Joël Lamberty - Battle of the Bulge battlefield guide - GuideArdenne44

Joël Lamberty - Battle of the Bulge battlefield guide - GuideArdenne44 Bastogne and Battle of the Bulge battlefields tours - Visites guidées sur l'offensive des ardennes. But above all it is the duty of memory that prevails.

The Ardennes, my region, is a haven of peace and nature, a landscape of forests and cultivated fields, dotted with small villages. Ideal touristic destination, however…

In December 44 one of the most important battles of the Second World War took place here. Hundreds of thousands of men have fought in terrible conditions and their feats of arms are still remembered. When you ride or walk through

the region, you can discover many monuments, commemorative signs or even sometimes a tank preserved in the center of a village. At the bend of a walk, it is not uncommon to find traces of fighting, whether it is a group of foxholes at the edge of a forest, bullet holes on an old house wall, shrapnel’s debris on the ground…

Born in 1975, I live in Bastogne, and come from the Vielsalm / Saint-Vith area where my parents lived the Battle of the Bulge, aged 10 and 6 years, and still have vivid souvenirs from that time. I grew up in a region still full of remains and scars of the battle, with every person having lived that period sharing histories about it. Currently working as a chemist in the brewing industry, I am passionate about the study of the local history of the second world war . For more than 30 years, I have gone trough the historic sites of the Battle of the Bulge by car or hike, visiting museums and exhibitions, attending commemorations, conferences and seminars on the subject, meeting veterans… Since 2016 I am a battlefield guide for the Battle of the Bulge with my private company I have a deep knowledge about the Battle of the Bulge, Allied and German equipment and vehicles, but also about the world 20th century history as well as of the Ardennes physical and human geography. With a group of fellows local battlefields guides and historians, we are continuously improving our knowledge, exploring new places and sharing documents. I mainly offer tours for small groups and individuals, but also guide for travel agencies and larger groups. My particular domains of expertise are Bastogne, the Houffalize/Vielsalm/Saint-Vith area, the Kampfgruppe Peiper and 82nd airborne history. On request, I also prepare tailored tours about a particular unit, or retracing a soldier’s history. I am an official guide for the city of Bastogne tourism office, a guide for the visit of the WHI Bastogne Barracks “Nuts cave” site and I am registered as “Guide local Bataille des Ardennes” by the Commissariat Général du Tourisme de la Région Wallonne de Belgique, brevet GL336. The sufferings and sacrifices endured by our liberators in a merciless struggle against a criminal ideology are at the origin of our present freedom. Vigilance is necessary against totalitarian ideologies to preserve our democratic gains.

My favourite memory of the 80th Normandy commemorations. A note found on a British Memorial near Gold Beach, early in th...

My favourite memory of the 80th Normandy commemorations. A note found on a British Memorial near Gold Beach, early in the morning, in an empty street. This simple message : “thank you to the soldier who freed us from evil people”.

Very special day. Mr Robert Grant visit his father's grave for the first time in 80 years ! I was so honored to guide hi...

Very special day. Mr Robert Grant visit his father's grave for the first time in 80 years ! I was so honored to guide his family on the battlefield where Robert G. Grant, aged 24, lost his life for our freedom in the Hürtgen forrest.

The former Bois Jacques Monument, artwork made by Mr Robert Remacle, is now relocated in Foy. Picture thanks to Roby Cla...

The former Bois Jacques Monument, artwork made by Mr Robert Remacle, is now relocated in Foy. Picture thanks to Roby Clam.

Dead man's Ridge walk today. 15 km in the memory of the young soldiers of the 17th airborne division "Golden Talon". Wit...

Dead man's Ridge walk today. 15 km in the memory of the young soldiers of the 17th airborne division "Golden Talon". With a special thought for Bob White and Sydney Lewit, veterans and families I had the honor to guide on the battlefield.

Moment of our unforgettable meeting with Paul "Bud" Haedike, bombardier on a B-17 who survived 23 missions. A great man ...

Moment of our unforgettable meeting with Paul "Bud" Haedike, bombardier on a B-17 who survived 23 missions. A great man and a wonderful person.
Thanks to The Rifle and The History Underground.

See the first part to this story here: the last episode of History Traveler, we were visiting the Belgian airfield of St. Tron...

During the summer 2022 I had the honor to be the guide for Mr Bob Weber, 10th Armored Division and the other veterans of...

During the summer 2022 I had the honor to be the guide for Mr Bob Weber, 10th Armored Division and the other veterans of The Rifle trip. The premiere film of this trip is aired for the moment in the local movie theater of Bob, and I just received that picture (thank you Mike Ferrier !) of me beeing in a movie on a US screen 😁.


Le village de Bêche (Vielsalm) a accueilli 4 vétérans US. Parmi eux, Bill Savage, de la 75e d’infanterie, qui a libéré le village en janvier 1945.

Tour of the locations where Bill Savage fought with 289IR 75th Infantry as a 19-year-old corporal. It was special for me...

Tour of the locations where Bill Savage fought with 289IR 75th Infantry as a 19-year-old corporal. It was special for me as my parents, aged 10 and 8 at the time, were liberated by his division. Intense day of visit together and had a wonderful and warm reception by local people of Bèche, village liberated by Bill's F company. Thank you Andy , Elie and Guy Deblire to make it possible.

Ernie Mogor 76th Infantry DivisionBill Savage 75th Infantry DivisionJoe Picard 552nd Heavy ArtilleryEd Cotrell 48th Figh...

Ernie Mogor 76th Infantry Division
Bill Savage 75th Infantry Division
Joe Picard 552nd Heavy Artillery
Ed Cotrell 48th Fighter Group

Bastogne War Museum here we come !

Prochaine conférence au Bastogne War Museum ce jeudi. Beaucoup d'entre vous ont certainement des souvenirs familiaux lié...

Prochaine conférence au Bastogne War Museum ce jeudi. Beaucoup d'entre vous ont certainement des souvenirs familiaux liés à cette Bataille. L'occasion de découvrir un travail de recherche à ce sujet. Au plaisir de vous y rencontrer !


Ce jeudi 30 novembre à 20h30 a lieu un nouveau rendez-vous gratuit pour les passionnés et curieux d'Histoire.

Le sujet du jour est l'analyse des émotions des civils ardennais durant la Bataille des Ardennes au regard du contenu de leurs journaux personnels.

Une rencontre animée par une spécialiste, Madame Lidwina Mahieu, historienne et archiviste, auteure d’un récent mémoire de Maitrise en Histoire à l’UCLouvain sur le sujet.

👉 Rendez-vous au Bastogne War Museum le jeudi 30 novembre à 20h30

©Crédits photos US NARA

Je serai un des guides présents pour vous donner des explications. Ne tardez pas à vous inscrire ! Organisation asbl Poi...

Je serai un des guides présents pour vous donner des explications. Ne tardez pas à vous inscrire ! Organisation asbl Poisson Rouge.


❗️ Le samedi 28 octobre prochain, le Bastogne War Museum aura le plaisir de recevoir pour la première fois Eugene (Gene) Kleindl* et William (Magic Bill) Hunter**, deux vétérans de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Gene et Magic Bill prendront la parole pour livrer leur témoignage et répondront également aux questions du public. Attention : aucune dédicace ne sera organisée.

L'événement est gratuit.

*Medic' dans le 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division. Il a notamment combattu lors de la Bataille des Ardennes près de Wiltz (G-D Luxembourg).

**United States Navy Armed Guard dans le Pacifique.

When a guide is on holidays... he follows guided tours ! Rhone American cemetery in Draguignan, final resting place of 8...

When a guide is on holidays... he follows guided tours !

Rhone American cemetery in Draguignan, final resting place of 858 American War dead from the Allied landings in Provence in August 1944. Excellent guided visit by Mrs Libersa from the American Battle Monuments Commission .

Today we've learned the sad news of the passing of Robert Heurgue at age 98. He had an extraordinary destiny : a young F...

Today we've learned the sad news of the passing of Robert Heurgue at age 98. He had an extraordinary destiny : a young Frenchman who emigrated to the USA before the war, he joined the 82 Airborne and jumped over Normandy on June 6, 1944 visiting his mother in Paris a few weeks later ! He fighted also in Market Garden and the Battle of the Bulge. We've walked together in the footsteps of his unit at Werbomont, Bra and Le Thier du Mont. RIP Robert !

Battle of Britain Memorial. "Never in the field of human conflicts so much was owed by so many to so few" Winston Church...

Battle of Britain Memorial. "Never in the field of human conflicts so much was owed by so many to so few" Winston Churchill

La troisième de nos conférences "Rendez-vous de la bataille des Ardennes" . Mercredi 28 juin à 20h00. Venez y approfondi...

La troisième de nos conférences "Rendez-vous de la bataille des Ardennes" . Mercredi 28 juin à 20h00. Venez y approfondir vos connaissances sur ce sujet qui nous passionne.

Que s'est-il passé à Bure ?
Les habitants de ce village situé près de Tellin subirent de plein fouet les combats de la Bataille des Ardennes durant l’hiver 1944-1945, entre les parachutistes britanniques de la 6e British Airborne, les SAS belges et les troupes allemandes. Bure et ses environs furent ainsi le théâtre d’opérations intenses.
Ces dernières vous seront racontées par un spécialiste de la Bataille de Bure, Michel Bourland.

Que s'est-il passé à Bure ?

Les habitants de ce village situé à Tellin subirent de plein fouet les combats de la Bataille des Ardennes durant l’hiver 1944-1945, entre les parachutistes britanniques de la 6e British Airborne, les SAS belges et les troupes allemandes. Bure et ses environs furent ainsi le théâtre d’opérations intenses.

Ces dernières vous seront racontées par un spécialiste de la Bataille de Bure, Michel Bourland, lors d'un nouveau « Rendez-vous de la Bataille des Ardennes » intitulé "Hiver 1944 - 1945 | Bure : Une bataille oubliée".

👉 Rendez-vous au Bastogne War Museum le mercredi 28 juin à 20h00

Remembering last year's 6th of June exceptional encounters at La Fière Manor ! Shaking hands with General Milley, Chairm...

Remembering last year's 6th of June exceptional encounters at La Fière Manor ! Shaking hands with General Milley, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff, and receiving his appreciation coin ! Sharing a coffee with General LaNeve commander of the 82nd airborne division, an intense moment for me as my contacts know my passion and interest for the 82nd history !
And this amazing group picture on La Fière Bridge , with dear friends Marie and Audrey Paviot, american official, amongst them General Milley and General Donahue (former 82nd airborne commander) !

While the last The Rifle trip I had the honor to met Jacob (Jake) Ruser, a combat medic from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,...

While the last The Rifle trip I had the honor to met Jacob (Jake) Ruser, a combat medic from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, assigned to the 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Inf. Div., 2BN. His medical aid detachment saved the lives of hundreds of soldiers during the war, in Normandy, France, Hurtgen Forrest, Battle of the Bulge in Germany.
Jake earned a Bronze Star for bravery for rescuing soldiers injured in a white phosphorus attack in Normandy, France.
He was later injured by a tree burst during the Battle of Hurtgen Forest himself, earning him a purple heart.
During this trip he was able to visit the area where he was during the terrible battle of Hurtgen Forrest.
In a surprise ceremony, he unveiled the new commemorative plaque for the US 4th Infantry Division in Hürtgen Forest, now in front of the Museum Hürtgenwald 1944 und im Frieden Museumsteam
Back in Bastogne, he asked me to return to Saint-Hubert and La Roche, where he has vivid memories of the liberation of Belgium in September 1944. He told us the story of a young French FFI accompanying the 4th Infantry Division which was the only Allied soldier killed during the first liberation of La Roche, and we went to the exact spot where a monument stands today. We had the honor of being received by the Mayor of La Roche who presented an honorary citizen diploma to the four veterans present (many thanks to Jean-michel Bodelet for rending possible our last minute demand).
Jake served in the military for a total of 26 months and completed his time as a Private First Class, but continued his service and legacy at the division as a Department of civilian defense for another 32 years.
After the war, he studied computer science and spent his entire career at IBM. During the evenings spent together we were able to enjoy a few Belgian beers.

His story is featured in Rifle II

Presentation of the first of the four The Rifle veterans. Paul "Bud" Haedike was born in Chicago in 1925. He was a Bomba...

Presentation of the first of the four The Rifle veterans. Paul "Bud" Haedike was born in Chicago in 1925. He was a Bombardier on a B17 flying fortress and survived 23 combat missions over Europe when the 8th Air Force's casualty rate was frightening. We had an emotional moment when we showed him the "Crestelles" monument, near La Roche, dedicated to the crew of the B17 "Joker" that crashed there. He told us the difficult conditions of his missions, up to 12 hours flight in a non pressurised plane, temperature down to -30°C, and attacked by the german Me262 jet fighters ! Bud also survived the emergency landing of his plane, severely damaged by the Flak after a mission over Germany, on the air base of Saint Trond. After the war Bud had a successful career as a salesman, he has 6 children, 20 grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren and 3 great great grandchildren! But above all he is an extraordinary person, attentive to others and extremely pleasant, and to spoil nothing an excellent singer! He sang us the song he composed in memory of his comrades who never came back.
(Sung to the tune of "I'LL BE SEEING YOU")
Words by Paul (Bud) Haedike

I had the honor to share intense and moving moments with four exceptional people, veterans of the Second World War. Than...

I had the honor to share intense and moving moments with four exceptional people, veterans of the Second World War. Thanks to The Rifle for asking me to guide them on the battlefield. Their stories in upcoming publications.
Bud Haedike 8th Air Force, B17 Bomber
Jake Ruser 4th Infantry Division
Jack Moran 87th Infantry Division
Ed Cottrell 9th Air Force, P47 Pilot

Great find. Iconic issue of Yank magazine about the battle of the bulge, from exactly 78 years ago. I just had a look be...

Great find. Iconic issue of Yank magazine about the battle of the bulge, from exactly 78 years ago. I just had a look before starting a more in-depth reading. Information about the GI portrayed, news about winter war in Belgium, cartoons. But above all, the pin-up of the week !

82nd airborne walk - a german gun supporting a mailbox - 82nd foxholes - Thier du Mont battlefield 508 PIR - 505 PIR mon...

82nd airborne walk - a german gun supporting a mailbox - 82nd foxholes - Thier du Mont battlefield 508 PIR - 505 PIR monument. See comments on the pictures.




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