Voice Of Ancient Egypt.
Military in Ancient Egypt.
An ancient civilization of eastern North Africa, concentrated along the northern reaches of the Nile River in Egypt.
The civilization coalesced around 3150 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh, and it developed over the next three millennia.
Its history occurred in a series of stable kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as intermediate periods.
Ancient Egypt reached its pinnacle during the New Kingdom, after which it entered a period of slow decline.
Egypt was conquered by a succession of foreign powers in the late period, and the rule of the pharaohs officially ended in 31 BC, when the early Roman Empire conquered Egypt and made it a province.
Although the Egyptian military forces in the Old and Middle kingdoms were well maintained, the new form that emerged in the New Kingdom showed the state becoming more organized to serve its needs.
For most parts of its long history, ancient Egypt was unified under one government.
The main military concern for the nation was to keep enemies out.
The arid plains and deserts surrounding Egypt were inhabited by nomadic tribes who occasionally tried to raid or settle in the fertile Nile River valley.
Nevertheless, the great expanses of the desert formed a barrier that protected the river valley and was almost impossible for massive armies to cross.
The Egyptians built fortresses and outposts along the borders east and west of the Nile Delta, in the Eastern Desert, and in Nubia to the south.
Small garrisons could prevent minor incursions, but if a large force was detected a message was sent for the main army corps.
Most Egyptian cities lacked city walls and other defenses.
The history of ancient Egypt is divided into three kingdoms and two intermediate periods.
During the three kingdoms, Egypt was unified under one government. During the intermediate periods (the periods of time between kingdoms) government control was in th
King Merpentah
Also known as: Dynasty XIX
Reign of Merenptah
AE Chronology 1213–1203
von Beckerath 1213–1203
Shaw 1213–1203
Dodson 1212–1201
Malek 1213–1203
Arnold 1224–1214
Grimal 1212–1202
Redford 1237–1226
Manetho (Africanus) 20 years
Manetho (Eusebius) 40 years
Manetho (Jerome) 40 years
Highest attestation 10 Years
Merenptah was the thirteenth son of Ramesses II and ascended the throne when he was at least sixty years old.
While Manetho records that he ruled for 20 years, it was probably only about half of that.
The Royal Titulary:
HORUS NAME : Ka nakht ha em Maat
Meaning : The strong bull who rejoiced in Truth
NEBTY NAME: Iri bau er ta en Temehu
Meaning : Who exercised power against the land of the Temehu.
GOLDEN HORUS NAME : Neb senedj aa shefyt
Meaning : Lord of fear and great of majesty.
THRONE NAME : Ba en Ra, mery netjeru
Meaning : The soul of Ra, beloved of the Gods.
BIRTH NAME : Mer en Ptah, hotep her Maat
Meaning : Beloved of Ptah, Maat is satisfied
Who was the pharaoh of the Exodus?
There is nothing in the Egyptian records linking Ramesses to the Exodus, and indeed nothing at all in the records about the Israelites and their slavery.
The recent film Exodus, Gods and Kings had Ramesses the Great as the step-brother of Moses and the pharaoh of the Exodus. But there is nothing in the Egyptian records linking Ramesses to the Exodus, and indeed nothing at all in the records about the Israelites and their slavery, nothing about their escape into the Sinai after the plagues, nothing about the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea – nothing. So it is embarrassing for archaeologists to be asked who the pharaoh of the Exodus was. But it is a question that comes up every year before Passover, when we Jews celebrate our escape from Egyptian slavery into freedom.
We can ask it again this year and try to find an answer more accurate than that of this year’s film or of the older films The Ten Commandments (1923 and 1956) and The Prince of Egypt (1998).
To find it, we must look at the Egyptian records in another way and take up a vital clue in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 1 verse 14, where it says that the Egyptians made the lives of the Children of Israel “bitter with hard service in mortar and in brick....”
Later we learn that the Israelites had to make mudbricks without even having the necessary straw given to them.
In other words, the Children of Israel were unskilled or semi-skilled makers of, and workers in, mudbrick. They could well have made millions of bricks out of the Nile mud, but then, what is it that they built with them? They did not build the pyramids, or any temples or palaces as these were all built with stone. And the peasants’ houses, which were made of mudbrick, were built by the fellahin themselves. So what project needed millions of bricks and thousands of mudbrick-layers? The Bible tells us that there were six hundred thousand Israelite adult males at the Exodus, but even if there were only
Meidum Pyramid
Started as a Step Pyramid but then converted into a true pyramid, the pyramid at Meidum marks the transition from the Early Dynastic Period to the Old Kingdom.
It has often been assumed that the original builder of this Step Pyramid was Huni, the last king of the 3rd Dynasty.
This is, however, merely based on the desire to credit at least one major building to this otherwise elusive king.
Huni's name has not been found in or near the Meidum Pyramid, making it quite unlikely that this monument was built for him.
The fact that the pyramid was named 'Snofru Endures' has led others to suggest that it was Snofru who built this monument.
The fact that none of the mastabas surrounding the pyramid are older than the early 4th Dynasty and that several sons of Snofru were buried there also confirms that the pyramid must be dated to the beginning of the 4th rather than the end of the 3rd Dynasty.
Recent archaeological research has led to the assumption that Snofru built this pyramid before his 15th year, and then abandoned the site to start a new royal cemetery at Dashur, some 40 kilometres to the North.
What is certain is that Snofru at one point during his reign -and some suggest a high date such as the 28th or 29th year of his reign- ordered the transformation of the original Step Pyramid into a true pyramid.
It is unlikely that Snofru usurped this pyramid, since he already had built two other pyramids at Dashur. The reason why this king would have wanted 3 pyramids, making him the most productive pyramid builder in the history of Egypt, are not known. It is also not known whether the conversion of the original Step Pyramid into a true Pyramid was completed.
Today there is little to suggest that this monument once indeed was a pyramid.
All that remains now is a three-stepped tower rising up from a hill of debris.
It has longtime been assumed that, while the pyramid was being converted from a Step Pyramid into a true Pyramid, the weight of the added
Discovery of Ancient Egypt.
1 St Octobrt 2020
A 10-year Research Project Documents the Discovery of a “New Rosetta Stone” and a Hidden Scientific Message in the Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt.
A significant discovery might forever change our picture of the distant past, and our estimation of how intelligent our ancient ancestors were. A 10-year ancient art research project has revealed the presence of a “new Rosetta stone”, a hidden visual cipher that has been ingeniously encrypted into ancient Egyptian art and architecture.
The biggest surprise?
The encrypted message paints a radically new picture of the degree of scientific sophistication in place in the ancient world.
The discovery reveals an artistic technique that turns art, statuary, and architecture into living models and schematics of human biology.
The artistic technique is seen throughout the culture in decorative motifs, symbolic statuary, bas reliefs, and in the architectural features of the temples.
The technique uses a combination of symbolic icons and visual flourishes that conceal medically accurate illustrations and models within their
But it is not a simple biology lesson.
The art seems to focus on the systems of human biology that are involved in the subjective experience of consciousness, still a notorious blind spot for modern science.
The schematics mirror the latest discoveries from Harvard cognitive researchers pinpointing the physical centers involved in human consciousness.
“This is certain to be a contentious point because it directly challenges a widely held belief in Egyptology that the ancient Egyptians did not understand the importance of the brain.
The accurate modeling of the brain stem, diencephalon, ventricles, cerebrospinal and other subsystems, often with explicit descriptions of the functions of each system, make it clear that the ancients had an accurate and sophisticated understanding of the mysteries of the brain and its role in consciousness.” say project res
Manetho :Skemiophris
Horus name : Merytre
Nebty name : Sat-sekhem-nebettawy
Golden Falcon name: Djed-et-kha
Prenomen : Sobekkare
Nomen : Sobeknefru
Sobekneferu (aka Neferusobek “the beauties of Sobek”) was the first attested female pharaoh of Egypt. She was the last ruler of the twelth dynasty, towards the end of the Middle Kingdom.
She was the younger daughter of Amenemhat III. Her elder sister, Neferuptah, seems to have been groomed for rule before her. Unfortunately, she died before her father and the throne passed to Amenemhat IV. Manetho stated that he was Sobekneferus half- sister and husband, but there is no independent evidence to back this up. She never used the title kings wife, and neither did the mother of Amemenhat IV (Hetepi). In any case, when he died the throne passed to Sobekneferu.
Her connection to Amenemhat III seems to be more certain as she consistently associated herself with him on her monuments.
Of particular interest is the depiction on granite columns of the serekh of Amenemhat III holding out the ankh (representing life) to the serekh of Sobekneferu.
The implication is clear she derived her legitimacy from Amenemhat. Some scholars have suggested that this may also represent a co-regency between the two rulers, presumably following the well attested coregency between Amemenhat III and Amenemhat IV.
There have also been some rather more speculative theories regarding a feud between Amemenhat IV and Sobekneferu, from which she emerged victorious. Again, there is no corroborating evidence of this. It has also been suggested that she was the pharaohs daughter who raised Moses.
This imaginative theory is all too often supported by conjecture masquerading as fact and has not gained much support amongst Egyptologists.
The turin canon gives her a reign of three years and ten months.
During this time she extended the funerary complex of Amenemhat III at H
Your safety is our commitment.
Your safety is our commitment.
#EGYPTAIR ensure health and safety of passengers and staff, along with getting ready to come back.
We want you to feel safe when you travel.
Great pyramid of Giza challenge Corona virus.
Good afternoon all members...
We should all be reminded of how frail and vulnerable we truly are.
This is a time of bringing out the best in us.
Not the worst! While this virus is certainly tragic, we should consider ourselves lucky that it's not worse! A lot worse!
Let this serve as a wake-up call.
This is a time of reflection, of solidarity, unity.
We have to think, not ony about ourselves, but about the others, the elderly, the sick, the lonely, frail people, our parents and grandparents.
I hope that this virus will have taught us and reminded us that we all strive for happiness & health and that after all, we are human!
If this virus brings back our humanity and compassion, we can consider ourselves cured!
God bless you!
Sterilization and cleansing of the pyramid trail area, to protect and prevent the fallout of the new corona virus (Covid-19).
The Great Pyramid of Giza & John Romer.
The Great Pyramid's eerily precise architecture has for centuries both astounded and puzzled archaeologists and has given rise to numerous modern fantasies concerning the so-called 'Mystery of the Pyramids'. Sweeping away centuries of myth and confusion, John Romer describes for the first time exactly how the Great Pyramid was designed and built. He argues that the pyramid makers worked from a single plan whose existence has long been doubted and even denied by scholars. Moreover, the Great Pyramid's unique architecture is integral to the way it was built, and for its builders the tasks of construction and design were not separate as they are now.
The Great Pyramid Construction theories:
Many alternative, often contradictory, theories have been proposed regarding the pyramid's construction techniques.
Many disagree on whether the blocks were dragged, lifted, or even rolled into place.
The Greeks believed that slave labour was used, but modern discoveries made at nearby workers' camps associated with construction at Giza suggest that it was built instead by tens of thousands of skilled workers.
Verner posited that the labour was organized into a hierarchy, consisting of two gangs of 100,000 men, divided into five zaa or phyle of 20,000 men each, which may have been further divided according to the skills of the workers.
One mystery of the pyramid's construction is its planning.
John Romer suggests that they used the same method that had been used for earlier and later constructions, laying out parts of the plan on the ground at a 1-to-1 scale.
He writes that "such a working diagram would also serve to generate the architecture of the pyramid with precision unmatched by any other means".
He also argues for a 14-year time-span for its construction.
A modern construction management study, in association with Mark Lehner and other Egyptologists, estimated that the total project required an average workforce of about 14,500 people and a peak workforce of roughly 40,000.
Without the use of pulleys, wheels, or iron tools, they used critical path analysis methods, which suggest that the Great Pyramid was completed from start to finish in approximately 10 years.
The mystery build of the great pyramid it still baffles to many minds and thinker's.
The Secrets Of the Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid is a huge structure, taking up 13 acres, 50 stories high and for the first 3800 years of recorded history the tallest building on the planet; it is located some ten miles outside of Cairo, Egypt.
While there are other pyramids scattered about the planet, many in Egypt (around 80), none are taller than this one; the pyramid of the Sun in Mexico is a midget compared to it.
None of the other pyramids are built as well as this one.
With the exception of the white limestone facing that was removed in the 1300’s it has kept its look, its proportions, and its hundreds of unique features that no other building on the planet possesses (except the two smaller pyramids on its south west probably built Astrology in Egypt with it).
For example, the ancient true entrance, the louvered one that featured a perfectly working twenty ton swivel door when discovered, the one that leads into the descending passage is sited exactly to true north of the earth, not magnetic north but true north. So each edge of the pyramid faces North, South, West, and East, exactly.
Thus in the movement of the stars the pyramid can measure events like the placement of the North Star, which because of precession does move through the constellations (presently, it is Polaris). Thus it can be used to understand and calculate Precession, to calculate when for example the Earth moves from Pisces into Aquarius or from the Age of Virgo into Leo.
Hipparchus, the Greek astrologer, discovered precession. But the concept was already built into the mathematical constants of the Great Pyramid.
Another measurement: in 1865 Piazzi Smythe measured the circumference of the Great Pyramid in inches. That measurement turned out to be 36524.2 inches.
The average length of a year is 365.24 days; that is the time it takes the earth to orbit the sun.
Whoever built the pyramid knew how to measure the orbit of the earth around the sun, knew that the earth was not flat, that the Sun did not orb
The Valley of the Kings
The Valley of the Kings
Biban El-Muluk
From the Mortuary Temple of Sethos I a good road runs 3mi/5km southwest to the Valley of the Kings, above which rears a rocky peak in the shape of a pyramid.
The valley takes its name from the sumptuously furnished tombs constructed here for kings of the 18th, 19th and 20th Dynasties.
In contrast to the pyramid tombs which had previously been favored, these tombs consist of a series of passages and chambers hewn from the rock.
Like the chambers within the pyramids, these were intended only for the reception of the sarcophagus: the temples dedicated to the cult of the dead kings were built in the plain.
The tombs usually have a succession of three corridors leading into their innermost recesses.
The first corridor sometimes has small side chambers opening off it; in the second and third are niches for grave goods.
The third corridor leads into an antechamber, beyond which is the main chamber, its roof often supported by pillars, with a cavity in the floor in which the heavy granite sarcophagus was deposited.
Adjoining the main chamber are various subsidiary chambers.
Since it was believed that the dead man, accompanied by the sun god (or perhaps having become one with the sun god), sailed through the Underworld at night in a boat, the walls of the tombs were frequently adorned with texts and scenes depicting this voyage and giving the dead man instruction on its course.
The scenes and texts were chiefly taken from two books closely related to one another.
The first is the "Book of what is in the Underworld", which has 12 chapters, since the Underworld (Duat) was thought of as being divided into 12 parts or caverns, corresponding to the 12 hours of the night.
In the center of each of these scenes is a river on which the ram headed sun god and his train are sailing in the solar barque, briefly dispensing light and life.
The banks of the river, above and below, are populated by spirits, demons and monsters wh
Light Rays Give LIFE to Abandoned Places.
Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities has revealed that a whopping 6,500 people gathered at the Ramses II statues at Aswan’s Abu Simbel Temple to watch the phenomenon, which happens only twice a year.
The sun lights-up the 22-metre-long statues, with the alignment happening on February 22 and October 22, which are believed to Ramses II’s birthday and date of coronation, respectively.
The gathering was also attended by the likes of Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities:
Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, and Minister of International Cooperation
Dr. Sahar Nasr, as well as tens of African diplomats and their families
The Murder Of OSIRIS
Osiris God Of Eternity Life in Ancient Egypt.
Osiris was one of the most important of all the Egyptian gods. According to the Heliopolitan version of the creation, he was the son of the deities Nut and Geb.
Along with them, he numbered among the nine gods who formed the sacred Ennead. At first, Osiris was a fertility god associated with vegetation and the rich soil of the Nile delta.
In time, however, he came to be seen as the ruler of the Underworld.1 He was also both the brother and husband of Isis, another member of the Ennead.
The royal families of the ancient Egyptians did not feel constrained by the taboos against incest—sexual relations between close relatives—that most modern peoples do.
The idea of Osiris and Isis marrying and giving birth to a son was seen by these rulers as both the justification and the model for such royal brother-sister marriages, which became common in many ancient civilizations.
In their paintings, the Egyptians most often pictured Osiris as a mummy wrapped in bandages, but with his hands free and holding the crook and flail, the chief insignia of Egyptian royalty.
The crook was a royal scepter shaped like a hook; the flail was a stick with long tassels hanging from one end. Sometimes in these paintings Osiris’s head is topped by rams’ horns, but more often he wears the atef, a white crown shaped somewhat like a bowling pin with a plume attached to either side.
His skin is either white, black, or green, the latter being the color associated with resurrection, or rebirth. Indeed, in the chief myth about Osiris he is murdered but later undergoes a Christ-like resurrection.
This story was central to the religious worship of the Egyptians, as well as to the succession and rule of the pharaohs in Egypt.
The combination of the god’s fertility and his image as the controller of the Underworld, or the world of the dead, was seen as an extremely potent force.
By at least 2400 B.C., a dead king was identified with
Scarab In Ancient Egypt.
Scarab beetle For the ancient Egyptians, the common scarab beetle, Scarabaeus sacer, was a daily reminder of Khepri, the manifestation of the sun god Re in the early morning.
Khepri’s job was to help the rising sun journey across the sky each day, and he is often portrayed as a beetle rolling the sun in front of him.
The Egyptians noticed that the scarab
beetles rolled balls of dung along the ground, and they saw this as an analogy for the sun moving across the sky.
When they observed young beetles emerging from the ball of dung, it gave rise to the idea that the scarab reproduced without benefit of a mate.
Actually, after fertilization, the female deposited her eggs in a bit of dung and rolled it into a ball so that when they hatched, the newborns had food.
Since the emergence from the dung ball was the only part of this cycle that the Egyptians saw, they assumed the beetle was somewhat like the god Atum, who begot children without a partner.
The Greeks were fascinated with the Egyptian culture and often wrote about their observations.
The fifth-century Greek philosopher Horapollo from Alexandria gave an account of how the scarab beetle reproduces:
To denote an only begotten, or generation, or a generation, or a father, or a world or a man, they delineate Scarabaeus.
And they symbolize by this an only begotten, because the Scarabaeus is a creature self-produced, being unconceived by a female; for the propagation of it is unique after this manner:—when the male is desirous of procreating he takes dung of an ox, and shapes it into a spherical form like the world; he then rolls it from the hinder parts from east to west, looking himself toward the east, that he may impart to it the figure of the world (for that is borne from east to west); then, having dug a hole, the Scarabaeus deposits this ball in the earth for the space of twenty-eight days (for in so many days the moon passes through twelve signs of the zodiac).
By thus remaining un