Area 18 (Saltspring, Pender, Mayne and Saturna Islands, and Saanich Peninsula) - BC Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Guide | Pacific Region | Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Due to the second year of DFO fishing regulations on Chinook retention (no retention from April-August in area 18 and 19), Charmer Point Charters has been forced to close and stop all operations. It is a sad day but I thank all of you who supported Charmer Point Charters over the last three years. My memories of days fishing on the water with all of you will stay with me forever.
Mark Guiguet
https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/tidal-maree/a-s18-eng.html -rest
BC Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Guide - Information about fishing opportunities and closures in Area 18 (Saltspring, Pender, Mayne and Saturna Islands, and Saanich Peninsula) | Pacific Region | Fisheries and Oceans Canada