Electronic Tour Guide

Electronic Tour Guide Electronic Tour Guide - a standalone pocket audioguide for independent tourist walks around the city. Its Genius Loci.

If you are tired of standard tourist routes, like quiet solitude and prefer independent travel, our Electronic Guide is the best companion for your walk around the city. We have created a device that is the ideal companion for exploring the cities in entirely free-spirited way. Ease of use, minimalistic interface, as well as a unique algorithm, provides a non-linear audio-narrative and absolute fr

eedom of movement without reference to the standard tourist routes. All this makes the most natural walk and allows you to immerse yourself in history and experience the true spirit of the city. Prices start from 12.95 EUR / day + 50% discount for each next day of your walk. Check our website for more information and booking: https://www.electronictourguide.com


Prepare to embark on epic journeys with our latest innovation: the all-new, meticulously crafted Paper Map! In this digital age, where smartphones reign supreme, we're rewinding to a simpler time. Unfold this magical map, trace your path, and relish the thrill of unplugged exploration! Discover hidd...


Janovského 919/36



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