It is time to let the spirits rest for a while.
With the current restrictions in place, we feel it is important that we do not continue to tour and risk adding more ghosts to Hobart's very full roster. We will remain, but not on the streets (for a while).
Watch this space as we start to generate some content and virtual-interactive experiences to keep all you freaks, weirdos and curious cats satisfied.
We also extend our support to all of the many tourism operators and experience generators in Tasmania who are feeling the impact of border restrictions and isolation guidelines. Tasmania is what it is today thanks to the people who love it so much they want to share it with you. As tourism operators look for new ways to stay up and running for the next 6 months, it is people like you that can help. Watch their youtube videos, comment on their social media posts, leave reviews for the experiences you loved when you visited but never got around to writing. Simply keeping Tasmanian tourism relevant is more important than you can know.
We look forward to seeing you on tour!
~ The Boo Crew ~
(Photo by sankavi on Unsplash)