Where to find me ?
I simply go by my movie star name Ruby Roy
I have had my own website for many years ( Currently being upgraded by my fantastic team)
I am nearly on every social media
I am not a registered company, corporation.
I don't have a company name, company logo.
I do not have employees
I don't work for anyone except myself
I am not an employee
I am a free lance self employed professional
I do have partners
I do collaborate
I do work in teams
I am the first and original Montreal Expert
I am the first and over the orginal evening walking tours.
I am Canada's first Culinary and Food Guide
I am the first who gives talks and speaks at conferences
I am the first and original giving corporate experiences ..
And I am on Linkree
Montreal Expert Guide Ruby Roy www.rubyroy.ca
Montreal Local Guide -Private Customised Tours
Travel with Ruby Roy www.rubyroy.ca
Travel live and work in 151 countries and counting. Love music, dancing, water.