Beaudesert and District Restored Auto Club inc.

Beaudesert and District Restored Auto Club inc. page for the Beaudesert & District Restored Auto CLub inc. Prospective members came from Beaudesert, Boonah, Beenleigh and Jimboomba. Parkes.


Early in 1977, founding members Graham O'Neill and Robert Wilkie decided to place an advertisement in the Beaudesert Times to see if there was sufficient interest to form a vintage car club. At the inaugural meeting held at the Beaudesert State School on 11th February, 1977, nineteen (19) enthusiasts attended and four (4) apologies submitted. It was decided to form a Club with

membership open to anyone interested in the restoration and preservation of veteran, vintage and post vintage vehicles whether they own a vehicle or not. An election of officers was held for the ensuing twelve months:

President: Cyril Payne
Vice-President: Robert Wilkie
Secretary: Graham O'Neill
Treasurer: Graeme Bigalla
Club Patron: Merv Lahey
Dating Officer: Ray Ducat
Rally Director: Ron Toy
Social Director: Lynn Payne

Others present at the inaugural meeting were: Jim Ferguson, Daphne Toy, Bill Horsnell, Byron Payne, Charlie Falkenhagen, Neville Falkenhagen, Bob Arthy, Robert Arthy, Percy Arthy, Glen Payne, Terry Power, Brian Nutley, and Ian Lahey. Apologies were recorded from Merv Lahey, Noel Dever, A.Ferguson and Ron Jurgensen. The first Club outing was with the Austin 7 Club on 20th February, 1977, when a barbeque and picnic run was held. The Club had its first Show Display at the Beaudesert Show in September, 1977. Terry Moore was the Club's first Auditor and his wife Carol typed up our News Letter in the Club's early days when John Ackers was editor. Our Club Badge was designed and ordered in May, 1978 from badge maker A.J. The first Swap Meet was organised and held in the small area of the Beaudesert Show Grounds known as Side Show Alley on 17th September, 1978. It produced a modest profit of $128.00. Our Swap has grown over the years to the point where 5,000 enthusiasts now attend each year. Since inception the Beaudesert and District Restored Auto Club Inc. has donated a substantial amount to local charities. With the assistance of local Clerk of the Court, Gary Taylor, the Club became an Incorporated Body on 3rd August, 1983 (Certificate No. 144). To encourage participation in Club activities the late Jim Ferguson donated a perpetual trophy during the 1979 year. A points system was devised around attendance at meetings, rallies, etc. to determine a winner each year. Besides its Monthly Meetings, the Club's social activities revolve around its scenic tours throughout the district each month, occasionally venturing beyond the Shire into other areas for extended periods of time. The Beaudesert and District Restored Auto Club Inc., in conjunction with the Veteran and Vintage Chevrolet Association of Australia, hosted the Combined Council Rally in June, 1984. The Rally was based at Kooralbyn on this occasion. Our Club has conducted a major rally each five years by inviting our many friends from similar clubs throughout Queensland and Northern New South Wales. We are most appreciative of their friendship and support. The Club continues to meet on the second Monday night each month (except Dec/Jan) at 8pm in the Beaudesert CWA Hall. Brisbane St.

Club Tour.Our tour today was graced with a fantastic day. Beautiful clear skies after good rain through the week. After ...

Club Tour.
Our tour today was graced with a fantastic day. Beautiful clear skies after good rain through the week. After meeting at Springleigh Park in Boonah, we were away promptly on our tour. With many twists and turns on minor roads, crossing major roads and through Kabar, we made our way to Fassifern Reserve for smoko. A couple of late arrivals met us here. Crossing over the highway, we now explored some more roads up into the mountains. We viewed a historic stone cairn to mark the site of Camp No. 6 for Explorer Allan Cunningham. His exploration led to his discovery of an entrance to the West of the Main Range. This being the well traversed Cunningham's Gap. On travelling to a higher vantage point, excellent views of the mountain range were seen. The surrounding countryside opened up to beautiful farming flats with several acres of small crops growing. Further along through forested country and skirting Rosevale, we arrived at Warril View for lunch. There was a swing for our Secretary however he was absent today. We said our farewells to some from here. The remaining once again crossed the highway and followed a maze of roads. More small-crop and also cereal-crop fields along the way. Returning to Kalbar for smoko at the "Tractor Park"in the town centre. Actually only a goodbye stop as no-one needed to eat again. We viewed some sculptures of some critters in which imagination was required. With thanks to our Tour organisers, we all ventured off home.


Club Tour.
This Sunday 18th August.
We will run a tour that was organised earlier in our calendar which was postponed due to the organisers being sick.
Our tour will begin in Boonah. Please make your own way to Springleigh Park to meet at 9.00 am. We will leave soon after for a country roads tour. Many small villages and localities will be traversed as our day proceeds.
Smoko will be at Fassifern Reserve on the Cunningham Highway.
Continuing afterwards across to the Western side of the highway to weave our way through some of the localities earlier mentioned. A lot of the roads on the tour will be of a gravel surface which are at present in varying conditions. It is recommended that vehicles with good clearance shouldn't pose any problems.
Lunch will be at Warril View.
Crossing over the highway again to travel several roads back to Kalbar for afternoon smoko. The tour will conclude here.
All welcome to attend.


General Meeting
7.30 pm Monday 12th August.
94 Brisbane St. Beaudesert.
All members and guests welcome.

Beaudesert 150 years and High School 60 years celebrations. After a very cold and frosty morning,  we were graced with a...

Beaudesert 150 years and High School 60 years celebrations.
After a very cold and frosty morning, we were graced with a lovely day. The huge High School oval proved an excellent venue.
The static display of older vehicles was made up of 10 larger trucks, 10 smaller vehicles and also a tractor. 8 of these from our Club. various makes and models proved popular with onlookers.
Several local organisations hosted their own small stalls of History, Services, Craft and Food. Some live entertainment along with rides and games for the kids. The High School Ag-team showed their large steer (Charlie) who was much photographed with the kids throughout the day.
We appreciate the invite to these celebrations and acknowledge the work that goes into organising such events.


Beaudesert State High and
B150 Family Fun Day.
Saturday 20th July 2024. at the High School.
We have been invited to display some vehicles for this event.
Celebrate the High School's 60th anniversary and Beaudesert's 150th anniversary.
A day filled with family rides, food and market stalls, history, live entertainment and more.
To assist with placement of vehicles on the school's oval we have been asked to be on-site well before the 9 a.m. cut-off for vehicle movements on the grounds.
We ask anyone attending to assemble at Lahey and Walker fuel depot by 8 a.m.
(Located just town side of High School)
Please leave clear access to fuel bowsers.
We will leave as soon as possible after 8 a.m
to enter school grounds as a group.
There is strictly no vehicle movements between 9.00a.m. and 3.oop.m.
All welcome -- See you Saturday.


Beaudesert 150 years Celebrations and family fun day.
Saturday 20th July.
More details in coming days.

Club Tour.Our tour today was graced with a lovely Winter's day. Clear skies with a coolish temperature.  11 vehicles of ...

Club Tour.
Our tour today was graced with a lovely Winter's day. Clear skies with a coolish temperature. 11 vehicles of various makes and ages departed Beaudesert and travelled through the Boyland district to Canungra. As usual for a Sunday, Canungra was a buzz of activity. Bikes, Classic cars and people filled the streets. For this reason, we continued on to Sharp Park for smoko. The camp ground was full however we found plenty of room in the day-use area.
Backtracking a little to travel through the Coomera Gorge, through Clagiraba to
Advancetown and then to Numinbah Valley.
Quite a bit of traffic wherever we went today. The large Hinze Dam was at our side as we wound our way up the valley. Views to the mountains were spectacular.
Arriving at the Natural Arch/Bridge, we were able to secure parking for everyone. Most did the walk to the arch which is a truly fascinating piece of nature. We had our lunch in the sun behind our vehicles in the carpark.
Also, we were joined here by a fellow enthusiast from Murwillumbah.
Most ventured home after lunch. The remaining few came home via Beechmont to complete a circuit. The views out to the Gold Coast were awesome in the afternoon light. Our Hinterland is full of very interesting and pretty places.
Thanks to all for your attendance.


Club Tour.
Sunday 14th July.
Usual assembly near the Beaudesert swimming pool.
(8.30 A.M for a 9.00 A.M. departure)
We will travel Eastward out of town on Beaudesert-Beenleigh Rd. Turning off to Beaudesert-Nerang Rd. and following through the Boyland district to re-connect with the Mundoolun- Canungra Rd. Through Canungra and taking the Beechmont Rd. to Sharp Park for smoko near the Coomera river.
Backtracking to Beaudesert-Nerang Rd. and through the Coomera Gorge to Clagiraba Rd.
Continuing to the end and meeting with the Nerang-Murwillumbah Rd., taking us into the Numinbah Valley. Passing the headwaters of the Hinze Dam and deeper into the valley. We will visit the Numinbah Natural Bridge and hopefully have our lunch there.
This tour will be of all sealed surfaces however there will be some steeper hills and many curves.
Our lunch stop will conclude the tour. It will be your choice for your return route. All welcome to attend.


General Meeting
Monday 8th July. @ 7.30 p.m.
94 Brisbane St. Beaudesert.
All members and guests welcome.

Club Tour.Our tour today saw 20 people in 10 vehicles enjoying a beautiful sunny day. Due to our tour organisers being o...

Club Tour.
Our tour today saw 20 people in 10 vehicles enjoying a beautiful sunny day. Due to our tour organisers being overcome with sickness, another tour was quickly organised. We wish Neal and Shalene a speedy recovery and look forward to their planned tour at a later date.
Starting as planned from Springleigh Park in Boonah, however after we had Smoko. I was fortunate to travel in the oldest vehicle on the run. My thanks to Dean. We took a usually quiet street through Boonah. Not so today with a major event being held at the Showgrounds.Skirting Boonah to the East, we travelled through the rural areas of Allandale, Milford, Bunbury, Bunjurgan through to Mt. Alford and continued through Coochin to Maroon Dam for Lunch. We experienced lovely cattle grazing country, agricultural land and great scenic views to the mountains.
Maureen missed a turn and they visited some people at their house before getting back on the right track. We arrived at Maroon Dam early for lunch. What does time matter anyway! A relaxing chat time afterwards while enjoying the warm sunshine. There was little activity on the water today. Certainly looked a bit chilly out there. Some left for home after lunch. Most came through to Rathdowney for afternoon Smoko at Tilly Park. All said our good-byes here following an enjoyable tour.


General Meeting
Monday 10th June.
7.30 P.M.
94 Brisbane St. Beaudesert.
All members and guests welcome.

An invitation to the display at Boonah Show.Please expand the photos for further information.

An invitation to the display at Boonah Show.
Please expand the photos for further information.

Club Tour.For today's tour, we were graced with a lovely Winter's day although a couple of weeks early.     13 members i...

Club Tour.
For today's tour, we were graced with a lovely Winter's day although a couple of weeks early. 13 members in a mix of older and newer vehicles totalling 7 attended.
We travelled South and into the Kooralbyn Valley for smoko at Billabong park. After backtracking, we ventured up Knapps Ck. The view to the mountains (Barney, Maroon and Knapp's Peak) was excellent. It is amazing how these side gullies open up to lovely farmland. Venturing further South to explore into Tamrookum Ck. A very much tighter little valley with the road crossing the creek several times. A minor roadside adjustment was made to one of the older vehicles.
Tilley park in Rathdowney was our lunch spot. With the day running on, it was decided to complete the rest of the planned tour at a later date.
All left for home from here after an enjoyable day.

I'm sharing this in case someone may interested. If so, please contact Rhys direct on 0425 458 016

I'm sharing this in case someone may interested. If so, please contact
Rhys direct on 0425 458 016


Club Membership.
A gentle reminder that membership fees are due in February each year. There are at this point a small number of unpaid dues.
Please consider your current situations and make contact with us.
We welcome your continuing support and to also keep our Membership Register up to date. Many thanks.


Club Tour.
This month's tour will be held this coming Sunday May 19th.
Usual assembly near Beaudesert swimming pool. (8.30 a.m. for a 9.00 a.m departure)
We will travel Southwards and explore many side roads and byways. A continuation of a tour we had last year. Smoko is planned to be at Kooralbyn and lunch later on at Rathdowney.
These lesser travelled roads have lovely scenery of the surrounding countryside.
It is highly recommended that vehicles attending have higher clearance as the condition of the gravel surfaces is unknown.
All welcome to attend.


General Meeting
Monday 13th May. 7.30 p.m.
94 Brisbane St. Beaudesert.
All members and Guests welcome.
Please note: On street parking in the immediate area has been omitted due to roadworks. Parking available nearby.

Club Tour.Sunday's tour was well attended with 22 members in 10 vehicles.The choice of vehicles was suited to the terrai...

Club Tour.
Sunday's tour was well attended with 22 members in 10 vehicles.The choice of vehicles was suited to the terrain however we were still graced with a few from earlier years.
Leaving Boonah after our meet and greet and smoko at Springleigh Park, we drove through some scenic countryside. Ken had visited us for smoko before returning home.
Travelling through Coochin, Croftby, Carney's Ck. and the Head to arrive at Queen Mary Falls. The changing countryside en-route was quite spectacular. From pasture flats to rolling hills and cattle grazing through to scrubby plateaus. At times driving right alongside the Border fence with N.S.W. Arriving at Queen Mary Falls for an early lunch, we were able to enjoy a large picnic shelter.
Several of us walked to the viewing platform overlooking the Falls which were flowing well after recent rain.
As promised, the tour was on all sealed roads.
Even our walking track was a sealed surface.
Our lunchtime quiz proved we had some fishermen or marine biologists among us.
One family was graced with a visit from their daughter from further West. She then continued with us. Some headed home from here.
Leaving the plateau Westward, we drove through to Legume before doubling back via Mt. Lindesay Hwy. More lovely grazing lands was the envy of the farmers amongst us.
A short stop in Woodenbong saying our farewells to some of our convoy.
One comment here " our tail-end Charlie had overtaken one of the convoy".
Traversing the windy road around Mt.Lindesay and finally back to Rathdowney for afternoon smoko. All went their separate ways from here. Our thanks to all who attended the tour.


Sunday 14th April
We will start our tour from Boonah so as not to cause traffic congestion en-route from Beaudesert.
Please make your own way to Boonah and meet at Springleigh Park at 9.00 AM.
We will have our Smoko and aim at leaving by 10.00 AM.
Travelling through Boonah and via Coochin, Carney's Ck., Croftby, and the Head Rd. to Queen Mary Falls. Hopefully stopping along the way at scenic outlooks.
Lunch will be held at Queen Mary Falls. A cafe is available if required.
Some may wish to walk to the Falls viewing platform.
Afterwards, we will continue West off the plateau to Legume and travel on Mt. Lindesay Hwy. through Old Kooreela, Woodenbong and to Rathdowney. Afternoon Smoko in Tilly Park to conclude the tour.
A bit longer tour of about 160 km on all sealed roads excluding any roadworks.
All welcome to attend.


General Meeting
Monday 8th April.
94 Brisbane St. Beaudesert.
(Opposite Subway) All welcome.

Public Display Day.Last Sunday saw us gather at Dick Westerman Park for our annual public Display Day. 19 older vehicles...

Public Display Day.
Last Sunday saw us gather at Dick Westerman Park for our annual public Display Day. 19 older vehicles were displayed. Covering many decades of motoring including cars, utes,bikes and a tractor. There was one mystery project in the form of a 1924 Mystery Overland utility.
It was great to see some vehicles from the early years of our club in attendance.
There were not quite so many public onlookers this year. A bit disappointing considering this is primarily the pupose of our static display.
One interstate visitor joined us with his Corvette. A couple of our friends from over the Great Divide visited with a couple of nice motorcycles.
I'm sure there were many stories shared.
All in all, a great day out for all in attendance.


Public Display Day.
17th March '24. 9.00 A.M. start
Dick Westerman Park
(at Northern entrance to town)
Bring along your pride and joy, your lunch and some shade if you wish.
Tea, Coffee and scones are usually available at Information Centre. Pie Face service station across the road has a huge range of food also.
Other choices are down town.
This event is impromptu and everyone is welcome. Park your vehicle for a few hours, look over other displayed vehicles and enjoy the nostalgia. If you are driving by, don't hesitate to just drop in for a look.
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday..


General Meeting
7.30 pm Monday 11th March.
#94 Brisbane St. Beaudesert.
Opposite Subway.
All members and guests welcome.

Club Tour.Our tour today was well attended with 26 persons in 12 vehicles. Some members car pooled today.All keen for th...

Club Tour.
Our tour today was well attended with 26 persons in 12 vehicles.
Some members car pooled today.
All keen for the year ahead after our break.
Travelling through the lush green countryside due to the recent rains. The carnage from the Christmas storms was still very visible. Some very large trees either up-rooted or merely snapped off. After driving through Veresdale Scrub, Cedar Vale, Cedar Grove and Kagaru we arrived at Flagstone for our smoko stop. The free water park was well attended however none from our group ventured there.
Once again on the move through rural suburbia and various roads bringing us across to Yarrabilba. From a commercial pine plantation, this area grew into a village to now being like a mini city. Once again a nice park for our lunch. This park also had a small version water park although was closed for maintenance. The swing for our secretary proved too tiny for adults. A flying-fox ride was had instead.
All ventured off in various directions home after lunch.
A great day out by all who attended.


CLUB Tour.
This Sunday 18th February.
Usual assembly at Beaudesert swimming pool (8.30 for a 9.00 departure)
Travelling Northwards out of town through the scenic countryside of Veresdale scrub, Cedar Grove and Cedar Vale. Onwards to a park at Flagstone for smoko. I am told that there is a swing for our Secretary. Also a waterpark for the adventurous, so bring your bathers.
Afterwards, we return Eastward to end up at Yarrabilba for lunch.
Dust off and check over your Classics.
Come along for a scenic adventure.
All welcome.


Tonight 12th February @ 7.30 pm
*New temporary venue-- 94 Brisbane St.*
(Opposite Subway) All welcome.


Annual/General Meeting
Monday 12th February @7.30P.M.
94 Brisbane St. Beaudesert.
* Please Note; the change of venue.*
Our usual Q.W.C.A. building is currently being re-located. #94 is 300 mtrs. up the street. (Opposite Subway.)
All members and guests are welcome to attend.

A worthy restoration project. Late 1940s Hillman Sedan.This vehicle is available if anyone wants a new project.  It is v...

A worthy restoration project.
Late 1940s Hillman Sedan.
This vehicle is available if anyone wants a new project. It is very complete with some spares.
Engine is apart and unknown. Vehicle is at Cedar Grove.
For more information please contact
Chris 0407 902 454

President's Tour           and end of year Break-up.We left town a bit earlier with 12 vehicles to beat some of the days...

President's Tour
and end of year Break-up.
We left town a bit earlier with 12 vehicles to beat some of the days heat and also the hunger pangs. Being joined by others en-route, we arrived at Oakey Creek Farm and Harvest Cafe with 14 vehicles. 28 adults and 3 children enjoyed the delights of breakfast from the cafe's extensive menu. Our dining experience was enjoyable with fantastic food and friendly service. Our hosts thanked us for our attendance and support.
Moving on, we crossed over to the Christmas Ck. Valley for our return to town via Laravale.
We all settled down under a rotunda in Dick Westerman Park.
Our President had a question sheet about the roads that we travelled on or passed on our tour. These proved to be rather difficult with Michelle being the eventual winner. She took home the hand-crafted trophy which was created by her husband.
During our final meeting for 2023, the Club trophy (for accumulated points) was presented to Percy and Maureen. Errol, who held this trophy from last year was given a replacement trophy. We had our picnic lunch, wished each other well and said our good-byesfor 2023.
Wishing you all a safe break and Seasons Greetings.
Look forward to seeing you again in 2024.


Brisbane Street
Beaudesert, QLD



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