Iceman Tours

Iceman Tours We offer an experience that is unparalleled and not found anywhere else. One that will not only tes

Sharing the two wheeled experience in ways you hardly dare dream about!

Hello Riders! Hope everyone is safe and keeping healthy. I have to admit that being the stubborn type, it took me more t...

Hello Riders! Hope everyone is safe and keeping healthy. I have to admit that being the stubborn type, it took me more than a few days to get onboard the Pandemic wagon.
I always did and I hope I will always resist following the herd.

But is not about that anymore. I know some say and believe that everyone is going overboard about this COVID19 thing. But I now believe that as a whole we are better off acting overboard than not. At least we can get s**t done.
and this; for the greater purpose is better.

With that said, I have to say that I am putting things on hold as far as planning trips/tours/learning tours are concerned. I have had quite a bit of request and demand and I am thankful that you trust me to be part of the road leading to you becoming a self-sufficient and confident tourer.

Thank you again. But till we all know if we can cross borders, whether Canada/US or inter provincial; it is best to put it all on hold.

It would be frustrating to plan a tour, get all psyched up and then, have to cancel it at the last minute.

I will keep you posted. Till then, lets keep talking, exchanging stories and share this two wheel passion.

Be safe and see you out there.

Paul Iceman Mondor


2020 Cross Canada ride/tour

Hoy! I am stoked. I am getting interest quite a bit and it looks like the 2020 Cross Canada- six weeks motorcycle ride first then tour will take place. Actually It will. Whether people chicken out and I do it alone or the 6-8 riders max take part. So far, three have committed.

I have been asked many times what will the ride tour be about. Having crossed this amazing country so many times in all sorts of weather and time frames, I would like to think that I have more insights on how it is done than anyone else.

So I will start answering with “What it is not”, then “What it is”

1- If going on trip for you or on a tour, means having everything planned for you, from accommodation to meal; this is not for you.
2- If the ideal ride for you means daily endless miles on highways and straight strips of asphalt between point A and point B; then this is not for you.
3- If the idea of the perfect meal is to have to lift your slice of tomatoes to find this hockey puck of leather called steak, surrounded by more veggies and decoration than your mother in law’s garden; then this is not for you.
4- If the ideal hotel for you is a place where they remember you by the size of your invoice and where your bike gets lost in a parking lot somewhere surrounded by minivans, SUV’s, motor homes, Porsches and Audis, where people look at you like you are from Pluto? Then this is not for you.
5- If your idea of a day is to get up at 9, be ready by 11, ride till 4 and doddle around most of the day just lying around riding 200 kms? Then this is not for you.
6- If you think your bike is better than others and act like it? Then this is definitely not for you.
7- If you want to have your every mile planned for you and not have to say anything about where you are going? This is not for you.
8- If the idea of a 6 weeks, 19,000 to 22,000 kms trip across the world’s most amazing country is too much and that the prairies are boring, that the Great Lakes are too big, and that not seeing big cities for days is too much? Then thi sis not for you.

But I will tell you what it is

1A- You will be part of the day planning over a good cup of coffee, glass of wine or whatever, discussing where, how, how far, how to, how fast or how slow and what as well as when. Simple math. We have 42 days to do 20,000 kms. Which means we have to cover about 500 kms a day. Easily done. Some days, less. Some days more. You will be part of deciding where we sleep and what we eat. I know pretty much the whole thing coast to coast and the best spots I have seen. I would love to discover some more with you.

2A- we will go through little squiggly lines on the map, (Twisties) that will have you giggle in your helmet. You will experience first hand that crossing the prairies does not have to be on the Trans Canada, but on parallel roads that will take you thru little communities where you will meet some of the greatest people and see places that main stream does not go to. We will see, experience and discover little mom and pop motels, restaurants and cafes that you’d have never thought of stopping at. Most tourists don’t. Thank God!

3A- You will breakfast in places where the eggs were still in the local chicken the night before. You will experience what Great Canadian beef is or meat, fish and poultry is like you never did. Suddenly what you always called a great steak will be from this day on, combat boot sole. And No!! This is not a tour for vegetarians, celiac and gluten intolerant people. I feel bad for them, as it must be real hard. But being on the road is too much fun to have to deal with the logistics of trying to avoid so many things to the point where the spontaneity, adventure etc is taken out of the equation. You will have real Canadian food. I will take you to back roads Hamburger and poutine stands that will make your taste buds scream with or****ic joy. I will get you to have REAL Montréal smoked meat. Not friggin corned beef. I will introduce you to Quebec sugar pie, Canadian Maritimes seafood. Prince Edward Island Lobster dinner club, where you can have a 1.5 pound whole lobster with all you can eat mussels in the shell and clam chowder and bread for $35-$40.00, sitting on long table with total strangers that will turn into partners in food sin before dessert rolls around.
I will expose you to an apple cobbler you will sell your kids for. I will get you to sit on café terraces that will make old Paris cafés look like dumps.
You will discover that Canada is not only about its people, but about its food. Hey! We are riders. Food and bikes go together like politicians and total BS.

This rider does not do fast food. I am not going through this beautiful land to have what I can have something that tastes the same everywhere.
When the day is done you will still talk about that piece of date pie on the side on the side of a local Pizza or hand made Sub that got you moaning so much as you devoured it; that your fellow riders were wondering about you.

4A-You will sleep in mom and pop motels where riders stop. Where Innkeepers keep buckets, hose, soaps and rags to clean your steed cause he or she is a rider. You will sit on the front of your room with other riders as you watch the world go by ad exchange stories (Most of them true) about your day. Places where you truly feel home… Where Frank and Stacy will remember you when you go back. A place that will allow you to put that $75 you saved that night on something else in the trip, like a cool T-Shirt or a 34 ounce mug of 17% percent beer in Quebec or not, after a great day.
Places where you do not have to take a second mortgage to sleep. Places like this are very common. It will not be like this every night of course, but it will be something you will fall in love with.

5A-We will start the days as early as logic and goals allow. When you will be rolling in the crisp morning air before the world starts rolling and the road is yours and yours alone. It is the morning first hour or so riding that will take you to your breakfast, or not if t is what you want. I have discovered over 4o years of riding with many people that most like to get up early and go for a bit, then eat. It is about starting early and stopping early to enjoy the end of the afternoon, evening and have time to share, relax, talk, laugh and live before hitting the hay to get ready for another awesome day, I do understand that not everyone like to be on the road at 5:30 like me. But many are. Who knows? Maybe all of us in the trip will be like this. If not we will find the meeting point where all agree. Remember. BC, AB, SK, MB, ONT, QUE, NB, Cape Breton, NS, NL and taking all the scenic route to get us there and back; which my way means coming back west from Yarmouth NS where we will embark on the world’s fastest aluminum catamaran ferry to the North eastern US seaboard bringing us back to the 1000 island region of Ontario, then to the Great Lake Superior Upper Peninsula circle route, then the North eastern USA via MI, MN, WI, SD, ND, WY, MT, ID, then who knows back to BC; requires some sort of respect for scheduled riding.

Again! If taking at 9 or so is your thing, this trip is not for you.

6A-This trip is about riders sharing a passion, and experiencing it together. It is about getting to know each other, sharing each other’s experience and learning from and about each other and making friends you will still phone and stay in touch with 10 years later. I know I do with those I have traveled with.

7A-We will sit together daily and gawk at maps and look together at al the choices of routes we have to go where we are going. It is about all of us putting our input into OUR day. It is about deciding together when we stop, and if the place lends itself to me taking you all to a place I know.? Great. If not, it is about all of us sticking together, making a decision and going through it. It is about adventure and riding, planning, taking chances on time and places. Sure! We might hit some place we do not rate a 10 out of 10. But no matter what, at the end, we will sit down, talk about it and it will ALL be part of an awesome trip we would do the same way again. Sure! We might hit our nose on some no vacancy signs. We might ride later than planned, and the mom and pop I loved so much last year; might have been bought by someone else and gone down the s**t chute. Sh*te happens!
But it is what true adventure is. Roll with it and allow it to become part of a truly memorable trip. In the 40 plus years I have done this. Whether alone at -40 in the middle of Saskatchewan or Labrador, or at +40 in Northwest Territories; I have ALWAYS! ALWAYS, looked at it as something I would never changed when things did not go as planned.
And experiencing true adventure, as a small group is truly an experience to behold and reckoned with.

8A- 6 weeks, 20,000 kms give or take a couple thousands is something. But tell you what! Done it many times and it is not hard at all. You the time and you do it. If what kept you is uncertainty? This is what I am here for. I am happy and it will be a privilege to have you along what WILL BE, without a doubt the ultimate ride. It is only once you reach Cape Spear Newfoundland and that you lean on this white fence by the lighthouse looking at the endless Atlantic Ocean and realize that ahead of you the land mass is Ireland and that behind you is over 10,000 kms of the world’s second largest land mass that you will realize what you just accomplished.
It is only then that you will say; Hell Yes! I will do this again! No problem!
We will take this picture that I have taken so often in the Cape Spear Parking lot of all of us standing by our bikes with smiles that will make passerby’s think we have had way to much caffeine, and look at it many times like I have and think; I am doing this again!


Looking forward to this so much..

See you then?

Departure time will be around July 17th, 2020 and return August 28th to September 7th 2020.


It is this time of the year where most of us as riders, get itchy to go out there and spin those two wheels and see the world out there. We have tours planned this summer that will help you gain this "On the road" confidence you want. And we are stoked about it. I have received many requests and emails about the tours. I thank you for it.

I am excited to go out there with you.
Till then, be safe. :)

Paul Iceman Mondor

Whoo Hoo! Spring is around the corner and so is riding season for most of us out there. Well! Not I!!!! it never ends. S...

Whoo Hoo!

Spring is around the corner and so is riding season for most of us out there. Well! Not I!!!! it never ends.
SO starting to work on schedule or the “Learning Tours”. Got a lot of interest and I am getting a lot of emails as well as some great questions!
So based on that, it is obvious that the 5-day tour is the format most of you like.
It makes sense when you think about it.
So I am attempting a schedule here. All these dates are for tours departing from the Island, and then for those of you on the mainland; meeting somewhere on the mainland.
5 days on the road and 4 nights on road. Which gives us a nice easy relaxed pace to stop plenty of times to learn, practice and chat. No 1000 kilometers days. Roughly 2000 kms over 5 days.
It can be mixed or just ladies as well; as requested.

Here are the attempted dates. What do you think?

Be safe and talk soon.

Paul “Iceman” Mondor


Hello everyone! I got an interesting request today. I am seeking advice. I got a request today asking if I would be interested in organizing a guided tour/ learning tour from the west coast to the east coast. As some of you know, i have crossed this beautiful country many time by motorcycle. Going from the west coast to the east coast is something i love doing. I should after 35 times plus.

Here are the options.
1- We rode from Victoria/Vancouver and head to Cape Spear Newfoundland. 6 weeks. I know all the best places to sleep at, eat at etc. Of course out of the six weeks on the road, about of it would see the learning tour curriculum delivered. This is not a Let's sleep in 5 stars hotels and eat in overpriced restaurants. This would be a ride where we sleep in true mom and pops and have real food in great little communities and restaurants you will remember the rest of your life.

This would take us thru all the provinces to Quebec, where we would go around the world class Gaspe Peninsula, then New Brunswick, follow the coast to Caracket, enter PEI thru the Confederation Bridge, around PEI, out of PEI on the Woodlands Ferry, thru Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Cabot Trail. Then ferry to Port Aux Basques NewFoundland, all the way to Gros Morne National Park on the north west coast of NL. then Back down to Corner Brook where we would head east towards Gander and St- John's, then Cape Spear.
After which we would do the world renowned Avalon Peninsula.
Then take the 17 hour ferry ride from Argentia back to Nova Scotia, where we would circumnavigate it all the way around clockwise thru halifax than east, then North east.
At this point we can grab the world fastest Aluminum Catamaran ferry to Maine where we would go thru the North Eastern US seaboard towards 1000 islands Ontario. From there we would head towards the great lakes and do Superior lake UP circle route. head towards Duluth and then head west. Roads from there are numerous and could decide on many. I am thinking Badlands, then head west.

2nd Choice. I take the bikes in the trailer where you meet me in Quebec, Moncton or Halifax and then we go from there. But doing the eastern Quebec route without doing Gaspe would be a sin.

Cost of transport for option 2 would depend on how many of you.
This is just a talk. I have done this before with large groups of riders and it was a blast.

What do you think?
Would you come?
What option?
What time of year? ( I know by experience that leaving west coast 2-3rd week of July is best for weather and traffic.

Feedback please!


I am happy to say that i am getting quite a bit of demand for next summer.
Thank you.
What I will have is each month in May, June, July, August and September a 5-7 days learning tour. Learn how to really dress up and layer up by someone who knows a thing or two about cold. Learn how to fix your bike on the road and how to pack effectively. Tricks on accommodation, food and everything in between.
a couple million clicks all over and in all sorts of weather, teaches a thing or two.
The option of ladies only is still available as well. But so far, I was asked for men and women together tours.

It is all good. You can contact me here, or by email. By the way? There is no funny questions and worries.
If you want to know and need to learn and want to learn, do not let others keep you from growing and learning.

See you on the road.

Watch for my poster at different dealers starting this coming week.

We are experiencing issues with our Videos on the Iceman Motorcycle tour website.

We are experiencing issues with our Videos on the Iceman Motorcycle tour website.

We are working on it and will resolve it shortly. Something to do about YouTube.

Thanks for your patience

I am very happy to say that the first tour went amazingly well. I am excited to do some more and I want to thank those w...

I am very happy to say that the first tour went amazingly well. I am excited to do some more and I want to thank those who are inquiring for next summer and are signing up.

Thank you Jamie! Thank you for trusting me and sharing these for days on glorious roads. We hit mazing weather and also bad weather. which helped the "Learn how to layer session greatly"

Here is is Jamie N Maxine's review of what she thought of the tour

"I recently did a 4-day learning tour with Paul Mondor of Iceman Tours... it was soooooo worthwhile!!! It was an awesome ride for starters, and I learned so much... I can spot a good motel at speed now, and while traveling through small communities this weekend, I was able to pick a place for breakfast that even my picky Mom was happy with!
Paul and I had variable weather, including cold and wet, but that was a bonus!!!... because it led to discussing topics that might not have come up otherwise. I learned several tips for maintaining my bike on the road, and got some ideas for gear that will lengthen my riding season by 2-3 months!
Paul is a great teacher, responding to all my questions, and asking some of his own to tailor his approach and information to my needs. As someone who likes to plan and prepare for everything (!), I think part of my fear about doing a lengthy solo tour was "I don't know what I don't know"... so how could I be sure I was adequately prepared? Now I feel like I can make a realistic travel plan, and stay safe and on-budget while executing it! My only problem now is deciding which direction to go in for my epic trip next year!!! Thank you Paul!!!

Jamie N Maxine

Taking off for 4 days on 18th fir the inaugural first learning tours. So stoked. It’ll be awesome.Come on!! Start the en...

Taking off for 4 days on 18th fir the inaugural first learning tours. So stoked. It’ll be awesome.
Come on!! Start the end of summer with a bang.
Join us and learn everything you need and more to go tour next summer.

Check out my new site! I’ve got info on my books (two of them!), my adventures (two wheeled and otherwise), and information on my upcoming Frozen Butt Tour 2019 as well as the new Iceman Learning Tours.


Ok. Here we go! There was enough demand for a 3-5 days learning tour this September. Range would be 17th-25th.

Leaving Victoria in Morning and meeting Vancouver riders around Horseshoe Bay if there are some.
Ride the Duffy Lake Road to Lillooet. Easy day. We will stay at the Reynolds Hotel. On our way there, there are many stops planned for practicing and discussion of material.

Once we settle in Lillooet, after diner we will do the flat tire repair practice as well as other strategic packing techniques.

We will head on highway 12 to Lytton, and 8 to Merritt.
Maintenance, upkeep and other relevant tricks will be taught and practiced on that day too.
You will also learn how to choose roads on maps and how to not only read maps but also know that they are motorcycle friendly. For those with GPS's some dos and don’ts will also be discussed.

Like the art of choosing a place to sleep and never go wrong. The same with places for grubs. We all know that these last two are closely related. A bad motel and restaurant will ruin your day in a hurry,
We also on that day discuss what gear works, what doesn't. How to prepare and pack according to weather and not overdo it. If weather does not cooperate with us on that trip, you will learn by trial by fire. My favorite way to learn.
(At this point we can head to Kamloops on 5A if it is more than a three-day tour, or down to Princeton if it is a 3-day t tour)
We will simulate breakdowns and learn how to fix them for good, or just good enough to keep us going.

(For 4 days and more.) At this point on third day, we will head on 5A old canyon road and again stop several times for practice and lessons.
On that day, YOU will choose where we stay. We will scoop around and together successfully find a place for the night while we also learn how to choose place based on what is around as well and asking all the right questions, only motorcyclists would ask.
On that day we will all do out maintenance on our each our own bike.

We will all together trace our route for the day. On other days we will also do this, but today, each rider will choose his part of the route and will lead and learn the tricks of being in front.
Depending on speed and rhythm we will have a choice of roads to choose from to head back home. This is something you will do, and will learn that there is a formula for speed/time on road and time on clock that is constant. It is only once you know that that planning a day will become easier. On this day, without my input you will choose on where it ends, what motel we have and etc.

Note: This can be done also on day 3 as well. All topics that need to be covered will be covered on 3 to 5 days or three days. The shorter the tour, the less distance and the more material packed in a day. Remember? It is not about distance. It is about learning how to tour effectively, so you can do it confidently and safely for 3 days or 3 months. The pace and time to learn and practice will be greater on the 5 day tour than on the 3 day tour.

WHAT TO BRING: bring what you want to bring and what you think you need. Clothes, gear like gloves, rain gear, layering clothes etc. As well as tools, chain l**e, spares bits you like to bring, or think you need to need. Tie downs you like to use and whatever securement techniques.
Remember that i tis based on what you use and what works and doesn't, as well as what I have come to know; that you will learn to improve and/ or discover/ learn new techniques.

Costs: same as regular guided tours.

4-5 day tour
4-5 riders- riders, $100/day
3 riders $125/day

3 day tour for 3 riders is $125/day.
Cannot do 3 days tour for less than 3 riders at these rates. But we can always agree on something


I am so excited about this. Riding, learning, laughing, getting to know other riders. Life doesn't get any better than this. :)


All right! I got 4 messages this morning From 4 ladies who asked if I’d put together a learning tour in September.
For ladies only.
Well?? You’re on. 3-5 days.. let’s talk 😎😂
Who else wants to come??

Sorry! Had to delete and repost SO HERE WE GO.All right. Been woking hard and put something together. Now keep in mind, ...

Sorry! Had to delete and repost

All right. Been woking hard and put something together. Now keep in mind, this is just a planned one. Of these places, i have stayed at 3 of them. I know the places, and i am sure this is something a group of lady riders would enjoy. Places can me changed ( I know many. Trust me!!) and the routes can be too. I do love travelling in our own country. But i also love the Pacific Coast and all its wonders. There is something magical about combining ocean views, great roads, great wines and twisties. I can easily put something like this together in Canada. So what do you say Ladies! Input please. HERE IS AN IDEA OF WHAT I HAVE IN MIND..

Ladies west tour coast.

Day 1 going south

Leave from Victoria BC to Long beach Washington where after an easy 370 kms day along scenic roads on the Washington coast (Pacific Coast Highway) you will relax at where you will stay overnight in cozy cabins close to fine dining. Nothing better to call it a day than a great dinner, an evening of laughs, chats and wine with your fellow lady riders in a hot tub or on the beach just a skip away.
While Paul the iceman Mondor prepares your bike for the following day. Cleaning it, making sure it is l**ed and in perfect condition.

Day 2 going south

Bandon Oregon 490 KMS

Your day ride will take you through the world-renowned Pacific Coast highway. Where you will ride along side the beautiful beaches and vistas only seen on post cards. You will stop, if you want to in Seaside where you can shop at the famous manufacturers mall. Paul will carry what you will acquire. So no worries. You also will leave your gear with your bikes as Paul keeps an eye on all of your bikes and gear, to make your experience more relaxing and comfortable. Who wants to walk around in gear when it is warm in a beach side community? Men! There will be none of these creatures to spoil your fun. Except me and I WILL NOT BE A HINDRANCE.
After a relaxing and stress free day you will stop at
In this famous seaside community, after signing in and relaxing, you can go foraging for food and drinks and shops till your heart is content. Take in the many local venues, grab a movie maybe, or pickup your favorite wine and unwind sitting and relaxing the evening away.

Day 3 going south

Short day 320 kms.

After riding the most majestic part of the Pacific Coast highway in southern Oregon and northern California. You will end your day in Eureka California at the Eureka Inn. One of my ex wife’s M favorite stops
This amazing classic coastal era Inn was completely renovated ad will make you feel like the baronesses who used it in the days. With amazing wood works, amenities and décor, this place will make you feel like a queen. After showering and changing, you can walk the shopping and restaurant districts of this Coastal city on the golden California Coast.
While again, Paul makes sure your rides are ready to go for the next day. (They will need it. MORE TO FOLLOW)
Relax in the grand hall, sit down all of you in one room and reminisce on the day’s ride and events.

Day 4 going south 350 kms

After a great night sleep and plenty of rest, you will veer east on 36 East from Eureka California and head to Red Bluff California where you will ride the world famous highway 36. 147 miles of the 160 are made of curves, on one of north western hemisphere’s best-engineered road. Banked curve after banked curve amidst northern California red cedars forest, grand plateaus views, majestic sequoias and vistas that will take your breath away. This road will be a powerful reminder of why we ride. This road will sharpen your skills, excite your mind and will allow you to experience what hundreds and hundreds of riders from all over north America come here to experience every day. On that day you can leave your saddlebags and all the gear in the truck so you can enjoy your steeds to their fullest. Leaning in ways you never thought you could, grinning till it hurts and scrap pegs when you thought you never could…… or would. ☺
Taking breaks on the roadside as you watch hundreds of riders of all kinds go by and dance with the road in a way only Route 36 allows you to.

After this epitome of a ride, you will be heading to Mineral California where you will experience a change of beat. You will be staying at Highland Ranch Resort. This inland paradise will cuddle you in Northern California comfort, surrounded by peace, quiet and good old down home hospitality.

Star gazing, camp fire (when possible) sitting on your cabin’s front porch and watching the falling stars whizz by as you sip on great wine and share life with your riding companions is something that will make your heart sign.

Day 5 heading back north

At this point you will head back north thru northern California and Oregon. We can head inland for a bit to ride on some amazing high sierras and canyon road that will make you wish (Like the rest of the trip) that you never have to go back home. Or we can hit the northern California mountain roads (My favorites) and ultimately bounce back on the coast and stop at different places for different experiences.
NOTE: the following is a combination of both

After leaving Mineral we will head to Pondosa on 89 towards Lassen Volcanic Park. Then we will head west north west on 89 to meet I-5 in Azalea and ride I-5 for 60 kms to stretch your legs and throttle grips and head to Yreka where we will turn off on 3. From there you will ride postcard perfect northern California mountain roads and passes like you never thought was possible. Heading on 3 to Douglas City riding high peaks and riverside stops. Dip anyone?
Then you will join 299 in Weaverville California where by now you will realize that you have been using all your tires and had fun with it. You will know then that what you have been doing for the last 5 days is what motorcycles were built for.

Side note: By now you know that each time you stop, Paul cleans your visors with his secret ingredient. So dead bugs NEVER obstruct your view.

From Weaverville you will make it back to Arcata California where you will meet and kiss the Pacific ocean again ready to go back north with in on your port side from now till you hit home. Different view all together.
That night you will stop at the
Lady Ann Inn! What better way than start your way back home at this amazing Victorian style B&B.
Be tended to by amazing hosts in amazing an environment. Have it all there on site, or go shop again for what your mind, tummy and pallet long for??? Either way, you cannot go wrong.
And all this, while your personal servant takes care of your steeds. Awesome.

After a great night sleep, you will start your way up the coast again.

Day 6 coming back 300 kms

You will get up in the morning, refreshed and ready for another day. You leave when you want at the time you will all have decided to leave. No getting up at 5 to leave at 5:15. Your bike ready and you will load only the necessary gear you want on your bike, while the rest will be with Paul on the support vehicle.
You will ride from Arcata to Coos Bay Oregon going through many other amazing seaside communities where you can stop for some more amazing shopping and food experience. After satisfying yourself you can stop again in your shorts and T’s, leave all your gear again with Paul and take in a nice relaxing rest on a patio café overlooking the pacific if you want. After this stop, you ride again the beautiful Pacific Coast highway where the countless bays, scenic stops, beaches and vistas will have you screaming in your helmet like…. Well!!!! A happy-giggly little girl.
You will end up in Coos Bay ocean community at the Coos bay Manor where you will be relaxing and still be treated like royalty. It is not because this amazing tour is getting close to an end that the fun and style have to.
Submerged in the Pacific Ocean sea air and beaches, you will choose whatever you want to fill your tummy and accompany it by local wines and delicacies.
Nothing says, “Damn! What a great day this was!” than sitting down with friends and enjoying life’s pleasures.

Day 7 coming back 320 kms

After riding through some incredible places and on amazing roads again, you will end in the great coastal community of Seaside Oregon again at the Tides by the sea resort.
There you will, all together, again, enjoy what travelling, sharing and enjoying life with like-minded ladies is all about once more as the tour nears the end. This place will also cuddle you in warmth, comfort and luxury. Dammit! You only live once.

After all this will be your last night on the road together. Which I know will have not only reset you and healed you from the grind of the rat race; but also have you to experience a motorcycle tour designed for lady riders like nothing else.

When you get up this last morning, you will head to Port Angeles where you will take the Black Ball ferry and head to your respective homes.
I have done over 2 million miles of motorcycle touring. Been places and rode in ways ad conditions that most people cannot even dream about. I am blessed to know a lot of riders and to say that most of my friends are riders. A lot of them are lady riders. I rode with many, and know that you ladies like to travel in ways that completely differs from men. I DO UNDERSTAND THAT.

NOTE: Paul can always on any day, meet you at the end of day at final destination or can be in your shadow all day. Remember. This is a Ladies tour. Paul will just make sure that the only things you deal with are fun, stress free activities and stops. No annoying tight scheduling like most men do. Stops and activities ladies enjoy. And he will also transport what you will buy and accumulate along the way. Look at him as the ultimate Private mechanic, support crew, and guide; when needing a guide. Also note that your days will range from 350 to 500 kms at most. Nothing harsh, or stupid. Plenty of time to relax and enjoy. No rush or racing the dirt like most men do.

This Tour above is an Example of what I can put together and only demonstrate what you can do and choose from. I am more than happy to put it all together for you after you all tell me about what you all want and need in a tour. Remember!! This is a tour for ladies. Built and put together with your input. I am only there to take the stress of the road off of your shoulder and make this lifetime experience even more memorable.
All starting point, destinations, hotels, time frames and activities are only suggestions; and hopefully give you an idea of the unlimited possibilities. This is a full 7-day tour. I can do 7,10, 21, month long tours if you want to.

Let me know..
Thank you

Coos Bay Manor Bed and Breakfast is the most majestic bed and breakfast in Coos Bay, Oregon!  The stately presence of high ceilings and large rooms make this home warm and inviting. All our rooms feature late 19th Century charm and elegance. Inside the house, guests will find themselves transformed...


Victoria, BC


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