrity would not have ranted and raved in the presence of his employees (and mostly ranted AT his employees). It can never be professional to scream at employees in a group context or in a one-on-one setting!!!
Keep this in mind in your business as well!


Please read this and contemplate how it will change how you think about obstacles that come in your way. "However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at." This comes from Stephen Hawking... who has been stuck in a wheel chair for more than 10 years, who cannot do ANYTHING for himself, who can't talk... but he has succeeded in being one of the world's top scientists for the last 20 years. Go Think About It !!!


There are 3 types of people in the World
1. Those who watch change happen
2. Those who make it happen
3. Those who wonder what happened

Where do you fit in? What will you do to change your behavior?


It takes less time to do something right than it takes to explain why you did it wrong


Confidence is contagious; so is lack of confidence


The Stone age ended because stone tools were simply not as efficient as the new tools being developed by innovative stone age people. Slowly, but surely the innovators got the upper hand and the 'traditional' stone agers lost out and disappeared.
Make sure that you and your staff keep on innovating... otherwise your business will end up where stone age man ended up!!


I came across a lovely quote. "The Stone Age did not end because they ran out of stones"
What do you think? Why did the stone end?


Do something completely different today! Something you've never done before. It is wonderful feeling when you've done it. Let us know what you did and how it felt.


For Madiba Day: "Money won't create Success, the Freedom to make it will !. Nelson Mandela


With the South African economy taking a nose dive, business owners must continually innovate to survive. Now is the time to try your new ideas!! The alternative is that your business will slowly die !


Yesterday and today I worked with a welfare organization. What a privilege to meet them and experience their commitment towards the less privileged. Thank you FamSa !!


As impressed as I was with SARS last week, I was doubly disappointed with their service this week. I was there yesterday from just after 9 o'clock and only saw daylight again just before 4 o'clock!! I was sent from pillar to post, until I threw my toys out of the cot and was assisted... at last!
Until further notice, I regard SARS as user-unfriendly and arrogant...


"A billion here, a trillion there and soon you're talking BIG Money!! The person who coined this quote (Dirksen) has probably heard of the Guptas' exploits


I had to go to the Receiver of Revenue this morning. Not something I usually look forward to! When I got there the line of people snaked around the building.. Much to my surprise it took less that 15 minutes to organize the row and allocate everyone a number. To cut a long story.. I was out within 40 minutes! A very friendly lady helped me and sorted my issues in that time ... with a smile!! Give praise where praise is due!


If you want to start a small or medium sized business. Call on Acorn2oaks. We'll guide you through the pitfalls ... and there are many!!



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00




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